Sunday, November 29, 2009

Quilters Christmasparty - part four

And now for the last part of the quilters Christmasparty.
Guess you wonder if I bought anything visiting the quiltshop friday.
Of course :)

At Lappemakeriet I found these lovely fabrics. And in another shop I found this cute cat mug. The most expensive mug I ever have bought. But when I saw it in the shelf it just shouted buy me.

And when I noticed this adorable cute sleeping cat inside the mug, my heart melted and I had to buy it. Just have to tell the children this is MY cup only.

There was some more buyings too, but they will stay as a secret in this bag for a while LOL


Heggvoll said...

Ser ut som dere har hatt en kjempehelg alle sammen. Koselig!

Sølvis blog said...

Uhmmm? Forrige kommentar var fra meg. viste ikke at datra var innlogga på min pc. sorry.

Lappestua said...

Åååå, for en fin kopp! Det er jo min pus som ligger oppi koppen :)

Anonymous said...

WOW ! This sound like a wonderful weekend ! And your advent calendar surprises are just looking thrilling ;>)

Nanci said...

That little cat mug is so cute and reminds me of one I had growing up that had an actual molded frog in the bottom and it was always so fun to finish my milk and find the frog.

Lurline said...

You will always be so happy you took that little mug home!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Val said...

Sounds like you had a ball!

Chocolate Cat said...

Oh this looked like the best Christmas quilting party and that cup - I wouldn't of been able to resist it either!!

Unknown said...

The fabrics you found are so yummy!

Sølvis blog said...

Opam - november - har helt glemt å melde inn, men har sydd ferdig en haug med småsaker. Noen ligger som linker i sidebar'en min.

Miriam said...

Ohh I love the cat in the bottom of the mug!! Very cute!!

Secrets! hmmm!!....any hints?????

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