Four girls with sewingmachines, boxes loaded with fabrics and projects at a small cabin can be a challenge for everyone.

But we are having a great time, and we have learne to take use of the space we have.

Cutting table at the drawer in the bedroom

Ironing on top of one of the chairs

I manage to finish two projects. But I can't show you them yet. One is the christmaspresent for my SSCS partner. And one is the challenge I got from NQF (perhaps you remember the button and the lace I got some time ago). I am really pleased how they both turned out.

But I can show you this new project I am working on.
And it is Lynettes "Magical Christmas"
Oh....just noticed it is only
Saying for today:
A joy that is shared
is a joy made double.
John Roy
Masse fint å titte på her på bloggen din.!! Jeg er i full sving med en adventsduk.
Looks like fun to me!!!
you are able to make anything work out ok if you need to.........sounds like a wonderful weekend to me...........
good to hear there is some SSCS stitching happening........
Der det er hjerterom er det husrom:-). Ser da ut som om dere fikk sydd.
How do you manage to get so much stitching done. You must have super lightning fast fingers. I admire how much you achieve and it is all so beautiful. I love how you all improvised in the cabin, women are great for this.
Your new stitchery is very nice! I´m glad you had such a nice time with your friends!
Sy helg på hytte er alltid like koseligt - selv med liten plass. Ser ut for at dere fikk sydd litt og at dere hadde det koseligt - det er jo det viktigste :o)
Y'all look very comfy there in your cabin - and I know you are having a great time. The Magical Christmas is going to be so pretty - think you will finish it by Christmas?
Regner med dere hadde en kjempeflott og kreativ tur. Fine stitchery :-) Ha en fin kveld
I would never have thought of putting the ironing board over the chair! Looks like a great weekend.
Det så da riktig så koselig ut.
Fant et koselig stitcherymotiv som du har laget - og på bloggen min ligger resultatet dersom du vil se hvor fint det ble hi hi...
Og siden det er fredag så ønsker jeg deg en god helg også - og takk for mønsteret.
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