Saturday, July 23, 2011

Burning a light

Norway are in shock after the horrible happening yesterday.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families that suffer a terrible loss.

Saying for today:
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
love leaves a memory no one can steal.
~From a headstone in Ireland


Anne Ida said...

Looks like we need to keep the candle burning as the casualty numbers go up. This really is a tragedy. Glad to hear your son and his girl friend were safe at Bislet.

Take care! Big hugs

Barbara said...

Thinking of your sad country, so very very sorry about what has happened.

Barbara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
simplestitches said...

why oh why do people do such horrible things like this?

my thoughts are with all those affected..indeed all of Norway.

Anonymous said...

May Britt, I have just watched this evening's news here in Eastern Australia and have learnt of the full horror and evil that was committed in your Country. I was shocked and saddened by the senseless murder of your fellow country men, women and young people!!!


Sheila said...

So sorry to hear about the terrible tragedy in Norway yesterday. Hugs to all.

Anonymous said...

I've just discovered your beautiful blog and I've really enjoyed looking at your projects and reading about your life.
Words cannot express how sorry I am over what has happened in Norway. I love that you have posted a candle on your blog to mark this tragic event.
Take care and thank you once again for your wonderful, inspiring blog.
Annette from Australia

Anonymous said...

We share the shock, Norway is such a peaceful country. All my thoughts to the victims and their families.
Katell, France

Becky said...

Twas just reading about this on the News site; how horrible and my heart reaches out to all of Norway. Such a great loss.

Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey May Britt! So sad to see on the news the deaths in Norway. Blogging makes the world a smaller place and when we 'know' blogging friends in places affected by tragedy, it affects us too ... but it also means there are a lot of thoughts and prayers directed to your country right now from all around the world. Keep the candle burning. Bear Hugs! KRIS

Anonymous said...

Candles are burning in Belgium too, in heartful thoughts and prayers for the poor Norwegian people...
Take care !

Carol said...

So, so sad...sending good thoughts for Norway.

Lorraine said...

Oh May Britt I couldn't believe it when I heard it on the news this morning as I was waking up....dreadful happenings - thinking of you and your country *hugs*

Piera said...

My prayers are all for your beautiful country and lovely people. May the light of the hope come back on you. Piera from Italy

Petra said...

I do not know what to say. Hugs, Petra

Sue-Anne said...

Such a terrible tragedy and my love and thoughts are with your country today.

Liz said...

My husband and I watched the news this morning in disbelief at the scale of this tragedy. Our thoughts and best wishes to the people of Norway from England X

QuiltingFitzy said...

My thoughts are with you, your family, your country and our world. It deeply effects us all.

Terry said...

I'm so sorry for the terrible tragedy your country is dealing with right now. My thought are with you all.

~Laurie~ said...

It is truly a sad day all over the world - sending warm thoughts and prayers.

Libby said...

Such an awful thing for everyone. Sending good thoughts to all of Norway.

Gra said...

I have been watching the news, my heart is broken and my thoughts go to all the people in Norway.

Sarah said...

Thoughts and prayers to you and Norway at this sad time.
Sarah in Scotland

Mari, Tenerife (España) said...

I´m sorry very much, it has been terryble and has no reason. Norway is such a peaceful country,why this happens? I´m with all the Norwegian people, all my love to you. From Canary Islands... Mari

Darlene said...

My thoughts and prayers are with those who lost loved ones. Such shocking and devastating news!

“Old World Goodies” said...

Although no words can really help to ease the loss you all have to bear,
just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you and your country.....such horrible events.

Pauline G said...

We have visited your beautiful city and country and feel for you all at this time

sandra said...

All of us are in shock... I'm so sorry for the sad events on your country... It's hard to understand why things like that hapen...
Hugs from Portugal!

magarli said...

Un abrazo y mucho animo en estos momentos desde España

Teodo said...

My thoughts are here with you and with all Norway people.

Luz said...

I'm sorry......

Luciana (Italia)

Marisa said...


Quilting with Jannette said...

Praying for all of you...

Nanci said...

What a terrible act of cowardice on so many innocent people. Prayers for your country and all the families affected.

Anonymous said...

Just an awful thoughts are with the people of Norway. Stay strong and safe. xox

Anonymous said...

There is no excuse for this type of behavior. In spite of evil people-- there are so many good people in the world. Your country will never be the same, just as the United States of America has never been the same after the tragedy in Oklahoma (by one of our own), the tragedy in San Diego, California at a McDonald's restaurant, the Columbine High School massacre, Virginia University, and so many more unjustified mass murders committed by Americans----lest we forget the 911 foreign terrorists.
So many of us grieve for your country and the victims. May peace be with you and your country.
Brenda (Texas, U.S.A.)

Sharon (Stitches on Mars) said...

We too are shocked and our prayers and thoughts are with you. There is no rhyme or reason for such atrocity.
Hugs, Sharon

Katie said...

I couldn't believe it when I heard the news. Sending prayers to Norway.

Lurline said...

With tears in my eyes - I am so sorry!
Love and hugs - Lurline♥

northernknitter said...

So many lives changed forever in an instant - may the light overcome the darkness - blessings & peace to you all on this darkest of nights.

Sandra Coleman Clarke said...

Mae, I too send my love and prayers for healing in your wonderful country. Evil, it seems is everywhere. Hugs to you and keep making beautiful quilts. You amaze me at the amount of projects you get done. Much love, Sandra

trelly said...

Our hearts are with all of you, all our love from Spain.

trelly said...

From Spain, all our love with all of you!

Beverley said...

So sorry for the tragedy. My thoughts are with you.

Beverley said...

My thoughts are with you all.

Selvage Quilter said...

I'm so sorry to hear the awful news, and I'm praying for all who are suffering. I thought of you right away and I'm glad you and yours are safe. Hugs to you.
Karen in Connecticut, USA.

Käranån said...

Det är svårt att förstå vad som hänt i Norge och varför, mina tankar är hos er...

Carole said...

My thoughts and prayers have been with you and your nation. Tragic loss, so unnecessary! Hugs my friend!

suz said...

It's so sad to hear about this tragedy. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Norway, especially the family of the victims. I happy that you and your family are safe.

Anonymous said...

Samúðarkveðjur frá Íslandi

Lynda said...

And your world-wide friends join you in your shock and prayers for the families of the victims.

Cheryl (aka Kayly) said...

My family's thoughts and prayers are with all the people of Norway - homeland of one branch of my ancestors.( No reply necessary, May-Britt.)

Jo in TAS said...

What a dreadful event to have been inflicted upon your country. So many lives affected. My thoughts and prayers to you all.

The Cozy Quilter said...

My prayers are with the people of Norway.

Leanne said...

It is really had to comprehend. Sending hugs to you and all in Norway.

Kim said...

Shooting unarmed children and setting bombs....heart breaking. How can we stop these madmen?

So sorry and sad for Norway's tragedy, and that he was inspired by a crazy American. Thank goodness the judge is not going to let him have any public voice, hopefully he will not inspire another event like this!

My prayers for the families affected.

Anonymous said...

A vous tous mes amis Norvegiens toutes mes pensées vont vers vous qui souffrez je pense a toutes les familles qui ont perdu un enfant
Soyez assurés de toute la compation des Francais
Marie Claude

Unknown said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your beautiful country. It's so sad this tragedy.

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