For some days my friend Irene and I have been at her cabin. Sewingmachines, red wine and a lot of projects. Sewing from early morning until late night. And I have done a lot these days :)

Finished quilting my Autumn Houses.
All that is left is to sew down the binding.

Right before leaving the house on monday I found an old ufo in my sewinroom. Started on this table cloth several years ago at a class. It took me one hour to sew on the last blocks.

And then out into the "tent" on the porch to baste the quilt.

And with at glass of red wine (or two :) the quilting was done.
And the binding sewed on.
I actually finished sewing down the binding today :)

I love my Autumn Houses and my Summer table cloth.

During these days I finished this scissor holder too :)
It took me 30 minutes to finish this UFO.

I have alse sewed a lot of blocks for my 2 x Svennebrev. Now I have just the applique blocks left to sew. And I will prepare them in the days to come.
This has been som great days, and I know we'll repeat it very soon :)
Saying for today:
Sewing mends the soul.
~Author Unknown
Beautiful quilts! Great job!!
Great job on your UFO's :-)
Wonder what you will finish next time:-))
Gratulerer med to flotte ferdige quilter ! Ha fortsatt en riktig fin og kreativ uke. Klem
Jeg er imponert over alt du har gjort, nydelige tepper :)
Your quilts are beautiful. I love the Autumn Houses!
Oh May Britt - what a wonderful few days! I am green with envy! Isn't it funny that we leave UFOs with just a couple of hours work left .....I LOVE your Autumn Houses quilt...WOW! And I have been following Le Tour as well - although it makes for late nights/early mornings for me.....snuggled up on the couch with a quilt and hot choccy!
Isn't it a great feeling to finish some of those UFO's!
The quilts are both beautiful.
What a wonderful summer you are having with your friends. Your newly finished quilts are so beautiful.
Lucky girls!!!
And those quilts are beautiful, you were very active!
You did a great job, Your UFO'S are gorgeous.
Gratulerer med flotte og ferdige quilter - det ser ut til at de har hatt ei kjempetrivelig samkoma ;D
WOW - your finished quilts are absolutly beautiful - I love them alot.
Så utrolige fine prosjekter. Det er såååå flott å sy på hytta !
Jeg digger din autumn house, og duken er alt for fin til å ligge som ufo. Dette var inspirasjon :O)
Fantastic! Well done!
You have really been produktive :-) I think I have to find my scissors holder kit too - I Need one these days :-)
May Britt ....your UFO's are like a machine...totally enjoying what you are doing each day...
I love to follow your Tour de Fibre, I wrote about it this morning on my own blog. UFOs to finish are so exciting !
Have a nice day,
Katell, France
Beautiful!! You are such an inspiration to me. I love your little sayings every day. I look forward to your updates.
Høres kjempekoselig ut med sytur :)
Hi May... WOW!!!!! I just love the quilt you did and the table topper... They are so lovely.. You sure have been busy...You are a very busy women... I am so green with envy.. Hugs :)
Love it all! Your scissors holder is so cute. I recently made myself one... nothing fancy... pretty ribbon tied to hold my scissors. And I wonder how I was able to go so long without one!!!
Jøss så lekre disse var.Sikkert deilig med å få disse ferdige.Den duken var bare knall! Gratulerer.
Those quilts are beautiful. Now that they are complete, you can enjoy them.
your on who has the yellow jersey you or Hanne.........
Aby the quilts are sounds like you have been in your element...the best of both worlds too...outside in a tent..very cool...and your cat in the bag..priceless
Beautiful quilts. I love the autum houses.You did a great job.
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