This evening thousands of people came together in my city. Same thing was done all over Norway. With red roses and torches. In memory of all the victims of the bombing and Utøya massakre.
Saying for today:

think of how much love we can show.
Helle Gannestad
a friend of Stine Renate Håheim

We're so sorry in the UK to hear of such tragedy in Norway - my thoughts are with you and everyone in Norway.
Julia x
Jeg er fra Barcelona, og jeg vil at du skal vite at en del av mitt hjerte er i Norge. Jeg veldig mye beklager det som skjedde på fredag og håper at hendelser som de som skjedde ikke går igjen overalt i verden.
En klem
Encouragement to all Norwegian from Tenerife. You are a peaceful people. No sense in so much pain. I have no words.
I am so sorry to have read this news. What a terrible, terrible thing. It is not possible to understand this tragedy at all. My thoughts with all those who have lost loved ones at the hands of this heartless person.
My heart was in Oslo this evening. I lived there for 2 and a half years and I can't believe what has happened.
Such a beautiful country with wonderful people that I miss deeply.
my thoughts are with you and Norway.........
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you in Norway. I know how horrible it is...I remember watching the Oklahoma City bombing on tv and being so stricken...unbelieving...unable to look away. We in America are with you in Norway. We love you all.
our prayer is with you all.
Our thoughts are with the Norwegian people. We hope that peace returns to his blessed country.
Hugs from Brasil
The thoughts and prayers of many around the world are with you all..
I am sending much love to you and your country May. You are all constantly in my thoughts.
Hugs - Fee XX
Muy dolida por lo sucedido en tu país. Un abrazo solidario desde Costa Rica,
Zuly Castillo
What a great quote MayBritt. All my love, Sharon
My thoughts and prayers ore sent to you and your whole country for the terrible losses.
May Brit, out prayers and thoughts are with you and all of Norway. What a senseless tragedy!
My heart is breaking for your country...such a senseless many young lives lost...
You are in the thoughts of New Zealanders at this terrible time.
Ein kan berre lure på korleis landet skal kome seg vidare! Eg var på lokal markering måndag, vår kommune hadde 2 representantar på Utøya, begge overlevde på mirakuløst vis. Men jenta frå Stryn klarte seg nok ikkje.
Nei, dette er frykteleg.
I can't imagine how one man can have such bad idea's to do such a terrible things.But your saying of the day is very hopefull. My thoughts are with you all.
I am thinking about you and about Norway. Hugs, Petra
My thoughts are with all in Norway...
In gedanken sind wir bei Euch!!!
Such a senseless, evil act! Let the healing begin. I continue to pray for all of you, and especially the parents who lost children.
It is so true, we all can show the world that this is the wrong way to find peace with eachother.
vi lever med dere i denne store sorg
In Finland we are sharing your sorrow... It's always quite incomprehensible, how rude some people are...but together you are much stronger than he or them!
My deepest sympathies to the victims families and the sorrow the Norwegians are feeling. It's very kind gesture how everyone has come together. Our hearts are with all of you.
Such senseless acts of violence. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your country.
There are no words to describe how the whole world feels about your tragedy.
Toni in TN
I am saddened for your country to have such a violent act happen. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your country during this terrible time.
Hugs - Karen
Fakkeltoget sammen med deg og Lena var en fin opplevelse.
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