A little bit of a relaxing day today. Felt good to sit out in the sun (yes we really had some sun today, after soooooo many days with rain and bad weather) just relaxing, reading and having a little nap in the chair. Also spendt som time in the sewingroom working on a secret project. It is a pattern for The Norwegian Quiltassociations magazine, so I can't show you yet. Perhaps it will be a tutorial on my blog after when it is published in the magazine :)
Saying for today:
I like the idea of being whoever I want to be
Dita von Teese
Ser spennende ut :-)
pretty fabrics! congrats we will watch for when its published
What a beautiful fabrics....
Gledar meg til å sjå resultatet, og tutorials elskar eg... Måtte le høgt då eg las planane dine for ferien i forige innlegg! Ja, vi er nokre rare tauser.
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