1. Organizing my sewing room.......again
2. Quilt
3. Quilt some more
4. And hopefully have some finishes
5. So I can start some new projects
6. Relax
7. And quilt some more
8. A glass of red wine
9. And then there perhaps is time to organize my sewing room ..........again
10. Just have fun in my summer vacation
Saying for today:
Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.
Mother Teresa
Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.
Mother Teresa

Mao den perfekte ferie!
God sy-sommer!
You have great plans for your vacation, I hope that you can all comes true;o)))
Sounds like a good plan to me :-)
Lyder perfekt!
Ha-ha, det var ferieplanene sine, det! God ferie! Hilsen Siri:-)
Sounds like the perfect vacation agenda to me. Enjoy yourself.
Hey May Britt! Your holiday "To Do" list sounds pretty good to me ... though I'd probably add a visit or two to a quilting shop! :0) Whether you cross everything off the holiday list you've written or not, I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing summer holiday. Meanwhile ... I'll try not to be too jealous as we shiver through a cold snap ... SIGH!!!! Bear Hugs! KRIS
Enjoy your holidays May Britt...
I am very envious of your three weeks. I am on a two week leave with one left. I think your plans are fabulous!!
Oh hello May Britt! :-)
That looks like a fun list.
Enjoy your holiday xx
So, happy quilting and, as we say in France : Bonnes vacances !
Have a wonderful time!
I do love your Blog Banner and it has Madame Samm written all over it!! I can tell her style anywhere!! Isn't she a doll?? I just love her to death! Enjoy your time off. I retired in Dec. 08 and it is wonderful to have time to quilt. I'm still not organized though. LOL
Gmama Jane
BTW, May, I see that you are from Norway. I must tell you that when I was in 7th grade and studied Geography, your country fascinated me above all others. I don't know exactly why but the fijords, the topography, everything excited me. I want to visit Norway even more than any of the other countries in Europe. I doubt if I will ever travel that far but it is so nice to meet someone from a country that has long fascinated and enchanted me. I would love to hear about your life in Norway!!
I live in the southern part of the Untied States, Alabama, where it is very very hot, humid but the people are ever so friendly. I live on a small farm and am a retired teacher.
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