Are you still with me on my Tour de Fibre?? I hope you also visit
Hanne's Tour de Fibres blogposts, because she is doing the same race as me :) Still a week to blog before we reach the finish line and collect our prizes. I have already something in mind as a prize for Hanne :)

Another rainy summer day. I wonder when the sun is coming this summer. On my to do list this summer vacation was organizing my sewingroom, and why not start doing it on a rainy day like this. I guess you like me have a lot of boxes and tins filled with all kind of sewing stuff. Buttons, thread, laces and other "I-am-sure-I-will-need-it-some-day-stuff". But when looking for stuff while sewing, I am always in such a hurry, so those things seldom (read; never) goes back into the box. So my shelfs was such a mess right now. (No photo of that LOL).

So after some hours organizing my shelfs, it looks good again.
I'm in a clean up and throw mood right now. So when this shelf was done , I turned over to the shelf on the other side of the room. A lot of paper, old magazines, veeeeeery old projects and other stuff have gone out in the thrash bin :) And that too feels sooooo good. Don't worry, I do not throw away things that is worthy saving LOL.
Saying for today:
A place for everything
and everything in its place.
--Mrs. Beeton (The Book of Household Management, 1861)
LOL! Mrs Beeton must have known my Grandmother as she ALWAYS used to tell me that... "Have a place for everything and put it in it's place" Your shelves look FABULOUS!
Your room looks better and better :-) Here, it looks like I am organizing myself into dis-organization ;-)
I guess I should make some care quilt kits or something.
Can you just pop on over and organise my stuff too? Looks so inspiring when its neat and tidy doesnt it?
Must be the time for a good clean-up. I spent part of the weekend doing the same and erecting some new shelves.
Det føles alltid godt å få ryddet litt. Og hvilken god samvittighet man har etterpå......til å
Visst følger jeg både deg og Hanne på deres 'Tour de Fibre' hver eneste dag. Lurer på om dere legger inn hviledager på mandager? Mandagene blir litt lange når de som sykler 'Tour de France' har velfortjente hviledager.
I sew enjoyed the tour de fibre lol...your organized space is lovely
My craft room looks a bit like Mrs. Beeton failed - it looks more like "A place for everything and everything all over the place" - not something to brag about!
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