Visiting Hanne today, and we have enjoyed some lovely time stitching outdoors. And of course we both have been working on our Magical Christmas quilts. We have also agreed that when Tour de Fibre has ended we both deserves a prize each. I will buy one for Hanne and she will buy on for me, that way we have some surprises to look forward too :)
Saying for today:

It has been a lovely day, and I have enjoyed spending it with you :-)
Gratulerer med ferdig teppe - lekkert!
Great work. You deserve a great prize in the end. Hugs :-9
Hvor er I søde!
Your quilts are so pretty! How wonderful that you have dear friends that like to share the same hobbies with you! :o)
Hey May Britt! What better way to spend the day than stitching out in the fresh air with a good friend ... I'm envious! :0) It's cold and icky here and computer problems have left no stitching time, but maybe on the weekend ... fingers crossed! Looks like you and Hannae are having a lovely time with your tour de stitching! :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS
Heia alle 3!!!! Måtte alle vinne, flere dager igjen; så dere kommer i mål... lol
Flott Lynette-quilt for dere begge:-)
Jeg må bare komme med en rosende kommentar, Det er såå moro å være inne på bloggen din. Du/dere er jo så driftige. Veldig mye fint.
God sommer!
Klem fra Ruth fra GQL
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