Sunday, November 29, 2009

Quilters Christmasparty - part four

And now for the last part of the quilters Christmasparty.
Guess you wonder if I bought anything visiting the quiltshop friday.
Of course :)

At Lappemakeriet I found these lovely fabrics. And in another shop I found this cute cat mug. The most expensive mug I ever have bought. But when I saw it in the shelf it just shouted buy me.

And when I noticed this adorable cute sleeping cat inside the mug, my heart melted and I had to buy it. Just have to tell the children this is MY cup only.

There was some more buyings too, but they will stay as a secret in this bag for a while LOL

Quilters christmasparty - part three

Saturday evening Bentes husband made us a wonderful traditional christmasdinner with ribs of pork and ribs of sheep (both my favorites). It gave at least me a feeling of christmas and as usual I ate too much.

Enjoying a great meal like this with good friends is always wonderful. Laughing, chatting about everything and nothing, a glass of good red wine and getting in the mood for christmas.

We have a tradition with advent packages. Not one for each day counting down to christmas eve, but one for each sunday in advent. Bente is hanging her packages up on the wall ready to be opened.

And early this morning all three of us brought our advent gifts to the breakfast table.

And started to open them. Excited like small children :) I got to open the gift from Hanne and Bente.

And when I came home today, two more advent gifts from Stina and Nancy, was waiting for me.

And this is what was in my advent gifts this first sunday in advent. From Hanne a beautiful fabric and a angel to make ginger bread angels with. From Bente a cute angel stitchery with DMC thread. From Nancy a beutiful red fabric. And from Stina some lovely ribbons and red thread. Thank you so very much all of you. I love everything.

More to come.......

Quilters christmasparty - part two

The main reason Hanne and I was visiting Bente this weekend was to sew Warming Quilts. We have had several sewing weekends like this and it is always fun. Bente's quilt guild is so clever making quilts for donation Warming Quilts.

And the last couple of months they ladies in the quilt guild have made 40 Warming Quilts, what gives a total of 80 quilts this year......amazing :) And this is how a pile of 40 quilts look like. It is amazing and feels so good to know that some little child or teenager will be able to pick a quilt from this pile.

During two days of sewing Hanne, Bente and i finished 6 warming quilts. Hanne had brought two basted quilts ready to be quilted, but the rest was cut and sewed together these days.

More to come.....

Quilters christmasparty - part one

Thursday I took the bus to Oslo, met Hanne and then we drove the road out to Bente in Hønefoss. The three of us was going to have a quilters christmasparty with sewing, laughter, friendship and just fun.

The party started at Ringerike quilt guilds november meeting. And as always there was a lot of wonderful quilts at show and tell. Let's take a look:

This is LeKaQuilts beautiful quilt made in needleturn.

Cubes made of Inger.

A "little" adventcalender Tove has made for her DD.
Think this will be a adventquilt instead LOL
Tove, maybe you should cut 1/2 inch stripes for the log cabin instead.

Inger-Solveigs wonderful hexagon quilt made with 60 degrees ruler

and a quilt made of leftovers from the previous quilt.

And Inger-Solveigs wonderful samplerquilt.
This is a spectaculare quilt,
and her handquilting is extraordinary.
A masterpiece.

Friday morning we had planned to start sewing warming quilts. But electricity company had other plans for us. They took the power between 0900 and 1300.
So what do quilters do then. Handstitching, yes of course we could have done that, but the light was too bad. Just relaxing and talk, yes we could have done that too, but ................
Going to a quiltshop!!!!! Much better idea.
This was my first time to visit Lappemakeriet in their new shop locations. And this is one of my favorite quilt shops. They always have a lot of inspiration and the fabric range I like.

This is a great idea. Just collect your christmas and angel stitcheries and put them together with blocks.

Lappemakeriet has made up a christmas gift idea table, and there is a lot of wonderful things to find here.

Here is Hanne waiting to get her fabrics being cut, and she is having a look around to see if there is any more fabrics that that wants to come home with her.
Did I buy anything?????
Quilters christmasparty .......more to come.

Saying for today:
May Peace be your gift at Christmas
and your blessing all year through!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

SSCS and advent

This is how it looks like when you have packed
24+24 +4+4+4+4 packages,
4 christmasgifts
and 1 SSCS package.

Paper all over the floor.
But it is so fun to surprise
DD, DS and some good friends
with adventcalendars.
And the SSCS package is on its way to ?????????
some place that it is very very hot (I have read it)
And Santa says it is a secret,
but do you want a little sneak peak????

Not easy to guess :)
But I hope she will love what I have made for her.

Saying for today:

May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace,
The gladness of Christmas give you hope,
The warmth of Christmas grant you love.
Author unknown

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A trip to the capital

For my birthday I got from my children two tickets to a christmasshow in Oslo. And yesterday was the day I and Irene (no blogger) took the earlybus to Oslo. We wanted to spend the whole day in Oslo, eat dinner with my DS and do some shopping, before we went to see the show. And we had a wonderful day, even if my feet are sore with blisters from all the walking (so today I am wearing soft slippers)

One of the shops we visited was Kathrines Quiltestue. This is my first visit to her new shop.
And I must say it is one of my favorite quiltshops. So let's have a look around:

I really love the quilt hanging on the wall

So let's have a close up.
Really thinking hard on making this one.

And here is the shop owner herself.
Always smiling and very helpful.

I had one mission visiting this quiltshop.
Finding red christmas fabrics for a project.
And this is waht I bought.
Some lovely new japaneese fabrics and some laces

and just ONE RED fabric.
So now I will put my soft slippers on
and slippers into the sewingroom.
Have som projects on my sewingmachine.
Will show you later.
Saying for today:
Thoughts come cleary
while one walks
-Thomas Mann-

Friday, November 20, 2009

A giveaway

Have you seen Helen Stubbings new quilt "Life is beautiful"?? Go visit her blog and read about her giveway. This is one quilt I really would love to make. She wants us to give a quote relating to your beautiful life and here is mine (it's the one in my blog header) "A good friend is like a warm quilt wrapped around the heart".

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekend in Tønsberg

I'm away this weekend too. Now at a meeting with the Norwegian Quilt Association planning next years annual meeting at BCC. Ladies, it is going to be a great place to meet 3rd weekend in march, so start planning this weekend already.

But of course we could not sit in the conference room all day planning, we had to do some serious shopping too. And first place we visited was Quiltefryd.

And take a look at that cute red sign below her firm sign. Love it.
It is a wonderful shop filled with inspiration, so let's take a look.

They got a lovely room for workshops in the basement.

And a wonderful inspiration "room" where we can sit down, have a cup of coffee and just get inspired of all the patterns hanging around the wall.

The next place we went to was Lines Hobby. This is also a lovely shop with a lot of inspiration.

I know I will come back and visit both these shops. They were great.

After the shop hop it was time for workshop. I was the teacher this time and I was going to show them how to make scrappy hearts. You can get a glimps of the scrappy heart quilt hanging on the wall in the background.

Never has these ladies been sooooo quiet for so long time. They were so concentrated, and during the evening/night the hearts started to pop up.

And now the main question.....did I buy something in those two shops. Oh yes......

I can show you these 5 fabrics and the package with red buttons. The rest has to be a secret, knowing Hanne, Nancy and Bente is reading my blog. Soon christmas you know :)
Now heading for breakfast, then some more scrappy heart sewing and then home sweet home.
Saying for today:
Girls just wanna have fun

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