But first a photo of me in the car back home from the vendors fair on thursday. There was almost no room for me in the backseat, but it felt good sitting there wrapped in fabrics. So now there are a lot of new bolts of fabric in our local quiltshop.

Next thursday
Nadine is coming over from Belgium to Norway to visit me. Please go over to
her blog and read the story she have posted. I'm so looking forward to meet her. She is a blogfriend I "met" some time ago. We have never met in person, just via mail and now we are chatting on msn. I know we'll have a great time together. And one time during her visit we have invited
Anne Ida and some other friends for a little sewingtogether.
But what about my sewingroom.......it's a complete mess......again. By christmas it was so tidy and clean...........now a total mess. And now Nadine is comming for an inspection. I have to do someting about it.

There are several bloggers that have showed their sewingtables and what's on it.

And what's on mine:
My belowed sewingmachine
a lot of threads and bobbins
Tilda box filled with thread
several scissors
rotary cutter
my rotarycutter mat
bindings from last project
fabrics, fabrics, fabrics and more fabrics
A BLACK CAT (you know Frida loves to sit on my sewingtable)
a lot of different rulers
my otlight lamp (can't live without it)
more boxes (can't get enought of boxes)
patterns from projects I plan to do now
And not to mention all the cathair hehehe
So....what's on your sewing table. Is it more messy than mine hehehe.
So tomorrow I start cleaning my sewingroom so Nadine will not be too chocked when she enter into it.

And now it's only 5 more days to finish some WISPs.
The last reports are from:
Monika have finished her third WISP, this time a angel stitchery.
Juliann have finished a little sampler wallquilt.
Karrin have finished two beautiful crazy quilts.
Sigrun have finished her 5th WISP.
Christine have finished two pincushions.
Nancy have finished four place mats.
Christine is really doing great work on her WISPs, here is
two more done.
Kerry have finished a tablerunner.
Elin have finished a pillow (her 12th WISP)
Saying for today: