Thursday, January 31, 2008

Nadine has arrived

The day has finally come. Nadine has arrived Norway. She is such a sweet lady and we talk and talk and talk and talk and........
I know we are going to have a great time together.

She arrived Gardermoen airport at 12:30 and I spotted her imidiately when she came. A big warm hug and it was like we had known eachother for ever.

A stop at the quiltshop when we arrived Elverum. I think Nadine is going to have a great time there tomorrow. I have promised her that we go there :)

Then home for dinner. And then we went to a quiltmeeting. I think Nadine had a lovely time there looking at all the quilts and projects the other ladies where doing.

Now we are back home from the quiltmeeting and Nadine is in my sewingroom looking at all my quiltbooks to bring up to her room for some nightreading.


Needle, Thimble and Thread said...

Glad to hear that Nadine arrived safely! Thanks for sharing the photos of the quilts, especially the LeMoyne star!

Have a wonderful visit together!


Darlene said...

WooHoo - she's there! Look how cute you two look sitting together! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy my dear friends.


Pat said...

I hope that you both have a wonderful visit. Enjoy the quilt shop tomorrow. Take lots of pictures

Sigrun said...

Så hyggelig å lese at Nadine har kommet vel fram:-). Ser ut til at dere virkelig har funnet tonen. Kos dere masse og hils.

Libby said...

Oh have tons of fun . . . stay up late chatting and sewing *s* It'll be fun to see all the things you do.

Susan said...

It does look like she had a great time at the meeting - thanks for photos of those quilts, too. You both look very comfortable on the sofa. =)

Becky said...

OH!!!!! Where did they get that cat quilt pattern? I am absolutely CRAZY about cats!
Becky in SC -USA

Anonymous said...

Yaaaay she arrived safely, look at that smile...*s* Hope you have a wonderful time together.

blueberrylane said...

Have a great visit !
I got my Butterfly Kisses BOM a couple of days ago so tours should be close :)

Sherry said...

Hope you both have a wonderful time! Thanks for the quilt pics, I love that Cat quilt, too cute!

Thimbleanna said...

Awww, don't you two look cute! It looks like you're having a grand time!

Patti said...

How wonderful for both of you that she was able to come for a visit. What a grand time you are going to have together. Can hardly wait to hear all the details.

Bricoles Textiles said...

I hope you will have a wonderful time together.
I appreciate your blog ... Surprise of the day ... C'est le jour rewards

Anne Ida said...

Great to hear she arrived safely - I was wondering if she would make it ahead of the weather, and she did! Looks like you are off with a great start, and hope you have a lovely day at the quilt shop and lots of fun at class! Hugs...

Hanne said...

Hello you two :-) Enjoy your day - I am so much looking forward to see you on Tuesday!

I have a fellow blogger staying since yesterday too, Wenche O.
Today the weather is terrible, so we will stay in, sewing and enjoying. Wenche will leave tomorrow evening, so we will have many hours yet to chat, laugh and sew.

Have fun at your class!

Mary Johnson said...

Looks like you girls are having fun. My sister Deb and I finished each night of our recent visit with a glass of wine as we flipped through quilting books.

Laura said...

bellissima a quella con i gatti


Carole said...

WOOOOHOOOOOOO! Waving madly to Nadine! You guys look like you're having a grand time! There's nothing like a glass of wine to add to the evening! Have fun!

Hedgehog said...

Have a great time together, you two!!

The Calico Cat said...

Wow, that one with the black background is stunning! (& you know that I have a soft spot for cats...)

Elaine Adair said...

Any gathering that starts out with glasses of wine is bound to include fun! Enjoy.

The cat quilt is soooo cute!

Jeanne said...

Please say hello to Nadine for me! I'm sure you two are having a wonderful time together. I can almost hear the laughter.

Nancy in Norway said...

Hello you too!!
Enjoy your days together. Have a great quiltclass this weekend. Remember to take relaxing time with wine in the sofa every evning!

Unknown said...

It shows on your faces what a great time you are having.

Liz said...

Hi May & Nadine,
Glad to hear Nadine arrived safely.
Looks like you are having lots of fun together. It's so great to share quilting with a friend. The quilts are so beautiful. I especially love that cat quilt. Is that a pattern or some clever crafty friends design? Take care and hope your sewing lines are straight after the few wines you are having!!!! :)
from Liz

Leanne said...

Have a great time I'm sure Nadine will have a wonderful time exploring Norway.

HanneJ said...

Two drunk quilters! Excited to see what you'll sew while sipping wine ;)

Charlene ♥ NC said...

I hope you girls have loads of fun -- looks like you've got a great start at it!

Judy S. said...

Have a fabulous time together. What a wonderful way to spend a weekend!

Thanks for the challenge to actually finish something....and better yet, use the stash!

Bea said...

You lucky girls! Have a wonderful time!

Sweet P said...

You and Nadine look like you are having a wonderful time. I hope you share lots of quilting time, giggles and hugs.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh I"m so glad you are having fun! I LOVE taht one quilt Nadine is looking at with one of your quilt group ladies. Oh what fun!

Chookyblue...... said...

so exciting to get time with a special blog friend

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