Sometimes work just interferes with privat life.......and sewing. I have been so tired after too many hours working late. And the work continues.......... I know march is going to be a turbulent month. But I have at least one very fun ocasion to look forward to. The Norwegian Quilt Associations annual meeting. A whole weekend with quilting and meeting good friends. I'm in the committee and have a lot of organizing to do, but it will be fun. You will hear about it later...........
I have finished another Applique Design block. This will be my 18th. And they are still fun to make.

So I have prepared another five blocks to do. Preparing all the pieces take time, but now they laying ready in their envelopes ready to be sewed.

I also prepared another four blocks for my daisy quilt. They are now put in a box ready to go. When I am visiting quilt meetings, friends or what ever..... it is always easy to have a applique project to bring with me.

I have not been so clever leaving comments lately. But know I have been reading everyone. I feel bad neglecting you. So please forgive me. As soon as my work allows me some free time I'll be back.
Quiltsaying for today:
Bless this mess!
(and that means my sewingroom LOL)
I'm so happy you could have some quilting, and it's beautiful !
You're not neglecting us, dear, you're just facing life and its constraints, as we all have to ... sometimes ! So, BLESS YOU !
Hugs & smiles !
You are very smart to have your pieces ready to pick up and stitch. It's nice for when the mood strikes or time is available - to skip over the prep is a blessing *s*
Your colors are just fabulous, May Britt, and your work is wonderful! Love those daisies too! :D
Now you'll be ready to sit and do a stitch or two when time permits. Don't be so hard on yourself - you've been busy - we know you're there. Just remember to take care of yourself.
We all get busy at times. Love your applique blocks.
All of your applique blocks are adorable. Sometimes we have to be busy with events other than quilting. We'll all be here when life slows down.
My dear, once again, you have shown us your beautiful blocks, and amazing design skills! I can't even figure out what you do, but ALL the blocks are totally awesome.
Your applique blocks look great. I should be that organized, I always scramble at the last minute to find some hand stitching that is ready to go.
Enjoying your photos of applique work. Looking very nice! I love to applique so seeing them is inspiring me to begin a project. Take care. :-)
wow, you have a lot of appliqueing to do! I do less and less applique each year. I don't really enjoy it and when I do a little it's usually fusible and stitched down by hand using the blanket stitch. I clicked on your picture for a close up and your work looks very nice.
Hello you busy one :-)
All of us know how it is when life is busy and interferes with friends and quilting. We do not feel neglected!
Your applique is inspiring and I should learn to do like you - prep blocks in advance. You make me feel like prepping one today anyway :-) I am behind on the challenge, but if I prep a couple of blocks I will be on schedule before you know it.
Tonight is quilt guild meeting and Sting is coming to tell and inspire us. I am really looking forward to hear Merete and Ragnhild, as I did not have the chance to hear them at the annual meeting last year.
Have a great quilting weekend.
It's nice to see you working with your blocks again :o) your appliqué is sooo beautiful! And I love those daisy blocks - as Meg Ryan sais in "You've got m@il": Don't you think daisies are the friendliest flower?
Your blocks are so beautiful, the colors inspiring. Could you share the source of the daisy pattern?
Hei - sitter her og har beundret cube-quilten din. Håper å se den ferdig - så lekker! Og for et arbeid!
I agree - sometimes that darn work just interfers with life!
Such pretty blocks. The Daisy blocks are so lovely. I don't remember you showing the daisy blocks before. (or maybe it is my old memory again!)
May, your applique blocks are always beautiful. I especially like the daisy blocks. It's always on my list to be as organized as you are. I keep trying. Have a fun quilting week-end.
Frustrating when you want to sew and then work and life get in the way. Looks like you are on the right track though if you have the blocks already prepped and ready to pick up at the odd minutes that may pop up. The blocks you have shown us are lovely!
Nice to see you have had some time to sew...we know what it feels like to need to sew!
Your quilts are beautiful, I love the daisy applique.
Hope you are feeling better now..
The daisies look wonderful! Hope you find a few minutes here and there to quilt during March.
I adore your daisey quilt. Where did you get the pattern?
Caron Mosey
May Britt, your daisy blocks are coming along nicely. Hope you get a chance to do some of your applique over the weekend.
These daisies are absolutely gorgeous.
Oh the flower blocks are so pretty and springy!
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