Monday, May 14, 2007

I love surprises!!!!!

I can't believe I have forgotten to show you what came in the mail for me one week ago. Sorry Fiona, I did not mean to forget to thank you. I left a comment on her blog Dragonfly crafts some weeks ago when she posted her100th Post Celebration Giveaway. And she picked me as one of the winners. I love these coasters. I had planned to make coasters, but now I don't need to do it. I have already used them a lot under my cup of tea. They are made in a very clever way. Not as ordinary fourpatch, because one side of each square has a opening (as a little pocket). I have to figure out how she made these. Fiona, please give us a tutorial on these lovely coasters????

Today I had my first appointment with the physiotherapist. And I feel it in my neck, back and arm right now. She pulled, stretched, twisted and massaged. At that moment it was ok when she did it, but now............. I feel she found all my sore spots. And she believes my pain now is a result from the car accident in march. Wednesday is my next appointment.

A big surprise in the mailbox today. And it was such a encouragement. Almost all my pain in the neck and back disappeared for a moment. It was a envelope from Linda at All stitched up. I had mentioned for her that I was looking for red and white fabric for my redwork project and she offered to send me fabric in exchange for some patterns I have. But I had no idea she would send me four big pieces of the most beautiful red/white fabrics. And she had also added this cute stitchery book for me. I am so thrilled. You are sooooooo spoiling me dear friend. And my envelope for you is soon ready to be posted. Be patient.

What have I been sewing lately. Not much. I have tried to take it easy on my shoulder. But I have done some handapplique on my summer table cloth. I want to finish it soon so I can have it on my table THIS summer. But thinking of that I want to handquilt it, it will probably not be finished before next summer :) I have soon finished all the flowers, but then all the leafs are left. And then I have to sew all the blocks together. But I continue working on it.

Saying for today:

Behind every sewer is a huge pile of fabric


Angela said...

Such a great post! Goodies in the mail make everything better. And you will be feeling better soon with your therapy. Stay encouraged!

Darlene said...

Great surprises! I love surprises, too.

Oh, your applique is beautiful - so sweet and summery!

Please, please rest your shoulder.

Juliann in WA said...

This summer table topper is beautiful!

Jenny said...

Such beautiful colours and fabrics on your summer tablecloth. Love the stitching!

Anonymous said...

So pleased the parcel finally arrived safely. Your summer table cloth is so pretty, and those coasters are easy as pie to make. I made 12 of them on Friday and was thinking about doing up a tutorial for them.

meggie said...

I just love the gentle colours in your summer table cloth. How pretty. I loved the 7 things you told us about you. I am frightened of roller coasters & fair rides too! But I love flying!
I am allergic to bee stings.

MARCIE said...

Your lovely tablecloth is calling to me. Have a happy day!

Wendy said...

So many fun surprises in the mail. You lucky girl! Take it easy.

Anonymous said...

Saa nydelig dette blir! Hilsen Gunn Torild

Monika said...

flott sommerduk - nydelige farger du har valgt :)
Gleder meg til å se resten.
Eg sliter med å sende mail - og skal sende pc inn til kontroll i morgen
Smil fra monika

Hedgehog said...

I am so addicted to these coasters!! I've made seven sets since December. Even when I wasn't sewing or blogging I found a little time for these!
Have fun and take care of neck/shoulder.

Hedgehog said...

Oops - that got cut off - here's the last bit

Rose Marie said...

Your table topper is lovely and your Your Saying for today fits me to a T!

Anonymous said...

I love your flower table cloth. I live in Australia and wonder if there is a pattern for it. I love hand applique. Take care of your shoulder. Keep up your great blog I read it regularly.

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