Saturday, August 11, 2007

Quilt medicine

The last two days have been filled with quilt medicine :) I have giving a helping hand (my left arm LOL) in the local quiltshop. And this have been like medicine to me. Touching fabrics, helping customers to match colours/fabrics, talking to other quilters, looking at the new patterns we got in the shop and all the new fabrics we received late laste night.

The quiltshop started the big sale friday morning and long before the shop opened there were several quilters there, ready to check the sale and perhaps find some goodies. And I knew there was a lot of treasures to find. The ladies that works in the shop was so kind to serve coffee while we were waiting.
This weekend is special because of the "Elverumsdagene" (Elverum days) and the shops are open until midnight on friday night. A lot of different stands in the streets (which are closed for trafic these days), music, dance and a lot of peoples. I did not take any photos of this.

I have borrowed a photo Laila took of me sitting in the stairs at the quiltshop playing with chocolate. Not that chocolate you eat, but Moda chocolate fabrics. I love these fabrics and now they was out on sale for a very good price.

And home with me came 20 pieces (30 cm's) of Moda Chocolate and 2 m of one red for backing or borders. I do not know what to make of them yet. But it was medicine just to touch them and look at them.
My arm is feeling better every day now. Comibination of quilt medicine, painkillers and total resting my sort of resting my arm. I have done no stitching in almost two weeks now. It's been sooooooooo hard and I miss it so. But I hope I'll be back 100 % or more when I've had the shoulder surgery. I have so many ideas in my head now. But I will not provoke my arm now.
At midnight friday there is always a huge firework. Elverum has three bridges and they make a big firework from the oldest bridge. And hundreds of people stands on the other two bridges to look at it. It is always so spectacular to see.

I have joined Donna "Secret Santa Christmas Swap" over at Chookyblue. I am such a christmas person and love all about christmas. Perhaps you too want to join. You will be asigned just one partner and you choose what you send. Hopefully something that they will like and you loved to make. It can be either a bag, stitchery, small wall hanging, softie, anything. You need to sign up before the end of August and then you've got 'til 1st December to get your present made and sent.
Saying for today:
When you stop believing in Santa Claus
you get underwear for Christmas


Anonymous said...

What beautiful fabrics May, very good theropy, fondling fabrics. So glad your arm isn't bothering you so much.

jovaliquilts said...

Quilting is gret medicine -- I wonder why doctors don't prescribe it? I wish my doctor would say, "Quilt two blocks and go to bed!"

Enjoy the fireworks -- sounds like fun!

Patti said...

Oh yes - quilty medicine IS the best kind of medicine! And bringing home new fabric is some of the most effective quilty medicine there is.

I'm with you - I love the chocolat group of fabrics. I brought a bunch home with me when they first came out. Moda makes such totally lucious fabrics - good enough to eat! :-)

Anne Ida said...

I'm so happy to hear your arm is better. Now keep it rested until after the surgery, and hopefully it will be as good as new :o)

Playing with fabric is both therapy and medicine :o) Something about the soft feel, the beautuful colours, and the all the ideas that pops into ones head *lol* And the sales day at Lille Stasjon sounds like a perfect day to enjoy it! The Chcolate line is wonderful, and I look forward to see what you do with it - but not for some weeks yet!

Take care! Hang in there! ...not long until the 22nd! Hugs

Anonymous said...

My english is limited but I unterstand the essential of the text.
I aggree: shopping for the quilting is a very good medecine. To touch, to it's good. but no more for the CB: it's warm

May Kristin said...

Seems like you had a lot of fun! And yes, the Chocolate fabrics from Moda are just gorgeous! I couldn,t resist them either, so I had to buy some of them! My quilt is finished! I'll show you later! Good luck with yours, I'm sure it will look great! But be careful with your arm!

dutchcomfort said...

Touching fabrics can really be healing! Thanks for sharing the Christmas Swap. I’m considering to participate too.

Rose Johnston said...

So happy to hear ur arm is feeling better...not long now till the 22nd now!!! but what wonderful medicine, those fabrics r just gorgeous and those fireworks look like fun!!!

Juliann in WA said...

I have a bunch of those moda fabrics too and cannot decide on a pattern. Can't wait to see what you choose.

Pam said...

The Chocolat fabric is so hard to resist, even though I have bought lots of it I still will buy more if I see it on sale :))

Elverum sounds like it would be a fun thing to do. I guess it would be light at midnight now?

I joined the Christmas exchange - I think it will be so much fun to plan a christmas gift for a special blog friend :))

Good luck with the surgery!

Anonymous said...

Hello May! I definately love your blog. Whish I would have been shopping together with you, but´s a bit far away from germany :-) Greetings! Gisela

sewkalico said...

Well I'm pleased that you have a chance to do something with fabric. It's so hard when you can't sew and you want to.

Best of luck with the surgery and a speedy recovery too!

Clare said...

Gorgeous chocolate fabrics to play with. Just to whet your appetite for the big quilting sew-in when your arm is better.

Susan said...

No calories in that chocolate....

I know you will be glad to be stitching again.

Colleen said...

I am new to blogging. Somehow I found your blog and I really enjoyed reading through it. I connected with so much you were saying -- especially about quilt medicine. I actually used that idea to title my brand new blog I just started. (I hope you don't mind.) I would love to hear from you.

Carole said...

Sounds like good medicine to me! I've always enjoyed working in a quilt store. It really wasn't work you know! ;o) Glad to read that your arm is feeling better. Love those fabrics. I'm a Moda gal! Keep well!

Anonymous said...

It does sound like great medicine. We need you in our local quilt shop as the owner hates trying to help you match, find, look for fabrics. I love love love Moda. Chocolate looks great too, not enough for me to stop eating though. Hope you are gets better every day.
ps. Love your saying xx

Sjs said...
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