Sunday, October 21, 2007

First meeting with Leanne Beasley

I have to refer to what Hanne has written in her blog ; Leanne - you stitched a footprint in my heart, with your lovely appearance and abundant generousity! Leanne is such a sweet person and I am so happy to finally have met her today. I can tell you all she had a safe flight to Norway and she has already seen the Royal Castle, Vigelands park and Holmenkollen.

And today she was giving a "trunkshow" in Asker. About 85 ladies enjoyed listening to Leanne.
I could se on their faces they all enjoyed it. Tomorrow the same "trunkshow" in Trondheim before she arrives Trysil on tuesday where she is staying the rest of the week giving a lot of different classes. For you who have signed up for some of these classes; you really have something to look forward to !!

Leanne had to sign a lot of books. And always with a smile on her face.

And of course we got a photo of Hanne, Leanne and me together.

I have talked Hanne into joining the class on wednesday (that was not hard LOL) So now I have to find fabrics for the lovely friendship basket quilt we are going to make. On thursday comes my friend Nancy . And on friday we have all joined a class with stitchery. This is going to be a busy week :)

Saying for today:

Little things can often be
the biggest things in someone else's day!


Gail said...

so glad you had a good time, nice to see Leanne has made it there with no worries!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've had fun already and lots to look forward to for the rest of the week.

Chookyblue...... said...

sure it was very hard to convince Hanne to stay lol lol......look forward to your next post about your workshop oh and i checke out Nancy site and it looks good......

Angela said...

What a lucky girl you are!!!And to win such a wonderful prize. I am thinking you are having a very good week! Yay for you.

Leanne said...

Lucky lucky you, Leanne is such a wonderful person so giving of her talent enjoy your time with her.

Tazzie said...

What a wonderful day you had - I can't wait to hear more about the time you spend with Leanne.

Darlene said...

What a wonderful time you are having! We've been waiting anxiously for a full report from you. :-) More fun coming!

Quilter Kathy said...

Thanks for the update! Have a great time with Leanne!

Carole said...

What a wonderful time you are having! I can't wait to read how your classes go! Have fun and keep us posted!

Sweet P said...

I'm so glad you get to meet Leanne. I can't wait to hear about the classes later this week.

Pam said...

I am so excited for you - first that you get to meet Leanne Beasley - and take a class from her. Maybe talk to her about coming to Canada next :))

And second I'm excited you won the quilt!! Congratulations!

dutchcomfort said...

You are lucky ladies!! Meeting Leanne and taking classes. When I see photos with Leanne on them there is always such happiness! Have fun, enjoy and post please!

Mari said...

Wonderful to see the photos. Looks like you are all having a wonderful time!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW ! What a GREAT weekend and week to come ! What a lovely picture of you with Leanne and Hanne !
Please say Hello from me to Leanne.

Hugs & smiles to all of you !

Klarafina said...

Thanks for sharing your photos with us. I agree that Leanne is a wonderful person.

CONNIE W said...

Sounds heavenly. I know where THE PLACE to be is this week! Wishing I could be there too, of course!

MARCIE said...

How exciting for you and Hanne! I wish we all could have joined the fun! Thanks for sharing!

Libby said...

Sounds like you've had a marvelous time . . . thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

I love Leanne's work..I live in the ame country and haven't met her, and you meet her all the way over there!! tracey

Anne Heidi said...

Thank you for the sneek peak... I'm picking out fabrics for my bag class with Leanne on Thursday, can't wait :) Have fun tomorrow!

Yvonne said...

Nice to see you all smiling so brightly....can't wait to hear more!

Sølvis blog said...

God tur til Trysil. Kos dere og fyll på med masse vitamin Q.

Jeanne said...

Enjoy every minute! By the smiles on everyone's faces, a good time is being had by all.

Bianca said...


DIANA said...

HI FROM ITALY!!congrats for all the things happening to you in these days!!and thanks for posting about Leanne !!!please:give her my best regards,i am a fan of her and her wonderful quilts!!i hope you will spend a very" meraviglioso"time sewing with her!!!Diana from Italy.

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