Thursday, February 07, 2008

Quilters Friendship

Who are all those ladies sitting in the sofa talking and waving with their needles. They looks so dangerous so I better hide behind this flower.

I guess that was what my cat Frida was thinking the other day. Tuesday morning Hanne and Anne Ida came for a visit and to meet Nadine. Later that day Laila, Irene and Bjørg also came. I had made moose stew for dinner and this was the first time Nadine tasted moose.
And of course we had to take a photo of all bloggers in the house. Nadine in front, Anne Ida and Hanne next and me and Laila behind.
On the photo below Anne Ida is working on her beautiful Sylvias Bridal Sampler. I'm so envious on her because today she started her trip to Australia. I wanted to sneak in to her backpack and join her on this trip. Perhaps it will be my time some day to go there too.
And Hanne working on a new stitchery.
And of course Nadine enjoying this evening with good friends.
Today we went to Løten candle shop. It's a beautiful place where we can walk around looking at all those candles while listening to wonderful music.
And of course a cup of coffee. Isn't this cosy. Now Nadine got to taste norwegian waffels.

We have had such a great time together. Stitching, laughing, workshop, visit at the museum, walks aso. And tomorrow Nadine is going back home. I'm going to miss her.


Darlene said...

What a delightful group of women! Many, like me, were with you in spirit. Thank you for sharing, May Britt.

Yes, tomorrow Nadine will leave but she will leave you with many memories and joyful moments!

Inger said...

Det ser virkelig ut til at dere har det trivelig. Det er alltid hyggelig med trivelige mennesker rundt seg. Ha ei fin helg.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful photo's and I don't think you've taken a photo of Nadine where she hasn't been smiling. How wonderful for her to meet so many other bloggers. Thank you for sharing your time together with the rest of us.

Elin said...

Thank you for sharing these photos! I can see you had a wonderful time together.

Libby said...

How fun for you all to share a wonderful day together *s*

Teresa said...

Its so nice to have quilting buddies over for some time to chat and sew. I am so glad you have had a good visit and thank you for sharing it with us in pictures.

Hanne said...

Lovely photos bringing back lovely moments :-)

I miss you guys!

Wish Nadine a pleasant trip home.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Isn't it fun to meet bloggers and get together for sewing, eating and laughing?? Love the photos. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Sigrun said...

Ser ut til at Nadine har hatt en begivenhetsfull uke i Norge. Hyggelige quiltedamer er alltid trivelig og det ser virkelig ut som om dere koste dere masse i sammen.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are all having so much fun. It's great to meet fellow bloggers. We aren't all mad/crazy.

Karrin Hurd said...

Looks like a great time was had by all! Thank you for sharing your pictures May Britt!

Chookyblue...... said...

wow looks like you girls are having such fun.....and so sad to see Nadine heading home.....time has passed so quickly.....

corry said...

Sounds like Nadine has a wonderful time with you all! Great photos too!

The Calico Cat said...

1. It is great to see you all! (working on quilting no less.)
2. Lovely cat.
3. Where do you get moose? I am not sure abou the Northern States (where moose live) but here in the Mid-Atlantic, I would have to know someone to get any. Meaning that it isn't something that can be purchased at a store. Is it available in stores in Norway?

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing with us Nadine´s visit to you.

Nana B said...

What a wonderful way to spend a day! The photos from a few days ago of the river are incredible. It makes me want to just go for a long walk and enjoy the serenity. I have family in Norway, I have never been but many of my cousins have. Some day maybe I'll get there. Enjoy you friends. Mary

Susan said...

What fun you must all have had. I'm so jealous that you got to eat moose! I love moose - especially in chili or mooseburgers. Yum!

Marian said...

You all look as if you afre enjoying yourselves. How wonderful to get together with like-minded friends. Thank you for sharing. Marian

Perry said...

Thank you for sharing Nadine's visit with us. You all seemed to have a wonderful time. I know you hate to see her go, but perhaps she will be back next year.

Yvonne said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful visit with us....the smiles say it all. :)

Lise said...

Thanks for sharing - you must have had a lovely time!!

Mary Johnson said...

It looks like you all had lots of fun. How wonderful that so many of you were able to get together.

atet said...

Now that looks like a gathering that is just about perfect!

Leanne said...

What a wonderful time Nadine must be having.

Carole said...

It brings a smile on my face to see Nadine smile ear to ear! I really don't think she stopped smiling since she got there! lol Lovely group of ladies! So many beautiful memories! Thank you for sharing!

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