As I told in my previous post I was expecting a visit from
Hanne. We met at the quiltshop (of course) when I came home from work. After some shopping (not me!!!!) we went home to my place.

We had a lovely time out on the porch. It was hot summer temperature and we sipped to our redwine while chatting and stitching. Notice the little doll on the table. I guess
Hanne will tell more about her soon. The doll is soooooooooo beautiful and I must admit I got a little hooked on having one too. I guess some of you quilters will recognize this doll because when I watched all the photos from Hannes trip to usa I noticed several ladies at the quiltmeeting had some of these dolls. Please tell me more about them :)
Hanne and Frida is very good friends and was having a good time together.

While out on the porch we did some stitching and I worked on my Butterfly Garden block number 3. This is what I've managed to do this weekend. Not so much stitching because.......

I had my brothers grandchildren staying with me this weekend. We had a lot of fun. Playing, eating pizza and of course today we went bathing. The water was so nice so even I jumped into the water. I wish I had all the energy these two kids have. I'm exhausted having them around me LOL , but I look forward to next time because they are such two lovely kids.
Saying for today:
The best thing to spend on kids is time

May, you have entirely too much fun! Hope you had a wonderful visit.
Shopping, stitching, visiting and swimming, too . . .what a great weekend *s*
For ei flott helg dere har hatt. Her har det gått litt i eksamenslesing, men ikke så mye som det burde. Lite tid med symaskinen. Ha ei flott uke.
How nice to sit out on the porch and stitch with a good friend.
It sounds like a great week-end. You and Hanne have so much fun together.
Aren't quilty get-togethers just the most fun? You and Hanne always look like you are having just too much fun!
I love everything quilting but I love cats more. The picture of Frida and Hanna is really cute! If cats could smile, there would be one on Frida's face because she's really loving that head massage.
A perfect spent weekend...hope you all had a wonderful time... oh my...better finish my Quiters journey so I can start on my Butterfly garden...pheeew...;D
What a nice post. Thanks May.
Thanks for lovely days and a lot of Vitamin Q :-)
A lovely weekend, no a FANTASTIC weekend! What cold be better than having a friend over sharing the same intrests!
I love your needlework, doing a great job on butterfly garden.
Bec xxx
A wonderful week end, indeed! Time with a good friend and family!
A Hitty doll. I play Hitty also. LOL I have several, but one in particular goes about with me. Hitty Anne is one I made from cloth and painted. Such fun.
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