Wondered why I have been so quiet some days. I have been at a workshop with
Solvejg Refslund as teacher. She is a wonderful person and it was so fun to work on something totally new for me. Want to see.......??

We started with a black and white portrait of ourself......just the head. And that was what we should work with. Our workspace................on the table............on the floor...........out in the hall......everywhere....................I guess you all recognize this

and this way to work on LOL

My face is now taking shape.

And what a mess we made. Fabric all over the floor and on the tables.

Marit is asking if I think it looks like her.

And at the end of our two days workshop all portraits where hung up on the wall and all the ladies was eagerly taking photos.

And this is how we look like in fabric.

And this is our teacher
Solvejg Refslund.
And this is how I look like . It is not finished. Have to add some more details. But I am very happy with the result. It looks like I am thinking of something.
Saying for today:
If you have joy in your heart,
it will be known by the look on your face

Wow - that is such an incredible likeness. I have always wanted to do a portrait in fabric, but haven't gotten up the nerve yet.
Wow what an interesting workshop and amazing how much it actually looks like the person. Good for you.
That is fabulous...I'd someday like to learn that techniaue..IF I ever get to the Netherlands!
What beautiful artwork. I love how it turned out. So fun to learn such a good skill.
That is soooo cool. I love your photo.
Excellent! May, it is incredible how these portraits were done with fabrics. What an interesting class!
FUNtastic job, May Britt I would like to have a fabric-picture of myself :)) LOL jajaja
Hugs from Spain
This is great and you know what I did recognize you on the wall, I did not cheat.
Hi. Yes I think it looks a bit like you. You did a great job.
Så fantastisk flott. Et lite kunstverk!!
May, what an amazing experience. The portrait in fabric is wonderful, I would love to learn. What fun to do my grandchildren in fabric!! Glad you are back.
Great look! I thought it would look like a cartoon but it doesn't - at all. Good job.
Is there a book that went with your class? You did an AWESOME job! What fun!
Å dette så gøy ut!!
Kjempeflott portrett av deg :)
THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
What a different way to make a portrait..Yours lokks beautiful
May Britt that is just amazing, what a fantastic job...my goodness you are just so talented...
What a fun thing to do! And how different from your usual projects. Do you have a special place to hang this when you are through - maybe in your studio?
wow..that is sooo cool!! what a wonderful experience...you did a great job on your portrait!
ÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ, dette hadde jeg lyst til å en gang få vært med på!!
Flotte bilder!
Hilsen Gunn Torild
What a wonderful workshop and end result!!
Amazing! Love it! I like to try that some day.
It looks like a great workshop!
And what fun to see Marit on your blog post. Please say hello to her from me!
Very cool May Brit -- and I think it looks like you!!!
How wonderful! All the portraits are fabulous. I'd love to learn how to do that. Does she publish a book or directions?
Love the portraits! Yours is very realistic. Perhaps you are thinking of your next design?
Stilig og flott. Nydelige farger. Portrettet likner på deg, syns jeg.
Absolutely stunning! I never could have imagined sewing like this before seeing this. yo have blown me away!
Bec xxx
You have done a really great job - it looks like you :-)
Looks like you guys had a great time !
Is there anything you can't do? You certainly have a talent when it comes to fabric. Well done.. what a fantastic potrait to have on your wall.
Well done May Britt was'nt she a great teacher! Love your work and hope to see it framed on the wall soon !
Wow! That is amazing!! You did a wonderful job!
Very, very neat - you did a great job on your self portrait.
These look fantastic. Certainly looks like you!!!
WOW...how did you DO that? Do you mean you had a black and white picture taken with a camera and worked from THAT using tiny bits and pieces of fabric? And then....did you sew the bits and pieces on or did you use fusible to iron them on?? I cannot believe the quality of the finished portraits! WONDERFUL work by ALL of you and she must be some EXCELLENT teacher!
quel beau travail ces portraits !
magnifique , bravo !
je viens de faire connaissance avec votre blog et déjà.....j'adore !
vous faites vraiment de belles choses.
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