It has been snowing all weekend. And this is how my veranda is looking like this morning. And it it still snowing. So now I will go out and shuffle some snow. And then I will spend the rest of the day in my sewingroom. Perfect sewing weather.
Since my last post I have worked on my BOM Joy of Life.

I love doing needleturn applique and my favorite tools here is the Roxanne glue, my applique pins and my scissor. Sitting in my favorite sewing chair in front of the tv, doing applique while watching tv, I get a lot done.

Block number three was finished quickly.

And this is the four finished blocks so far.

I have prepared block number four. A lot more work on this block. And I have made up a lot of bias so I have something to play with on the next blocks.

Had a coffe-sewing meeting with Bjørg (no blogger) yesterday and we got a lot done on our blocks. And during the evening yesterday I almost finished this block. Just have some leafs to applique.
Having big plans in my sewingroom today after I have shuffled some snow. Hoping to make at least one finishe for february OPAM.
Saying for today:
Snowflakes are kisses
sent from heaven.
Comment from me on the saying.............
If this is true, stop kissing me.

So much snow! Wish we would have so much here. Your blocks are looking so great, that will be a wonderful quilt in the end. Even without snow, I will join some free sewing time totay too and I think I am able to finish my first february ufo today (hope so).
Many greetings
wow May is a very nice work :)
Hei tror nesten dere har mer snø enn oss her nord:-) Teppet ditt blir flott, nydelige farger. Får rene sommer følelsen å se sommer fugler og blomster.
Ha en fin og kreativ morsdag:-))
Wow, you really have a lot of snow. The blocks are just beautiful! But I have one question: What ist Roxanne glue, and how do you use it for needleturn appliqe?
Greetings, Gesine
Oh, you have a beautiful sense of humour and your applique is beautiful, too!
Hugs - Lurline♥
That is too much snow! Your blocks are very pretty!
Lots of snow!! Our heatwave is over for the moment...much cooler today thank goodness!! Hope you got lots of stitching done on your Joy of Life blocks...I have four done with the rest sitting there waiting patiently!
May Britt, lovely as usual!
The blocks are gorgeous! I would also like to know how you use the glue for your applique. I am a beginner when it comes to applique.
Vi har fått mye snø i helga, og det har vært kaos på veiene. Glad det ikke var nå vi skulle treffes. Så nydelig de blokkene er som du syr nå.Det ser vanskelig! God søndag og god søm og snømåking.
Very pretty applique blocks!
OH my....that much snow would make me nervous. I guess you all are used to it though. I do love to stay inside and sew on snowy days though, and for South Carolina that includes snow of 1 or 2 inches, 6 inches is a gracious plenty.
Your Love of Life quilt is looking so beautiful. I lost my brother this past week to anaplastic cancer and think this might be just the quilt to make as a tribute to him.
I just love that quilt you are making. It is on my list to buy. Your blocks are wonderful!
Nydelige blokker!
Ja, det har lavet ned med snø her i Oslo også...
Yes, can you believe this weather??? And it started snowing again this afternoon! Sigh!!
Your blocks look fabulous! I really love this quilt by Rosalie Quinlan, but I don't think I'll ever make it... Look forward to "inspecting" yours, though :o)
Have a great Sunday!
Hugs and stitches
Very beautiful blocks.
Those blocks are stunning. WOW is all I can say.
Finally we've got some snow here to, but far far away from as much as you've got! But it is nice the see the nature in an other colour!
Your Joy of life is coming together so nice! It is a beautiful quilt!
I'd rather picture you and Hanne stitching in the sunshine than see all of that snow. VBG Your Joy of Life blocks are so gorgeous!
I love the snow! Ours is melting, a warm day! Perhaps we will have more soon. I just adore the way your BOM Joy of Life is turning out! That is going to be one sweet looking quilt! Keep well!
Wow, what a lot of snow! I love your appliques, May. You do lovely work.
Gorgeous blocks!
Yours is very beautiful... hope mine will be as pretty... once i get it going again... :o)
And for the snow... think you had your share now... and so do we... stop snowing ..please!!!!
So much snow to shovel!!! Love that BOM, everytime I see it, I want to do it. It is so beautiful!
That is such a pretty design. No wonder you enjoy working on it. Look at all that snow!
Happy Stitching...Ann :)
This quilt will be beautiful, it is so "delicate" looking.
Så flotte blokker du har fått til! Jeg liker virkelig disse kjempemasse!!! Du er jo så produktiv, at jeg regner med du har jaga "basseluskene" til skogs:o)
Ha en kreativ uke:o)
Now that is some serious snow!!! Brrrrr Your applique blocks are beautiful May Britt. I love them.
Beautiful blocks! I have a question about the Glue...I have some also and was wondering if you have to wash it out after you use it?
Your blocks are lovely! Looks like you have enough snow for everyone;)
I love your work, and that is alot of snow!
Us soft English people couldn't cope with that lot!
Well the country folk could, were a resilient bunch! its the townies that try to walk around in stiletoes on icey pavements! doh, what idiots! lol
take care Alex x
Your BOM is coming along nicely. (I really like the blue on that your friend is doing too.)
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