This evening I finished quilting the outher border of my Leannes House quilt. I am so happy :)

While pulling the basting threads out of the quilt, my new quilt inspector came to help me.
"Do we pull the threads from this side????"

"Ok...I understand, we pull the threads from this side"

"You've forgot to quilt some spots here!!!"

"This quilt is sooooooooooooo nice to lay on"

"Can I sleep on it now?? You can quilt those missing parts later.
I really deserves a prize now after being so clever doing my job as a quilt inspector"
Saying for today:
Cats seem to go on the principle
that it never does any harm
to ask for what you want. ~Joseph Wood Krutch
Cute cat, but gorgeous quilt! Nice to have a good helper!
Cat and quilt
Congratulations on your finish May, it looks beautiful. I am so pleased the quilt inspector approves!!!
It is amazing how cats can sniff out a new quilt that needs inspecting. Your Leannes house quilt is looking great.
Your new quilt is looking good, it must have been a lot of work:))
You have an expert quilt inspector!!
I love your "quilt inspector". Such delightful pictures and your quilt is beautiful. Nola
Your little cat looks like she will have to "grow into her ears". My little cat had big paws as a kitten and she grew into them. Love your quilt inspector; she looks so content and happy. Thanks for sharing her with us.
Oioioi, dette var quilten sin, den var i særklasse nydelig.
Your photos are so-o-o cute! I enjoy your blog and all the things you do.
That is very, very cute! Great quilt, too!
So nice to have all that help & such a cutie too...Leannes House is looking fantastic..I won a set of Gail Pans new bom Berries & Bluebirds in a Facebook Auction for the Flood relief so happy lot of work but will be worth it I think...
I always enjoy reading your blog, but today was the best! The quilt inspector is adorable.
ASK--no most cats "demand" or let you know in uncertain terms--what they want and what "they" are going to do or not do!!!!!
Love your quilt and your cat story!!
Hugs,di and miss gracie
It amazes me that cats around the world are all the same. The minute a quilt hits the floor, they are laying on top of it. They can't help themselves!!
Ja :oD ikkje sant..... ha ha ha
Teppet ser flott ut og katten e jo bare deilig :)
Very beautiful quilt and your cat is lovely. Cats love dream on the quilts.
søte kattepusen ;)
skulle ønske vi hadde ein unnepus --- det er jo så koselig...
men vi har da ein fjøs katt da ;)
morgensmil fra monika
ps... mitt teppe hadde sikkert trengt litt kattehjelp også ;))
Helt nydelig May Britt!
It's a gorgeous quilt und your inspector knowes it.
Have a nice day
Kjæmpefin quilt ,men også fin pus :D
--Ha ei fin uke ----
I love your new inspector.
Did you bind the quilt before you quilted it or were you just super fast and put the binding on before showing us the finished quilt?
The quilt is gorgeous BTW.
too cute... what a sweet little inspector! Your quilt is beautiful!
Hi May.... I just love the quilt and I hope one day I might make the same quilt....The quilting is lovely in what I can see.... But I am sure the quilt inspector knows better... I have two cats and I know how it is to work on something with the cats... They are so cute and need to e on the middle of things...Your cat is a great inspector...:)
Gorgeous cat! It's nice to have a good helper. Love your quilt and everytime I read your blog and see you've finished yet another projects it motivates me to do the same. Cynthia in Canada
THe most beautiful cat !!! it's very very nicely.!
Give him a kiss for me!
bey vania
Your quilt inspector is doing a thorough job.
He has the same job that my Bilbo...He is very cute! And the quilt is marvellous!
How funny!!! I don`t know what to love more...the quilt inspector or this absolutly marvellous quilt...I love them both!!
The first picture is the funniest for me.....
How long did it take to finish this wonderful quilt???
Give the inspector a big kiss from me!!
He is so cute!
Love the quilt too. Very inspiring for my Leanne's House WIP which is badly in need of some attention.
Beautiful work!
You have a verry intelligent cat, I would like such a quilt too.
Greatings from Holland
Lovely quilt and a verry intelligent cat to think so too.
Greatings from Holland
This Quilt is my personal favorite!
What a beautiful quilt! The cat is amazing,it's like a small cougart, I had never seen one like that ... Beautiful both.
Utrolig herlig blogginnlegg. Og det sier jeg som ikke liker katter...
Bedårende pus!!Quilten er jo fin den også da :o))
Mycket fin quilt och en mycket söt katt!!
I am so looking forward to meet your quilt inspector - he looks like a great friend :-)
What a pretty quilt inspector you have!! I love your quilt too...
Your little cat has a good taste.
The quilt looks realy wonderfull and your cat too.
Have a good sunday,ine
The quilt looks lovely, the cat is beautiful!
Is there actually a cat which does not love fabric and quilts? And they always fit. The cat is as cute and the quilt is beautiful.
Both your quilt and your kitty are beautiful. I think one of my cats must also be a quilt inspector. I just finished tying my first quilt and she's been sleeping on it ever since.
hehe, the "quilt inspector" is very nice :) Love the quilt, is beautiful! Have a nice week!
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