Tuesday, February 25, 2014

High up….


High up on the closet there is a box…


and in the box there is a quilt

(suprisingly there was just one in this box LOL)


a quilt I sewed a looooong time ago


and it will get a scrappy backing, just hope I have enough batting.

With Annie Downs coming to Norway in May I decided it was time to finish the Angel Story quilt.  I am so lucky to join her class at Kathrines Quiltestue May 8. (just call her if you want to join the class too) and she is also visiting Quiltegården May 6 and 7 (so call Siv if you want to join there).  It would have been fun to bring this quilt to show and tell. 

Saying for today:



Hanne said...

You can do it :D

Ondrea said...

Are you going to quilt as you go like Hanne did? It looks lovely so far.

margaret said...

I am sure you will have a lovely time, make sure you take your quilt to show it off as it is a beauty

Christine B said...

It looks lovely so far! Hope you get it finishd in time! :)

Quilting Stories said...

You have such a beauty in a box for such a long time!?!? It deserves to be finished and shown to us quicky!

NADINE said...

I've got LOTS of "high ups", too. One by one, they'll come down and get finished *Ü*

You go, go !


Susan said...

Nearly done.....it's lovely. A pieced back will be perfect.

Anonymous said...

May Brit, you will just love doing a class with Anni Downs. She is such a lovely young woman.
I was lucky enough to attend one of her classes here in Australia at A Girls' Day in the Country program, at Nundle, NSW at my local (at the time) quilt shop of Cottage on the Hill. We had a fabulous time. They have a special guest tutor for 2 years in a row usually. This is the first year for Lynette Anderson,
previous two years Sue Daly, before that was Anni's turn. Very first guests were Leanne Beasley and Rosalie Quinlan. I have only been to one of Anni Downs class. I have just bought fat 1/4s of her new fabric range.
Called into her shop in Bathurst last time we went to visit my 92 y.o. father. Little shop, was an old house with nooks and crannies all over the place. Very interesting. So much stuff to look at and hopefully BUY.
Hope you get to finish your Angel Story for show and tell. Have a great time. Is Hanne going too???


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is a beauty! that is why I do not put things high on a shelf - they get forgotten :)

mary truax said...

Good Work, May Britt! Will be nice to have a finish for Anni Downs class.

Mona said...

Nydelig teppe du holder på å ferdigstille.......Ha en fin kveld.

Gudveig HN said...

Kjempefint! Dette rekker du ;-)

Andrea Johnson said...

That is very soft and pretty!

Christine M said...

Your quilt is lovely.

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