Sunday, September 16, 2007

Favorite season

This week has been wonderful. Sunshine and change of colours. I brought my camera on my daily walks and got some nice photos. Look at those beautiful colours; red, green, yellow, orange and brown. My favorite colours.

But this morning we woke up to this
It's too early for winter and snow in the middle of september. But it's gone now. Just a warning that we are going towards winter. I hope we get a long autumn because that is my favorite season. All the lovely colours, fresh crispy air and all those jummy vegetables and fruits.
Not able to sew anything I went into my sewingroom and started to play with colours. Autumn colours.
This autumnquilt is the second quilt that I made after going to my first class in handstitching. It is all handstitched and handquilted and is hanging in my bedroom.
Which season is your favorite season??? I challenge you know to show it with fabrics.
Friday I visited the hospital for a check on my arm. My physiotherapist had ordered me to contact them because something is wrong she said. And yes, I have a inflammation in the rotator cap and have to keep my arm still for the next weeks. No physioteraphy. And the doc gave me a cortison injection in the shoulder. I hope I soon will have a change in this, because I'm going mad!!!!! But I have to be patient.
Saying for today:
There's enough warmth in a friend's hug to warm up the coldest day.


Anonymous said...

AUTUMN is my favorite season, as well... Your pictures are so beautiful, and your quilt is perfect. Did you quilt it with quilting thread, or thicker one ? -I like the effect it gives.

Snow.... SNOW ??? Already ???
OMG, how will I manage in January, with my "butter legs" ? LOL LOL

((HUGS)) & smiles,
(who is going to take some autumn fabrics pictures, for your challenge)

Silverthimble said...

So sorry to hear that your arm is still giving you such grief. Not being able to quilt must be just the worst! At least you are able to play with fabrics and dream of future quilts. I love the fall pictures--very great inspiration for future quilts. We don't get the variety of colours in fall here, but fall must be my favorite season because that is definitely the season represented most in the quilts I have finished.

Laila said...

Hello. Yes ,my favorite are Autumn.I will show you on my blog.I hope your arm are getting better soon...or perhaps not.... if you keep your promise to give away all your fabrics. LOL
Be a nice girl and relax. :-)

Patti said...

I'm with you - fall is the best! I'm also with you in no sewing. May have a crack in my upper arm near the shoulder. I HATE no being able to quilt!

dot said...

Autum is my favorite season. I just love the colors, the crisp air, and sunshine of fall. Your quilt is beautiful. I pray you heal soon. I know what not being able to quilt feels like. Be patient.

Libby said...

Oh I do hope this latest treatment and extra rest will just the thing to help your arm recover.
Fall is my favorite season - crisp, fresh air in morning and evening with still sunny warm afternoons. The colors are my favorites too - so rich and bright. I will try to meet your challenge of showing the colors in fabrics . . . I must have something around here *s*

Sweet P said...

Fall is my favorite season, followed by winter. I love the changing colors in the leaves. I will share some photos on my blog later.

Hedgehog said...

It was winter, until this incredible summer... Not sure. Would love to make a wintery quilt, but not sure I have what I need in my stash here. Maybe after my winter trip to the US! Hope your arm is feeling better soon.

Gail said...

Your autumn photos are beautiful. I do enjoy fall very much, it may tie with spring for my favorite season. I hope that your arm will get better

May Kristin said...

Sorry your arm still isn't good, must be hard not to do what you want! I must say that spring is my best season. With the birds starting to sing early in the morning, the new leaves on the trees, new flowers and the very special smell in the air....., yes, thats my season! But I do love the fall too!

Colleen said...

My favorite season is a toss-up between spring and fall. I love spring because it's the beginning of something new and I love the colors of spring, also. But I do dearly love fall as well, for different reasons, of course. How's that for being indecisive.

I truly hope you are on the mend soon. I can't imagine how hard it would be to not be able to quilt.

Anonymous said...

Autumn and Spring would have to be my favorite. I love Autumn for the obvious reason of seeing all the trees change into the most beautiful colours, and Spring to see all the newness, in the flowers and trees, the birds with their babies, and the freshness of the air in both seasons.

tami said...

Autumn is my favorite too. I love your fall pictures. Leaves have just started to change here.
Your leaf quilt is lovely. I hope your arm heals soon. Sending good wishes for a speedy recovery.

Cherold said...

Autumn is my favorite time of the is mostly nice during the day, but the evenings have a chill. Love your pictures...makes me want to go play with some autumnal fabrics!


meggie said...

I love Autumn too! I love those pretty pics you have shown us.
Your quilt is lovely & happy, to have in your bedroom.

Katie said...

Autumn is beautiful but my favorite season is Spring. I love it when new things start to grow and bloom.

I'm sorry to hear about your arm. I keep overdoing it and then have to rest a day or two before I go out again. At least resting means I can sew.

Take care!

Granny said...

Definitely Autumn for me too. I did just draw out a leaf quilt in EQ but I'm not about to pull fabrics off the shelves . . since I just got one small portion of my sewing area clean.

Maria Alejandra Kaminski said...

Beautiful leaf quilt! I haven't done a leaf quilt. You inspired me to look for a pattern!

Darlene said...

Beautiful, beautiful leaf quilt!

My favorite season is Spring - I enjoy watching the rebirth of leaves and flowers. When I see tiny green buds on trees I get excited. Silly, I know!

dutchcomfort said...

My favorite season is Autumn, but when Winter is ending I’m totally in love with Springtime too. I love the bold colours of Autumn. I can’t show you anything Autumn-like I made... perhaps something I knitted. Is that ok too? I hope your arm will be better soon, your patience is realy put to the test!

Leanne said...

Great photos. I am soooo glad we are heading into summer down here. I am wondering what the little red berries are? Do they fall from a tree or grow from a plant on the ground ?

Sølvis blog said...

åhg - dem stoffan bli fin i den quilten æ ska send dæ mønster på i morra
Flotte høstbilder var det også - så langt tror jeg ikke høsten har kommet her...

Quilts And Pieces said...

I just love that 2nd picture sooooo much I had to make it my background on my pc! It is awesome! I LOVE fall!

picperfic said...

oh dear...let's hope the rest will help your arm improve! I had my op last wed and all seems to be going well, although i didn't realise quite how painful the whole thing was going to be. I am doing my exercises and having physio, so let's hope it improves soon! So glad I get the op out of the way. I do hope you can get on with some real sewing soon!

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