This has been the coldest weekend so far. Woke up to minus 12 this morning. And today it has been snowing a little bit. I'm so glad I have my woodburner. It's so nice and cosy to look at the fire while having a cup of warm tea when it's so cold outside.
I got some surprises in the mail saturday. First I got a pattern from
Wildcraft farm which I won several months ago. It's a kit to make a card.
Next was this cute pumpkin pattern from Crab apple Hill. It was
Carole who had sendt me this surprise. How fun. I really want to make this as this will be my first pumpkin ever LOL Want to make this pillow.
And then it was these cosy knitted slippers from
Wenche. They are so cute. I'm already wearing them :)
Thank you all three for these lovely surprises.

I have been sewing today. I'm in Donna's Secret Santa Christmas Swap and decided to finish my present for ********* (I won't tell you LOL) I've made this sewing bag which I will fill with some goodies. I hope she will like it and use it. Anyone who wants this?????

And a quilter always need a pincushion so I made her one matching the sewing bag. The pincushion was so fun and easy to make so I did not stop making just one............. I made 8 pincushions. It is alwas good to have something extra in my give away box. And christmas i approaching very fast.

I had a nice chat with
Nadine on msn today and we had a little sewing together. We live so far from eachother but this was like having a visit from her already. Can't wait until she is here for real. We are going to have so much fun in february.
Saying for today:
It seems like your week-end has been good, despite the cold weather! A lot of sewing, chatting and fun mail! By the way, that sewingbag, is it for me..........? LOL!
OOOOO I hope you have me for secret santa swap. :cD
Lovely pin cushions! What a great idea for the Santa Swap. I haven't started my gift yet. I know what I will make though! One day I must try a pin cushion! I can't wait to see your version of the pumpkin! Enjoy your cozy fire. We have a wood store and it is nice to have a room warmed by the stove. It's pretty to look at! Keep warm!
Wow! You did get a lot done this weekend. I would love that sewing bag. I wonder if you have my name for the Santa Swap.
Sounds like a fun weekend, and that bag is just delightful. Whoever your person is that your giving to, I'm sure she'll be thrilled with it, if not I'll send you my address....
I love the bag! Great job.
Your pincushions are beautiful. I am working on the pumpkin embroidery. I am not sure if it will be a pillow or a wallhanging. I will check back to see how yours is coming along.Take care and be warm.
Pin cusions are great! And so is the embrodiery. And your weather is a tad too cold for me. We had 75 degrees F. today. Like your pumpkin you are going to do, too.
Those pin cushions are so cute! I know that cold weather is heading our way...
Your SSCS friend will be thrilled May Britt !
We had some snow yesterday and it is predicted more for today. We have only -4 C, but it is cold enough.
Today I will have a stitchery day here.
I will finish a Brownyn H. stitchery and maybe I can finish a Leanne's House block too.
The kettle is on if you will like a cup of tea with me during the day :-)
Your little bag is lovely, & so are the pincushions.
Lucky you with your gifts, & a nice cosy fire to sit beside!
I love the pin cushions, so cute, hope you are my secret santa.
Snow already!!! Hope ur winter isnt toooo long and cold. Love the bag and those pincushions r so cute!!
Congratulations on finishing your Santa Swap so far ahead of time! Your partner will be delighted I'm sure. The little bag is adorable, love the stitchery. And the pincushion design is on my 'to do sometime soon' list.
What a lovely bag and those pincushions are very cute. I wonder if you have my name?
A very nice, cozy, warm day. Lots of fun gifties to give and receive . . . what fun *s*
Wonderful work - i like your blog and your inspiration.
Thanks, will do.
Those pin cushions are adorable!
Just send it here. I just love the bag and also your pincushions.
Snuggled there by the fire with a cup of tea and a few treats while you opened all your gifts... Sounds like a rather pleasant weekend.
Minus 12, I can't even imagine that!!
Great sewing progress though, your secret swap partner will be very lucky, gorgeous pincushions!
My 200th post today, call in and you may get another prize! Tracey
Are you my SSCS partner? I would like to get the bag :) I know you don´t want to tell so I will have to wait.
What a fun weekend! I love the cute pincushions and bag. Stay warm, that is cold weather :O
I just made one of those pincushions yesterday. I better get busy and make more for gifties.
Love your bag, I'm sure the recipient will be over joyed.
We've had cool wind here all day...brrrr
What darling pincushions! Wonderful stuff you've been creating!
Am I your partner??? I love the bag and pincushions. And the wonderful presents too! ...minus 12 brrrr..that's cold alright!
Oh darn, I waited too late to get in the swap -- that bag is Too Cute! And I can't believe it's so cold there already -- you better wrap up in your quilts!!!
I'm happy that you liked the slippers, I'm have mine on my feet now....
We had an aweful weather at the week-end too: windy, rainy and cold, just right to get some sewing done! The bag is really nice and I envy the recipient. The pincushions are a neat idea. Take care.
I can't believe how many projects you get done in your "free" time! I love a nice fire in the cold, too. We were something around 31 C today, though, so it will be a while before I need one!
I love your pincushions, and the bag is great. You always have the cutest redwork patterns. That's a great pumpkin pattern - I like Crabapple Hill patterns.
OHHHH! The bag is so lovely!!!!!
I'll be in the Santa Swap next year and hope I'll be your partner!!!!:):):)
Pincushions are very cute!!!!!
Hi May Britt! I love your pincushions! Do you make them from a perfect circle, or are they slightly curved? Just curious!!! Have a great evening! Mary Ann in Denmark :o)
Hi May Britt...great bag and I know the person you are sending to will just love it as will all the secret santa here dreaming about receiving your gift.........lol.....only time will tell........ho ho ho....
What lovely presents and those pincushions are such fun. I love the little purses you were making as well! I just got that pumpkin pattern from Paula -- hmmmn, I have the feeling you will be done with it before I am!
Lovely bag and pincushion and whoever receives this gift will be very pleased. I'm having a bit of hard time visilizing how you are wearing those slippers .... they are not a pattern I'm familiar with.
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