Thursday, November 29, 2007

November quiltmeeting

Woke up to snow this morning...............a lot of snow. And it have snowed all day. Pretty and white, but this is enough. But they expect more snow this weekend.
Today was the last quiltmeeting for this year. And one of our challenges this season have been a piece of fabric. The ladies that wanted to join the challenge got a 1/4 of a 30 cm fabric. And this piece of fabric was to be included in a projects. Below you can see the projects that was made.
I had made the two pincushions on the chair and the little click lock purse hanging above. And then there was time for show and tell. Enjoy the photos.

A lot of beautiful projects, don't you agree.
When we arrive the quiltmeeting we have to leave a secret santa present in a basket. And at the end of the meeting everyone have to pick a present out of the basket.
I was so lucky today :) I got this lovely stitchery book. Perfect for me :)
I have to show you another book I received in the mail today. It was from the author of the book herself :) She wanted to give me a little surprise because she wanted to use my pincushion tutorial at her quiltgroup and I had said it was ok. I had no idea she would send me this book. I love it!! I have for a long time wanted to try this method on big quilts that are difficult to quilt in one piece in my sewingmachine. So thank you Carolyn, this was a lovely book.
Saying for today:
Life is like a blanket of snow
be careful how you step on it
every step will show


Vicki W said...

You have a very prolific quilt group! I wish we had snow here.

Jeanne said...

Lots of beautiful quilts at your quilt meeting! The snow is pretty, but I don't want any here. VBG What won the fabric challenge?

Nancy in Norway said...

Your Quilting Bee is very activ and creative. A lot of beautiful quilts.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the show, so many beautiful quilts including yours.

Tracey in CT said...

Thank you for sharing all the gorgeous show and tell!!

I especially love the quilt with the little elves and the mushroom house under the big tree. So cute!

Libby said...

Mmmm - show and tell, like going to a quilt show without ever leaving home *s* Looks like everyone did a great job with the challenge. Thanks for sharing.

Chookyblue...... said...

wow it all looks great and what a fun idea to receive some material and make it into your project..........they all look so different......

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful show ! Everyone did such beautiful works, I'd love being part of such a prolific group ! THANKS for showing, my friend...

((HUGS)) & smiles to you !

(the snow is so beautiful...)

Mary Johnson said...

Lots of pretty quilts!

We're supposed to get a good snow on Saturday - I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Ila K. said...

Thank you for the quilt show! The tiny bags are precious.

Your snow is so beautiful, and your quote is so very true. Thanks again!

Donna said...

WOW what a talented group of ladies. I love every picture and what can I say about the snow pic. Us Aussies look at pics like that and feel nothing but envy but I'm sure too much of it could drive you bonkers.

Nicky said...

What wonderful quilts your group makes and i just adore those pincushions

Anonymous said...

Lovely show and tell and such pretty snow.

Anonymous said...

I envie you of the snow, we have rain here in Germany :o((
Wonderful Quilts, thanks for sharing. Can you tell me how to make the pincushions you´ve made?

Susan said...

It may have been cold and snowy outside, but it looks like inside was warm and filled with fun and beauty!

Grazia said...

Your works are really beautiful!!!!
You are a nice group and above all you produce a lot of things!!!
The landscape with the snow is fascinating.......

Elaine Adair said...

Sooooo many lovely projects and photos - what fun -- but my favorite is the beautiful snow. What a lovely, and gentle surprise.

Anne Ida said...

Your guild has a lot of talented quilters, those projects are lovely! Love the pic of you and Irene :o) Thank you for sharing! Hugs...

Leanne said...

Thanks for sharing those great picture what beautiful work. I loved the photo of the snow it is going to be 32 degrees C here today.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing! The snow is so pretty! We are finally getting some rain where I live in Southern California.

atet said...

What a talented group of quilters you get to meet with! I love those challenge projects, so many ways to use the same fabric!

julieQ said...

Lovely projects from the fabric challenge!  I am so glad you shared the show and tell with everyone.JulieQ

Katherine said...

So much inspiration in all your photos! Love the show and tell pictures.

Patti said...

Thank you for the quilt show - looks like you had a very nice meeting for the last one of the year. Your snow is so lovely - I just love snow so very much! All the challenge pieces were so much fun to see.

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