Okei......so I pushed the button and ordered this book..........

All you bloggers that are doing this quilt have been tempting me for a while now LOL
and I today I could not resist ordering the book. I have already agreed to make it together with
Hanne............ooooops...............perhaps I revealed her next project now ........SMILE

I have been searching through my stash and found some fabrics that I think is civil war fabrics..........or perhps they are not.......... of course the name on the end of the fabric is cut off. If anyone of you "civil war" ladies out there can give me some links to places on the web where I can buy and learn more about these fabrics I would be happy.
Saying for today:
The time to be happy is now!
I feel better, I am not alone! I have seen so many posts about this book that I ordered it thsi week too.
Welcome to the club! If you see my sidebar and great foreign inspiration, there are some wonderful shops (two of them are Danish). And if you look over to Desiree today, you'll find some nice pink/brown reproes with her. And I will recommend the repro subscription at Northern Quilts. Your colours here is how I will make my Dear Jane...
I get my reproduction fabrics at:
you can buy directly from the queen of reproduction fabrics herself Judie Rothermel
at schoolhouse quilt shoppe
or look at what she has and then shop at your favorite shop looking for her fabrics lines you cant go wrong.
z and s has wonderful prices and has her fabrics too.
good luck and welcome to the journey of the CW diary quilts
I just ordered it yesterday, too! I am looking forward to playing along with everyone else!
Look for fabric collections from Judi Rothermel and Barbara Brackman and you can't go wrong. Some very good sites have already been mentioned, but also take a look at www.vintageandvogue.com
These fabrics should work very well, though some of them aren't strickly Civil War fabrics. I know you have a Thimbleberries and a Jan Patek fabric in there, but the colors are right so use them.
I second Kathie's suggestions of where to shop as well as Karrin's. I've shopped at all three sites and have always been happy.
www.homesteadhearth.com has a great selection of civil war fabrics and a lot of other fabrics too..
I just got their scrap bag (pic on my blog) and it was perfect.. in fact I'd order two next time, the smallest piece was 6" x WOF, biggest 14"xWOF in total 5 yards for $22.50 US.. and only one fabric wasn't new to me!
the fabrics you have picked look great, and I am doing my civil war diary/love letters in civil war fabrics and a few 'would be if they could be' fabrics.. if it works, use it!
I also started on this quilt.I started to day with my 2 first blocks.Only 119 to go.
I haven't order the book Yet but perhaps I do-the history of the blocks had been nice for my scrapbook for the quilt.
I see that I'm not alone in recommending this site: http://www.reproductionfabrics.com/ They are very informaive about the historical aspects of fabrics and hav good articles.
I, too, have this book with the intention of making a quilt with all the blocks... hhmm,, wonder what year that will be?? I do love your fabric selection! Whether period pieces or not, the colors are great!
Hi May,
I also have this book and another by the same author called Civil War Love Letter. HAve made a whole 3 blocks to date. Will get into it again soon?? The people at the link below are fabulous!!
Have fun, Cathy
I don't see any of your fabrics that don't have the civil war era look to them, though I know that not every one *is* a CW repro.
Windham makes a lot of CW reproductions. Any online shop which carries Windham is likely to have quite a few.
Go here and put in civil war in the search box: http://www.quiltshops.com/search.htm
Oh no, not you too! *lol* I'm still trying to resist, so please don't tempt me *lol*
Seriously, I really look forward to seeing your blocks and eventually a quilt! The fabrics you have picked looks great, and it looks like you have gotten a lot of hints of where to get some more :o) Have lots of fun!!
I wonder how long I will resist on pushing that "ordering" button for this book.
LOL LOL I just knew you would take that turn onto repro fabrics, some day ! I'ml so happy for you that you're gonna make that gorgeous quilt in tandem with Hanne, and I'm sure you two are going to make HEIRLOOMS !
As to me, I'm sticking to my tumbler in repro's for the moment... and have also a very special project to make in tandem with Christine (shhhhhh, it's still a secret - I'll email you - HeeHee....)
HAVE FUN, dear !
Welcome to the club! I just got my books a few days ago and have now ordered the software for the computer that goes with them. Funny thing is that I bought one of the Civil War books many months ago and gave it away because it didn't thrill me. I had to purchase a second. Seeing everyone working on the blocks inspired me.
Z&S Fabrics has a good price on the some Civil War fabrics.
Happy Easter, May Britt. I'm also waiting for these books to turn up in the post. A good Australian site to see lots of reproduction fabrics is www.quiltsmith.com.au - probably cheaper for you to actually purchase from the US though. Enjoyed catching up with your blog - Frida looks very pleased with the quilt from Libby.
Happy stitching.
You have some lovely fabrics. Hope you have fun. There are lots of folks working on these. I think Hanne said she is going to use pink and taupe which I am anxious to see.
Happy Easter May Britt. It seems you have been having some good times, fabric fondling, & eating buns!
I just bought it too! (the civil war book). Fun!
I am seeing these everywhere...but did think, well, it wasn't my civil war1 But I see that couldn't keep you away. The blocks look fantastic!
The basting, not my fun part of the quilt! Reather you than me. But I am certainly enjoying all your stitch and patch work, Happy Easter, Tracey
You've inspired me, too! I have some CW reproduction fabrics and have been looking for an appropriate way to use them. Hmmm... maybe on my birthday list.
Det blir spennende å følge med på dette prosjektet. Jeg er så imponert over alle som går igang med et slikt arbeid, tror ikke jeg tør begynne selv. Ha ei fortsatt fin påske, og lykke til med "stoffjakten".
I am a post behind...but your quilt that you were basting on the floor is gorgeous. Now if I got down on that floor like that, you would have to call 911 and put me in traction. I baste on a table top, using binder clips to get my quilt tight and straight, basting one section at a time.
That looks like a great selection of fabrics to make your Civil War diary quilt. Go for it!
I have been seeing all those blocks people have made from this book - and the Love Letters one, and they are all so lovely. Very tempting, but I am still holding off until I finish Dear Jane.
I think that as long as the colors are what you like, they will make a lovely quilt.
Beautiful fabrics!
Hi May, I have just been checking out all your projects that you are in too. You ARE a busy woman. They all look fantastic. Thank you for showing them. Keep on stitchin'
Natalie 8-)
Your fabric choices are wonderful! They don't all have to be "Civil War" reproductions. Remember that quilts made during the civil war were likely made from fabric produced before the war - or if the quilter was lucky enough to have a Rhett Butler in her life, fabric imported from or pirated on its way from Europe. There are lots of Thimbleberries and Moda fabrics that work beautifully with Civil War repros. Will be watching your progress on this wonderful project!
Brave woman!! I haven´t even been considering this one yet...but who knows...
And congratulation to your prize...Lynettes book...how envy I am of you...;D
Take care...
I am behind so I love the BOMs that you are doing.........the quilt from Libby is beautiful..........how special of Hanne to just turn up to enjoy the day together.........it will be so nice when you have Leanne's house finished........and starting the civil war diaries.......this will be fun........take care and hope everything is going well returning to work........
May -- beautiful fabrics you are showing, who cares if they are CW they are beautiful -LOL- and typical of the style! I have that book also, have been reading and watching with interest the blocks that are being shown by bloggers ~ and thinking 'should I' and then deciding 'IF ONLY' -- maybe someday! But I too love what I am seeing the others doing! Z&S fabrics are from my state and they are awesome, you can't go wrong with them!
I am doing the civil war dairy quilt too, with a lot of pleasure together with friend, I hope you enjpye it as much as I do, lovely blog
I have 11 blocks done for the epic civil war quilt. I have enjoyed the process tremendously thus far, and have done well, save for a bit of seam ripping. I would encourage anyone to do this quilt.
I have 11 blocks done for the epic civil war quilt. I have enjoyed the process tremendously thus far, and have done well, save for a bit of seam ripping. I would encourage anyone to do this quilt.
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