Today I went to a workshop with Kristin Pollen. One of my favorite quilt teachers in Norway. And we were going to make star in a star. Below is the two quilts she brought to give us inspiration.

We are going to work two and two together. One rotarycutting and ironing, the other sewing.

And this is how my sewingpartner works today LOL But she manage to do a lot of rotarycutting. But of course I helped her. No rush sewing, we are just having relaxing sewing weekend.

This is the fabics Irene and I am working with. It's from Nancy Halvorsens fabrics mixed with a few japaneese ones.

Our progress so far..................
When I came home from todays workshop a package was laying on my doormat. It was from Tamara. She had a giveaway for cats a while ago, and my little Frida won it.

She was very curious when she sniffed at the two small bags. But so she discovered they were filled with catnip....................

Oh how happy she got............rolling around on the floor........licking at the bags............throwing them in the air............playing with them. So she says MEEEEEOOOOOOW Tamara, Thank you!!!!

But there was also some goodies for mum. Look at these beautiful fat quarters she had added in the package. And a lovely needlecase.

Filled with needles and pins. Thank you so much Tamara. I love it. I have seen this one on another blog and have wanted to make one, but now I have this one :)
Tomorrow another day at the workshop.
Saying for today:
Women and cats do as they like.
Men and dogs get used to it.
Very nice. Do I ever remember cutting fabric like that. Us quilters will do anything to play with fabric. I have to admit I thought the catnip pouches were tampons. I am glad I read what they were.
Dear Irene, she managed to do her best..What a quilter wants... :>)
Nice workshop and nice quilt to make, too !
And the icing on the cake with some fun mail on your return. A lovely day, for sure !
(I love that needlecase, by the way)
Love the star in a star quilts you are working on . . . what fun to work as a team *s*
Oh I am in love with the star in a star quilt, wish My friend Anne-Maree and I could come to the lessons with you ! Thankyou for my lovely stitchery, it is so sweet.
Love the quilts and the blocks you made are great! They are going to make a great quilt.
I am so glad that Frida loved her present. I have several of these Nipsticks for my cats and never seem to be able to find them. They are so easy to make and of course the cats love to help make them also.
Your stars in a star blocks sure looking great.
She is such a trooper to cut with her arm like that, but who can stop a quilter??? Love the catnip pouches, great idea!!
It sure looks like you had a wonderful class with Kristin!! What lovely quilts to be inspired from...and yours is going to be wonderful! Glad you helped her...sometime...cause it looked like there were some problem though...;D
Great fabric choices! I have made a needlekeeper like the one from Tamara...very very easy. Thanks for posting.
Those star quilts are beautiful. I just love the softness of the colors. I the fabrics you are using are making me want to skip church and dig through my stash!
Those fabrics will look yummy in a quilt. Your kitty looks very happy. Your new needlecase is adorable.
Those are beautiful star quilts May Britt, and I love the fabrics you've chosen for yours. I can't wait to see your finished quilt!
What a lucky girl you are! Look like you won still another give-away - this time from Libby! Congratulations. I like how your stars look so far.
Your Fredia is adorable and the quilt you are working on is beautiful!
Oh pretty quilts! And I love the fabrics you girls have chosen to use! Hope Irene's arm will heal quickly - cutting like that doesn't look too comfortable!
Take care! Hugs...
What a fantastic workshop you've been to and the teamwork idea is great. You'll both end up with great quilts.
Your cat looks happy and the needlecase looks really interesting.
The blocks you are making look fun. I love the saying.
Du lager så koselige blogginnlegg :-D Herlige bilder av Frida - den pusen har personlighet. Stjerneteppet er bare rålekkert :-D
ohh how exciting to recieve some goodies in the mail..I must say I love the pretty fat quarters and the needlecase which looks like the needlecase made from my own tutorial...way to go girls...hugs
We are dedicated quilters to be cutting like that. Love the star quilts.
We've got to keep our kitty's happy.
I really like the star quilt, and the colors are so beautiful! It seems like you had fun:-)
I like the fabrics you have chosen for your star in a star blocks. Lucky Frida.
I love those fabrics for your star in a star quilt blocks as well as the goodies you got in the mail. What fun!
Frida looks so happy!! LOL.
Nice gifts,.
Love your starry blocks too.
Thanks for showing the two quilts by Kirsten Pollen. They are superb. Your friend is doing a great job - aren't quilters determined people? Looking forward to seeing more of your joint quilt. Congrats to Frida. She looks to be enjoying her prize.
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