Sunday, November 02, 2008

A quilters weekend

This weekend I went on a cabintrip with three good friends, Irene (who owns the cabin), Bjørg and Britt (.....all no bloggers).
And you know when a quilter is packing her bags, she always brings toooooo much......just in case. This is just the bags of three quilters (the fourth came the next day) and Irene had manage to take some of the bags further inside the cabin before I manage to get this photo.

And then............ready to sew..........for three days.........friday, saturday and sunday.

The cabin is small so we had to use every available space.
Tracing applique pattern

Rotarycutting besides bread, coffee and the sink

Using the window as a lightbox to trace stitchery pattern
And the floor to see how the blocks goes together.

Out for fresh air in beautiful cold sunny weather.
Minus 14 during the night and about zero in daytime.
Winter has arrived.
Bjørg, Britt and Irene for a long walk.
And then back to sewing again. We had one big project this weekend. We was going to make quilts for children with long term diseases. My friend Hanne has made so many of these quilts and have inspired us so much.
So here is photos of the three quilt tops we made this weekend:

We hope we can make some children smile when they get them.

We also had some time to work on other projects. I had brought some UFO's and it feels so good to have worked on something "old".
I sewed my adventcalendar together.
Now ready to be basted and quilted.

I finished Lynett Anderssons needlecase.
This is the front

And this is inside it.
It was a lot of work on this sewingcase.

I finished this little stitchery. It is from Bronwyn Hayes Polka Dot girls and I think it will be a part of the Polkadot and Ric Rac swap.

Bjørg made the two table toppers at the left. Britt made the autumn table topper to the left.

This has been a great weekend together with wonderful friends. A lot of laughter, chatting, deep conversations, red wine, a lot of good food and of course a lot of sewing.
My friend Laila was also on a cabintrip with good friends. Read all about it here.

Saying for today:
A hug is worth a thousand words.
A friend is worth more


Agapequilt said...

Ciao ciao dall' Italia

Haldis said...

Dette må vere drømmehelg! Mykje fint de har sydd.

Oddbjørg said...

Ser ut til at du har hatt ei super helg. Kjempefine ting som er blitt sydd.

Carrie P. said...

Wow, how fun. snow and all. Love the outdoor quilt show. Everything is beautiful.

Laila said...

Hi. Seems we both had a great weekend.Your quilt for the kids are great. I think they will be loved.You realy know how to make the most of the weekend and the space. ;-)

Sigrun said...

Så produktive dere har vært i helgen. Aksjonsteppene er kjempeflotte. Virkelig farger til å bli i godt humør av.

Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL ! The cabin brought sweet memories to me ... and you all me a GREAT job !


Lise in Norway said...

Your quilt tops are wonderful in lots of happy color.Can see you had a lovely time togheter.

Stina Blomgren said...

It is winter at your place!!!! Brrr!!!
Glad you could stay inside and be creative!! You sure is going to make a lot of kids happy!!! :o)
thanks for sharing the photos of your fantastic work!! :o)

Nancy in Norway said...

Looks like you have had a lovely week end. Love the quilts for children.

Congratulation on your great luck of winning prices this weekend.

Deb said...

May, Looks like you had a lovely weekend. Wonderful to have wonderful friends with a common interest. What pattern is your advent calednar, its lovely.

G'G'ma said...

Oh, how much fun to be together in a cabin with good quilting friends.
I envy you. Your quilts are beautiful and I know the children will love them.

Teresa said...

Brrrrrrrrr...that looks so cold. The cabin looks warm and cozy though. You Norwegian ladies are much more warm blooded than me - no way would I be out walking in 0 degree weather. Love the stitchery and quilts!

Anonymous said...

The quilts for the children are gorgeous, I'm sure whoever receives them will just love and adore them. Your advent hanging is wonderful, such a good feeling to work on ufo's.

Joy said...

Your advent calendar is just gorgeous!! I love the quilts you all made for the children too ... so bright and cheerful!! I'm sure the children who receive them will be very pleased :o).

Karen said...

Your quilts are very happy and bright. I'm sure that they will make some children smile. I know they made me smile...such a worthy cause and lots of good times with friends;)

Noémia said...

Great weekend with friends and productive too. I envy you! Mine was spended to rest because I was very tired!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Looks like you three had a great time. And wow you got alot done. Loved the snow and the fire in the fireplace. What a great weekend get away.

Julie said...

How lucky you are to have a friend with such a nice cabin!

SewAmy said...

looks like so much fun.

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Wow, in such a small place you were very productive. I love the kids quilts and I am sure they will make someone smile! Fall is still here in Minnesota but it won't be long before the landscape will be covered with snow here, too!

F.Gina said...

I like the story and these quilts too. It's beautiful !

Darlene said...

Oh May Britt what a wonderful week end with friends. Thank you for sharing all the great pictures!

trelly said...

Hii! You are very lucky, wonderful weekend!I'd like to do the same...congratulations

Elaine Adair said...

You sure have a lot of friends with cabins, where you have delicious sewing getaways! I am envious, but NOT of the cold. Such a good time, you are having! 8-)

So far, we've not had snow, or seriously low temperatures ...

Miri said...

What a wonderful week-end and you made beautiful quilts for the children-they put a smile on my face.

Liv said...

Så mye flott dere lager. Kjempeinteressent blogg, har lagt deg inn på lista mi.

Unknown said...

A post full of beautiful quilts.

Dawn said...

Looks like you had a super fun weekend! All the projects are beautiful!

Karen said...

Looks like a productive weekend for everyone. Love the outdoor shots of the quilts. YIKES winter has already hit your neck of the woods.

Hugs - karen

Lynette Anderson said...

Looks like you had a great weekend. Sounds very cold to me here in Australia where its coming into summer! The needlecase looks so sweet, thanks for showing it.
Lynette x

Cathy said...

I am so impressed with your luggage total..well done!! What a lovely lot of work you all achieved!! Your children's quilts are sure to put a smile on 3 little faces!!! Cathy

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

May Britt.....sounds like you had a fantastic weekend...thanks so much for sharing all the photos love the goodies you produced...

Quilting For Less said...

What a wonderful thing you quilters have done! My diabetic granddaughter is a recipient of a quilt made by loving hands such as yours!


Mary Johnson said...

What a fun weekend and your 3 quilts are just beautiful - I'm sure they'll be loved by the children that receive them. Isn't it wonderful to do something FUN and do some GOOD at the same time?

2ne said...

Ser ut som dere har hatt en kjempeflott helg. Utrolig koselig med slike turer :-)

Pamela said...

You've just been tagged! lol See my blog for details

Tonje said...

Ser ut som om dere har kost dere masse.

Joyce said...

These are the best weekends! My quilting friends and I love to getaway on quilt trips. Our order of packing is quilt projects, food and then maybe a few clothes (mostly pajamas) Love your blog!

Pepi said...

Hello May. I visit your blog very often but I do not know why I never leave a comment. I could not resist today. I think this calendar you have finished is marvellous. Will you be so kind to let me know where can I find it??. Regards from Spain.

quiltygal said...

Glad you had a good weekend its good to get away with good friends & to sew is a bonus...

Karen said...

What fun your cabin trip must have been. It is always good to spend time away from home on a sewing weekend. And so many projects. Thanks for posting pictures of everything.

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