Friday, January 02, 2009

A challenge

Oh...what have we started now. Do you notice this badge and a list on my sidebar. It all started with some comments on Kris's blog. Challenging eachother to finish up some WISP's (Work In Slow Progress or UFO's) I had already an agreement with Hanne and Stina to do the same.

And then the snowball began to roll................

Kris and I started to chat about making this a worldwide blogger challenge. So if you want to join the rules are:

1. Participants will try (we know life interferes sometimes!) to complete at least ONE craft project by the end of each month. This can be something you've had partly done for a while (a WISP!) or a pattern or a kit you bought ages ago that you finally get around to making.
You can join us at ANY TIME - there is no cut off or deadline, you just have more chances of winning some fun prizes the sooner you join us

2. You have to put up this badge on your blog (with a link back to mine or Kris's blog) and make a list of the monthly projects you have finished. If you don't have a blog that's OK, just email a photo back to us and we will show it on our blogs.

3. And of course send a photo back to me or Kris, and tell about it on your blog so that we can see what you have finished. Another good thing to do is to show us in the beginning of the month what you plan to do this month. But it is OK if you show a photo of one project in the beginning of the month and then finish another one (LOL) Because I know somethimes the inspiration takes other directions than we first have planned.

And there will be prizes !!

Kris and I will have a prize draw on the last day of each month. Everyone who has registered a completed project with us for THAT MONTH will go into the draw - if you've completed more than one project, you get an entry for EACH finish, so have more chances of winning some yummy gifties!! Kris and I will take it in turn to do the draw and provide the little prize so there'll be plenty of surprises and variety to keep us all motivated. Then, on Christmas Eve, we'll have a super-size prize draw where ALL of the entries will go back into the draw for a special prize drawing - but details of this will be worked out closer to the time. After all, it's January and December is a loooooong way off.

Does this sounds complicated..........NOT AT ALL...........this is just for fun, and maybe a lot of finished WISPs/UFOs. If we finish one each months, means 12 finished project this year.
Kris and I have just started to plan this and I guess there will be a lot of questions, so don't hesitate to ask if you wonder about anything.

And please visit Kris to read what she has to tell you about this challenge.

Now I am off into my sewingroom to find my first WISP for the year. I think the adventcalendar needs a binding so it is ready for next christmas.................but I hate bindings. Probably the right thing to do this evening in front of the tv, because like Kris I have had a night dreaming of rules, WISPs and Abba Songs in my head (watched the dvd Mamma Mia last night)

Saying for today:

Above all, challenge yourself.
You may well surprise yourself
at what strengths you have,
what you can accomplish.
--Cecile M. Springer


Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey May Britt! We're mad, we're crazy - oh what fun we are going to have! Tee! Hee! Hee! Stitcher all round the world are already starting to rummage in their sewing cupboards to find their WISP's - it will be sooooo much fun to see the variety of projects people finish! And now that we've shared our secret, maybe you and I will get a good night's sleep! Tee! Hee! Hee! Bear Hugs! KRIS

Jantine said...

This is a very good idea, I am in ;-). Tell you what, I finished a binding last night, didn't make it in 2008 :-(, does that count?

Stina Blomgren said...

I agree!!! Totally NUTS!!! ;o) LOL.... but I agree on the fun part too!!
Ok... this will be a good start for me who are totally unorganized... and this means I at least have to try to be organized...Ok.. ;o)
I want to wish you all the luck with this challenge and a little bit of good luck to myself and the the other crazy ones that joins!! :o)

Elin said...

Hei igjen, og godt år! Sjølvsagt blir eg med på dette, eg vil gjerne få til buttonen slik at den linkar direkte til deg, korleis gjer eg det?

Unknown said...

I am in. You will have a lot of work in the New Year, thank you so much.

Inger said...

Hei Mai Britt.Denne vil jeg gjerne være med på. Skal nok klare å få et prosjekt til hver måned, spesielt siden innkjøpte ikke påstartede prosjekter kan telle. (De er det mange av *smile).

Joy said...

I'm so glad you and Kris came up with this fabulous idea - what fun this is going to be!!! I'm sorting through my (many) WISPs and I'll let you know which one is on the top of the pile to get finished first!!!
Thanks for the inspiration :o)!!!
Joy :o)

Louann said...

This is a great idea. I'm in. I would love to finsh up my WISP's! This sounds like fun.

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

What a great idea! I would love to join this:o) Maybe I'll get something finished around here, too (lol)
I'll post it on my blog later today:o) Thanks for the inspiration:o)

Aless.M.Ruffini said...

Can I be in???
I've lot of WIS(and realy SSSS)P....

Yvette said...

You can count me it!

Thank you for this challenge.

Tone Yvonne said...


Jeg har ventet på noe slikt :o)
Var veldig fornøyd med den du hadde i januar 2008. Og håpet at noe liknende skulle komme - og det gjorde det ;-D

Jeg vil veldig gjerne delta!!!
Kommer tilbake med hva som er månedensprosjekt :o)

Tusen takk for at dere gjøre dette!!!


Anonymous said...

I really need this motivation, so I'm in. I'm new to blogging however, so I don't know how to put things in the sidebar. Can anyone help me in downloading the Challenge icon?

Vickie E said...

I'm in..I've got it on my blog already, fits right into my plan for 2009. Thanks for the motivation!

Me said...

Dear Girls, May and Kris.
That great idea!
This is an incentive for us all, so I'm in.
I loved it.
Thanks =)
x Me x

Jeanne said...

I'm in, too. Sounds like a winner of an idea. I have plenty of UFOs to choose from here.

Jossie said...

This is a great idea. May I join the club? I have a pile of things I want to finish this year and I know I can't do without some support.

Pumlans flitiga fingrar said...

Hey there!
I often read your blog and enjoy it a lot, and I really liked the new challenge you and Kris have started. Of course I want to join in!
It´s a good thing to try and do some of the oldies and some of the things I have in my idea-box. I look forward to this!

Lyckligs-Cozy-Cottage said...

Your blog is always real fun to read, a real pleasure. I love that idea, and I am so sorry I cannot join it. I have sooooo many ufos and unopened kits bought years ago, but when I should have to finish one of them in only a month, the pressure is to big for me (they are all so big with so much quilting and sewing to do at). But I LOVE LOVE LOVE to look if you and the others can do that. I cross my fingers for you all, that you get much done! And I cannot wait to see the finished projects. Even when I join it not, it will be a big motivation to work on my projects.
Many greetings

Ullis said...

Hej May Britt! Jag är med! Jag vet inte hur det har gått till men jag har en korg som är alldeles full med påbörjade projekt.
God fortsättning på det nya året!
Kramar Ulrika

Lizzan said...

Vilken bra utmaning, detta är precis vad jag behöver. Ska redan nu rota runt i lådan och se vad mitt första projekt blir. God fortsättning på detta härliga syår som ligger framför fötterna.

Bea said...

What a good idea! I have to reduce all my UFO´s and WISP´s... !
I´m in!

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

I would like to join! I completed my first project yesterday with pictures on my blog.

Dawn said...

Thanks for starting this challenge Ladies - count me in!!! Just the inspiration I need to FINISH old projects as well as start new ones LOL.
I've loaded the logo on my blog - I've finished my first project for this year (also on my blog - although I must admit, it was before I joined the challenge) - and now I'm off to check through my HUGE pile of WISPs!!
Kind regards - Dawn

Terry said...

Please add me to your list May Britt! I'm going to add the little logo to my blog in a minute! Thanks for doing this! :0)

Christine said...

Hi May Britt. I would love to join your challenge .... every bit of motiavation helps. It's a fabulous idea.

Ruthie said...

I would love to join the 1 a month challenge. I want to make a dirty-santa lap quilt each month this year, so that I have one for all the adults at my family Christmas dinner. So, that will be what my projuct each month will be.

María Elena said...

Hi May Britt, add me to your list, the past January I was participate in similar challenge and I was very happy with my work finished. I add the logo in my blog. Regards from Chile.

Gari in AL said...

Count me in. I had already decided that I had to be working on a UFO (WISP) at all times (usually work on 2-3 projects so I don't get bored). Maybe this will help me to not only work on them but complete them, too. Great Idea!

Kristie said...

You can certainly count me in on this!!!! I just dug out 75 quilt tops that need quilted!!!! I made a list of them all and added it to my sidebar!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great way to get and stay motivated into finishing my many projects. I'd love to join! Not sure how to get the pic to my blog though..

Quilterin said...

Yes indeed. And I`m in!

Guute said...

I like this challenge! And I've also been an insane person so you may put me on my list!

Lissa Jane said...

Oh you gotta add me to your list too! I am so great at starting stuffs, but awful at finishing!

who is about to go and work on her UFO list!!!

Unknown said...

I´m definitely in. What an idea! I need some help to get more organized, but that word finish, can you explain.....LOL
I like WISP, sounds better than UFO.
This would be fun. I think I will start today with the binding on my Christmas Angel....

Oddbjørg said...

Please add me to the list. I have enough UFOs, WISPs and "old" patterns/kits, so this challenge will be a great way to keep the motivation. Now I have to find the first project.
Thanks to both of you for the good idea!

Sherry said...

Count me in. I came by way of Cathi at Celtic Knots. Looking forward to project completions!

Monika said...

dette var veldig lurt,
har hatt ein rydderunde på syrommet - og det er utrolig mye rart som dukker opp og håper på å bli ferdig
Så dette vil eg vere med på
Smil fra monika
ps- skal legge ut bilder av det første syprosjektet senere i dag
smil fra monika

Laila said...

Denne utfordringa er eg med på. Det blir den første eg deltek i, men det er akkurat eg treng for å få ferdig noko av det eg har liggande.

Four Smiles said...

Great idea May Britt I am signing up for this I might be mad but I'll give it a go :-)
Cheers Erica

Kriza said...

What a great idea! I would like to join the challenge, please! :-)
I have no craft blog, so I cannot put up the Challenge icon, but I hope this will present no problem. And who knows, I might even start one in 2009...
Kristina from Hungary

Nancy in Norway said...

I could not resist :-)

Unknown said...

May Britt - can I make a suggestion - your blog is going to get conjested with all the challenge additions here - check out the black and white quilt challenge - it is a separate blog controlled for layout adjustments etc by the originator but those with blogs have access to post their own reports on progress etc - as you have a year long challenge here it maybe practical to do this - allowing you to keep you blog for your own blog posts - ps I'd love to join to keep my birthday blocks in check together with any UFO's / WISP's I also manage to get done

Juliann in WA said...

count me in - I got a kit per month from a shop last year and never made even one item that I received so this is perfect for me

Anonymous said...

Would love to be a part of the challenge :o) I was just posting the same thought for a challenge on my blog a few days ago. I have posted to let people know about this one. Good luck everyone!

julieQ said...

What a great idea! I have some lined up for me to finish this coming year. Happy New Year!

Silvia said...

My Britt what a very good idea from you to start this challange!!!
I am going for it.
I am only writing in Dutch so hard to read for you but the photo's will speak for them.

Monika said...

Da ligger det første bilde ute
Gleder meg - og takke takk for at dere drar dette i gang
Smil fra monika

F.Gina said...

Please add me to your list May Britt! I'm going to add the little logo to my blog in a minute! I really want to finish my UFOs. :))

Rita Tjelta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rita Tjelta said...

Heisan, bare meg som slettet kommentaren min, klare visst ikke å få med meg fingrene mine :)
Det jeg mente å skrive var at jeg vil gjerne meldet meg på denne utfordringen. Ikke sikkert jeg får til noe vær måned, men vil gjerne prøve :))

Barb said...

Awesome!!! Count me in....I will put the badge on

Thanks for the motivation....I already had you in my favorites....but now I will have you on my blog.

Barb said...

Well....that was not to bright!!
sorry about that...

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Fantastic idea May Britt, please, pretty please may i join? I really need some extra motivation!! Thanks, tracey

Joy said...

Thanks to both of you ladies! I love this idea! Count me in!

Willow Lake Stitches said...

Hi, I'd love to be added to your list ! This is just what I need to challenge me to finish up some projects !

We are having a giveaway, please drop by my blog and enter!


Lurline said...

Hi May Britt,
I have heard of you for quite a while, so decided to visit when I heard about yours and Kris's great challenge - I have signed up with Kris, now hope when I put the button on my sidebar it links to you, too! Sounds like a lot of fun and certainly motivational. Love your blog, too!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Rhonda said...

Sounds great! I love to join in on this challenge.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

May Britt...fantastic idea I am working on my January Finish...thanks so much for doing the challenge..

Unknown said...

I'm in - I figure I can manage at least one project a month. Off to make it public on my blog! (gulp!!)

Virpi said...

Wow here is huge amount of people participating. I would like to join too.

Cathy said...

Yes I'll join in to. The challenge will help motivate me to finish some of my many WISP's!! Thanks guys!! Cathyx

Cathi ONeill said...

I'd love to join May Britt, I don't have a lot of WISPs, but want to do some smaller projects (patchwork pillows, wallhangings) are these okay for the monthly projeccts?? The other quilts on my list are long term ones!!

Annie said...

We have the ABBA singstar going most of the day, so we too are singing them over and over in our heads. Off to check my UFO's said...

Flott ide - morsom og passende ambisiøs. Så da melder jeg meg på og har allerede lagt ut omtale på bloggen min ( blir neste prosjekt å finne ut hva som skal være januar-ferdigstillings-prosjektet. Gleder meg! Ha en strålende dag!

Willow Grove - Kez said...

I would love to have a go at that too. I need to finish lots of UFO's so this will be a great chance to get some done. I need a challenge to get me going. Thanks for this.


Unknown said...

Sorry about the lack of email addy on my blog May. Fixed now!

Manuela said...

What a great idea. I'm in.


Fadentante Gabriele said...

What a good Idea, I have a lot of UFO's and WIP's. You can count me in.

Hugs, Gabriele

Berteline said...

Hei! Godt nyttår!
Dette vil jeg gjerne være med på! Supert å få ferdig noe av det som blir liggende.


Laila L S said...

Hei May Britt. Etter å ha tenkt "skal, skal ikke..." et par dager kna jeg ikke dy meg. Jeg vil også være med. Har ikke god nok oversikt over alt halvferdig akkurat nå, men regner med at jeg kan klare noe hver måned. Sender deg en mail med nødvendige opplysninger.

Jessica said...

Dear May Britt~
I came by way of Hanne's blog and I think I want to try out this challenge. I've just become a stay at home mom (the baby is 11 weeks) and thinking about starting big projects is a bit daunting. if I stick to WISPs maybe I can stay positive and actually feel like i'm accomplishing something (or 12 somethings, hopefully).

here's my info:
name: Jessica A.
location: New York
email: jessicaintheforest at yahoo dot com

Sara said...

My mom and I are joining the challenge. My blog is and my moms is Her name is Jackie. We are both looking forward to this challenge!

quilterin100 said...

I have a lot of UFOs. I'm in!

Bec Clarke said...

I would love to sign up to this challenge please. I am pretty sure that I can do one every month, maybe April will be an exception as I am having a baby at the end of March but I will try.

Carol in Sweden said...

I'm lots of WIP's and UFO's and "hiding in the corner" projects!

I've started a project that was supposed to be my summer project for Christmas gifts this year...Lavender & rose petal packets. This will be my January project to finish by the end of the month....

Then I'll move on to the ones hiding in the closet!

Robin C said...

Hello May Britt,
I got the idea for this first from Colleen of Crazy about Primitive Quilts and now you. Sign me up, I'm going to try to be more productive in all areas of my life in 2009.

Robin in Virginia

Sonia said...

Well - I am joining in, it was my new years resolution anyways...then I found your joining in and I am pleased to say finished one and half way through the second.

photos will come once the item has been recieved by it's recipient.

Thanks for the's to many finished ufo's this year.

Karamat said...

I'd love to join in!! I have way too many works in progress, patterns waiting for fabric, and fabric waiting for patterns. This year I am focusing on getting some items completed! My blog is at

Vanessa said...

Hi May Britt! Count me in for this! I was just thinking I really need to finish some projects this year, and your challenge will really motivate me. Thanks! Vanessa

Titikaka said...

OOOO.... The adventcalendar - its great! I love it... It will be my dream for next Cristmas! Where can I buy pattern? Please!!!!

stufenzumgericht said...

Hi May Britt,
your challenge is the best, that could ever happen to me to start the new year, that's why, I'd like to participate!I've just announced your idea on my blog, so, what else have I to do now?
Yours, Martina

Anna said...

Hi, I want to join too! It is a great challenge!
You can find my blog at and my project list at
(I could not post the images, there seems to be some technical server issues going on tonight, but they will be up as soon as possible.)

Happy sewing in 2009!

Patti said...

I'm with you May! This fits right in with my goal to complete two each month! So count me in - I just have to read over the rules and fix my blog and/or sidebar so I'm following along correctly. That may take a day or two.

WISPing also - love it!

quiltygal said...

OK I'm in might be what I need to get me motivated & I think I have enough unfinished stuff for the year!! off to sort out stuff now will link you on my blog later

Marit said...

Hi May Britt. I am in ! Sounds both fun and smart !

Laurie said...

What a job you have created for yourselves. I hope you enjoy it since the year can seem veeerrrry long if not. I'm in. But I'm not very organized... one of my goals; or it should be. I'm working on a quilt I started in 1982! It will be done in January.

Mari said...

Jeg vil gjerne være med på denne utfordringa.. Passer bra da jeg har mange prosjekter pågang..

Sigrun said...

Jeg har hatt ufo opptelling idag jeg May-Britt og det var ikke spesielt oppløftende. Så jeg melder meg på i håååp om at jeg får noe ferdig.

Bev C said...

Wow. This is a fantastic idea. I would be delighted to join in this challenge. I have just finished a stitchery and a cross stitch this year. I wonder how many projects will be brought out to finish off. I wonder if we could have a competition to guess how many will be the final total at the end of the year. Happy stitching.

Marielle said...

Iwant to join the list. I already made plans to finish 1 project each month and I can use some help to keep me motivated
I have a weblog, that needs to be updated, so this will be an good thing for my blog to.
It is in dutch now, but I will write in english if you want me to.

Marielle said...

I have started a new blog for this, you can find it here said...

I am writting from France ,and my english is not perfect at all...anyway !Your idea is wonderfull and I agree totally.I'ld to be with you as my cupboard cannot close anymore because of my project ...I don't know how to put the 'logo' on my blog ...I am a beginer with computer !Add me to the list and I'll try to give you a photo . Thank you for the genious idea.I'm so happy to write to you, I love your country so much. See you soon !

Margot said...

This is a fantastic idea. I would be delighted to join in this challenge.
Use the Translator Online for the Portuguese and I want to participate. I write of Brazil. I am starting my Blog.

Kathy said...

I am so in on this! One of my goals this year is to bust stash and finish UFO's!!

merrily row said...

I am in too. I think I am the first Mary on the list

Kari said...

Hello!!! I am a little new to this blogging stuff, but do love to quilt and stitch when time allows. Could you add me to your challenge. Thank you.
Kari S.

Katie said...

Hi May Britt! I'm in. I've started Bonnie's new mystery quilt but in between steps I'm going to work on UFOs ad WISPs.

Joanne said...

Hello May Britt,I came by way of Carrie at a passion for appliq. I would like to try this challenege, I'm farely new to blogging and i haven't done any sewing in a long time and haven't made any quilts but would like this year to be the year to give it a try and this challenege seams like a great way to start.
Does it have to be quilts or can I start with small projects like bags.
Joanne xx

~Laurie~ said...

Oh boy! I'm going to take the leap and join in with all of you crazies! It really is a great idea to get all those projects finished and I'm really, really going to try and not start a new project..........yet!! Thanks for this great idea - add me to your list please and I'll be in Maine sewing away this year!!

Pink Feather Paradise said...

What a wonderful Idea, I have visited you from Joannes patch of heaven. I am not a quilter as such, but I have started a project this month and I am making bunting for my sons birthday, if I can be included I would be very grateful, but understand if its just for quilters.

Good luck
Alex x

nana56 said...

Dear May and Kris!
Please add me to the list.
I want to finish the my UFO's.

Julie said...

May Britt
I would love to be included in this challenge. Nothing like starting the new year gettind wisp's finished.
my info is Julie H
my blog address is
amd my email
thanks julie

Wendy said...

Hi May, hope your new year is going good! I want to sign up for this challenge. Maybe I can get some of my wip finished this year. Wendy F

Millie said...

I like to join the challenge and I will try to do my best to complete one quilt(more is better) per month.

Jo said...

Hi, found through pink feather paradise blog, I'd like to join in, I've got loads of WISP's so hopefully this will motivate me to finish them!
Josie x

2ne said...

Jeg er med. Dette høres spennende ut - og hjelper meg med å komme i gang med noen prosjekter. Er akkurat ferdig med en løper i dag så dette passer bra :-) Ha en riktig god helg

patchwitch said...

Dear May Britt!

May I join to your 2009 challange?
I would have to 'kill' some UFOs!

Kathy said...

Hi May Britt,
What a fantastic Challenge. I'd love to join in too. It may just get me to finish something!! :-)

Jeni said...

Count me in!! I can't wait to get started. I've posted on my blog but am having trouble putting the logo in my sidebar...HELP please!! I don't want to miss out!

Jeanne said...

I have a finish! I made a carry all tote for my guild's ugly fabric challenge. The fabric was given out at our September meeting.

Ylva said...

Hi, I want to join this challenge. I will try my hardest to finish up an UFO or WISP each month. I have several ongoing projects.....


Teaquilts said...

I'd like to join the challenge. My blogspot is: and name is Teajuana

I'll post the badge as well. Could you tell me the e-mail address where I post finished projects? I'm not sure if I post to your blog or send to an email address.


Quilty said...

Hi May Britt,
I want to join in this challenge. The first month was successful, hope it will go on this way.

Ylva said...

Hej, jag kom på hur jag skulle göra för att e-mailadressen skulle synas. Hoppas att det fungerar nu.

Men tack i alla fall!!!

Nu har jag gjort färdigt en till quilt:

Karlene said...

HI May Britt,
I love the challenge on your blog...I was given your site to see about joining...I would like to join and post what I plan on doing this month and the rest of the months...I may nee some help on how to do this though...check out what I have done so far at:
Hope to see you and join...Thanks,

Ezreen said...

hi there!
i just put up the graphic on my blog! hope this challenge will inspire me more to achieve my target to finish 1 project per month!

happy crafting & sewing everyone!

Helen said...

Hi. I just found this challenge and it sounds like a wonderful idea. Since it is to late for me to sign up for it, I'm going to try it on my own. Take care...Helen

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