My DD came unexpected home for the weekend this evening. With bus from Trondheim (over 6 hours bustrip) . After a lot of chatting and dinner I went into the sewingroom preparing the applique I showed you yesterday. Do you know guess what it will be???

But does your sewing room look like this when you are in a hurry preparing a project????
Well.........no time to clean it now...........
Saying for today:
You may admire my dust,
but please don't write in it!

Ja, sådan ser der faktisk tit ud på min syplads! Det er jo lidt sjovere at finde frem og komme igang end at lægge på plads igen! Glæder mig til at se resultatet!
Hilsen Maria
I promise... exactly like that!!! :O)
Have a great weekend with both sewing and enjoying your daughters company!!
det kan da bli noen flotte damer - skal tru kva spennende du holder på med no
ps. kor deg med dattra i helga
Hi May--you may have been in a hurry and your sewing room may be in a mess---but--you really have done a great job in the fabrics for your block--Happy Stitching this weekend and have fun with your daughter!!
Just, Di
Your applique is looking great! Looks like a nice, clean mess, if you know what I mean! Enjoy your weekend!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Is it the Gingham Girls? It looks wonderful whatever it is. :) Have a great week-end!
That is what is called a creative mess...love your new block and enjoy your time with your daughter..
Yes for sure. Mine looks worse than that. At least I know I am not the only one. Thanks for sharing.
It looks quite familiar!! Can't wait to see your finished project!
wow, that was quick!
have fun this weekend..
x Alex
Hi. Your ladies are great... I know what you are doing.. ;-)
You realy can make a mess, but I think the butler clear after you. ;-)
Happy stitching.. Hugs
enjoy your daughter
Oh I do know this project but I won't spoil your Ta Dah moment. Isn't it a lot of fun. My sewing room is a bit trashed at the moment!
Love the fabric you found. Oh yes this will be a lovely quilt bag....
Æ trur æ veit ka du lage!
Yes this is how it looks like.
Me looks like that except it is a pile at the back of my cutting table.
It helps to be handicapped a bit...because you cannot kneel or bend to pick things up off the floor......
Wow - that looks like a fabulous project - so pretty. The room looks like mine, and I don't have a fabulous project in the works.
Ja, her ser det ut som om noen gjør noe.Kjempeflott veske.Skulle også ha sydde meg liten veske/sekk til å ha på ryggen ,men vet ikke hvilken bok mønstret står i.Må høre med damen som hadde sydd til seg sjøl og et par venninner.Får sy den til NQT.
Yes, my sewing room is a mess right now too! I've got a couple piecing projects going, I was trimming quilts and there are threads everywhere, and now the box and stuff from the new sewing machine. I can hardly work in there so I guess I'll be doing at least a little cleaning soon.
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