Friday, February 17, 2012

Big plans for the weekend


The sun is shining so lovely today.  I have spring feelings and that made me buy these lovely tulips.  I love tulips.

I have big plans for the weekend. 


In my mailbox today was an envelope with pre printed stitcheryblocks for the Scandinavian Christmas quilt.   Thank you both Hanne and Grethe.  Guess this means I am in sewing this along with you.  Already found some fabrics to match the linen.


Fabric every where in my sewingroom.  On the sewing table was the fabric for Scandinavian Christmas, and when I turn around there is fabric for my Annas Veggteppe on display on my ironing board.  Not yet desided which one to use.    Hopefully I manage to find the fabrics I want to use during the weekend.


Also lying on the ironing board is my Summer Garden.  Hope I get it basted this wekeend so that I can start machin quilting it.


And when I turn around to the left I find this angel pillow that just need to be sewn together.

Not to mention if I turn even more to the left, I have a pile of half done projects.

So this is going to be a very busy weekend in the sewingroom. 

Enjoy your sewing weekend too.

Saying for today:

"If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it."
Andy Rooney


Grethe said...

Hurra,dette blir spennende,flott stoff til SC! Gleder meg til å se Gail P quilten og AnnAkas veggteppe også. Mitt ligger fortsatt og venter i esken sin.
God syhelg;gøy med beskrivelsen av syrommet ditt:0)

Kate said...

Sounds like fun!

Karen said...

You do have big plans and fun ones! The piles of fabrics look very tempting. I see you are going to play along with friends on one project. It is good to have encouragement to keep you on track.

Hanne said...

I am looking forward to see your progress :-))

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

Ser ut som du får en alle tiders helg med masse søm og drøm :-)
Happy weekend,

Yvonne W said...

What lovely choices to have to make. The materials you have look so lovely esp the blues.
Enjoy your sewing weekend.

barb's creations said...

Looks like you'll be very busy this weekend,all lovely projects to be working on :) Barb.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Enjoy May Britt...

Anonymous said...

Hello again May Britt, I love the hardanger embroidery under your lovely tulips!!

Lynda said...

Have fun May Britt. You won't be bored this weekend.

Lynda said...

Have fun May Britt. You won't be bored this weekend.

Stina Blomgren said...

hej hej.. härliga planer!! Lycka till!!

quiltygal said...

Hope you are enjoying your weekend of stitching... love your blue & brown material...I think we all have too many U.F.O's :)

mascanlon said...

Working my way through a quilt back for a baby quilt and postage stamp blocks...only 7 more blocks to go then I get to put together the 48 blocks in to the top! hurrah this ufo has been staring at me for 12 mo. And it sure looks like you have a busy weekend planned too!

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