Thursday, March 29, 2007

march quiltmeeting

This evening I went to our monthly quilt meeting. Although it was warm and sunny spring weather outside a lot of ladies was there. And one of them was Reidun. She is the Queen of Hexagons. She makes so lovely quilts out of hexagon, and when I asked her to blog my photos of her quilts she permitted that. So now I will show you some of the quilts she has made of hexagons. And most of the hexagons are small.....very small.

She makes beautiful quilts doesn't she. It is fun to play with english paper piecing. And easy to bring when you are travelling. She has now started a sort of challenge where she is giving us patterns of different ways to use hexagons each month. (I know Nadine, you should be here now and see all the samples she brought)And this is what I won today at the quilt lottery. A beautiful springlike piece of fabric and a lot of hexagons. Guess I have to make some of the patterns we got today.

This weekend will be a sewing weekend. I have a lot of plans. My log cabin easter table runner (which I made two years ago) will be basted and machinequilted. I want to get the binding on my tulip runner. And baste and machinequilt my chicken table cloth.(which I also made two years ago). And that means a lot of bindings to do :( Why do I hate to do the binding. But I want to finish them so I can use them THIS easter.

Saying for today:

Everyone smiles in the same language


Anonymous said...

You did it on purpose ! I'm sure !... Now it's YOUR FAULT if I must add some hexagon papers in my sewing luggage ! LOL LOL

Beautiful ! Thanks for showing !

Hugs & smiles !

Angie said...

Oh yes, May Britt, those are absolutely gorgeous! Sounds like you will have a full, fun quilting weekend! :D

Diana said...

What beautiful quilts! It's just amazing what you can do with that one simple shape. Queen of Hexagons is right!

Libby said...

Just wonderful - love English paper piecing.

Tracey in CT said...

Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures! She does beautiful work! Obviously she is more patient and has more attention to detail than I do!

Pam said...

She does make beautiful quilts. Such a great thing she does with the hexagons - before I saw the pictures I thought "how much can a person do with hexagons" but you can do so much! Thank you to her for allowing you to share her quilts.

CONNIE W said...

The hexagons look so small - her work is so beautiful. Thanks for showing the photos on your blog!

Patti said...

Lucky you - great winnings!

Yes, her quilts are incredible. Thank her for allowing you to share them with us. She is very talented - and patient!

Anne Ida said...

Those hexagon quilts are absolutely beautiful! Please pay her my compliments, and thank her for allowing you to share the pictures!

Have a fun sewing and quilting weekend! Remember to tell yourself: sewing on the binding is NOT boring! Find something nice to hear on the radio, TV, some music or an audio book and the job is a game :o)

Take care!

Bea said...

Love all the pics. You´ve a wonderful blog! Thanks for all informations.

Cynthia said...

her quilts are lovely. I have never tried hexagons but once i have completed some more UFOs i would like to try some.

Lucky you winning the quilt lottery. How big are those hexagons? Or should i say little? They look so small.

Enjoy your quilty weekend

Anonymous said...

What stunning quilts. Hope you enjoy your weekend stitching.

The Calico Cat said...

Wow, thosae are really inspiring, thanks for sharing!

Susan said...

What creative ideas on the use of hexagons..... You have some talented friends as well as being talented yourself.

Darlene said...

I'm in AWE! Stunning, simply stunning!

I must get back to my GFG project - where is that basket???? And, maybe I'll start one with some spring colors.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh they are wonderful! Please tell her how much I enjoyed her use of them! Thank you so much for taking the pictures and sharing them!

Simonetta said...

Very beautiful jobs!!! My compliments to Reidun, and thanks indeed for these beautiful photos :)))Have a great week-end ;)))

Wendy said...

So many ways to use hexagons. I have been wanting to try english paper piecing, this might be my incentive to get going.
I love doing bindings, send them my way :-)

Passionate Quilter said...

wow! I love doing English paper's such a great travel project. Thanks for sharing those neat quilts--but I dont' think I'll ever do that small size hexagons! wowser!

Jenni said...

Hi May Britt. They are great photos of lovely quilts. The one with the large amount of cream background - did she applique the hexagons on, or do the whole background out of hexagons too? My hexagons have lost out in favour of knitting, but I must not forget about them altogether.

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