Tuesday, June 12, 2007

And the winner is

I am overwhelmed by the response on my 200th blogiversary. 73 comments when I printed it out today. Gosh........ There was a lot of "old" familiar bloggers and also some new ones. It is always fun to meet new bloggers. Perhaps this is one way to get the lurkers out of their cabinets LOL I appriciate every word you have written, I'm even blushing over the nice words you are saying. Me a quilt idol (somone mentioned that in their comment) ...........no way......I'm just an ordinary crazy quilt lady from Norway who loves my hobby. Some also "blame" (LOL) for being responsible for they starting to blog, but isn't that fun :) I also pushed another one yesterday to start blogging after her comment on my blog. So please visit Gudrun from Iceland on her blog and wish her welcome to blogland. I am sure she have a lot to tell about Iceland and the quilters there. So THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all the nice comments on my 200th blogiversary. I wish I could have made a drawstring bag for all of you, but 73 , sorry I don't have time for that. Have to sew!!!!!!

And who will be the winner of my drawstring bag. I have started to sew it together. But will not show it yet. Give me some days and it will be finished.

I have printed all comments early this morning. And cut them out one by one and placed them in my chrystal bowl
and shouted: "Lena, please come and help me"
She picked one paper from the bowl.....

and the winner is
drumroll please
and the winner is

Tanya from Japan.
WOW....my drawstringbag is flying all over to Japan.
So Tanya please email me you adress.
Congratulations to you
And thank you all other who placed a comment.
Please come back and visit me
Have a nice day.
Saying for today:
Winners are like tea bags...
They get stronger the longer they're in hot water.


Quilts And Pieces said...

Your post was just so cute! I hope Gudrun shares about Iceland, I would love to learn about that country too! And the quilting there!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Tanya. As usual May Britt you bring a smile to my face with your psots.pavbobd

Anonymous said...

How fun your blogiversary has been for you!

Pam @

Carole said...

You always bring a smile on my face. I enjoy the way to express yourself, so beautiful! Thank you for letting me know about Gudrun in Iceland! Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so happy for Tanya ! Congratulations to her !... and to you, too : you really have a talent to keep the suspense on ! LOL LOL

Hugs & smiles !

Little Penpen said...

Congrats! to Tanya for being the lucky one to receive the bag. Even though I didn't win, I will faithfully continue reading your blog and yes, you ARE my quilting idol. I wish we were neighbors!

Susan said...

I think that I am a real winner because I have gotten to know you and share with you the wonderful world of stitching. You are a true inspiration.

McIrish Annie said...

Sorry I missed your Blogiversary!
:( Bloglines didn't let me know until today. But better late than never! I really enjoy your blog and look forward to seeing "what's up" in your neck of the world.

Have a happy day!!

Unknown said...

How exciting this was, you made my heartbeat go up while scrolling down your page to the winner. Lucky Tanya to get your bag. I say as littlepenpen I will continue reading your blog although I didn´t win the bag ;)

Elaine Adair said...

Oh what fun that was! Your photos, their placement, making us all scroll to the bottom of your post! Congrats to Tanya ... she will love your gift!

Libby said...

Thanks so much for the introduction to Gudrun. Your post of the drawing is so cute . . . congrats to Tanya *s*

Doodlebug Gail said...

You've added a lot of fun to your little celebration - congratulations to Tanya. I too wish that you could make each and every one of us a stitchery bag - LOL ..... (big smiles!)

Diana said...

Thanks for introducing Gudrun. I am continually amazed at the scope of quilting in blogland!

CONNIE W said...

So glad Tanya could be a winner. She's so sweet.

dot said...

Congrats to the winner but then we are all winners because we get the oppurtunity to read your blog. Keep up with the great posts and allowing us a peek into your world.

meggie said...

Congratulations to Tanya!
I went to visit Gudrun, & left a comment for her. Love meeting new people.

QuiltingFitzy said...

May Britt, you're a real treasure.

Tanya is SO lucky!!

Wendy said...

Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't the winner :-( Congrats to Tanya, she'll love it. Thanks for sharing the blogs they are a nice visit.

~Bren~ said...

I didn't get in on your drawing but wanted to say happy blogiversary! Your Leanne's House BOM are beautiful! :) Bren

President said...

Congratulations to Tanya!

Helen said...


That last comment from President is actually me. I forgot I was signed in as President.

Helen said...

I mean I was signed in as President of our club blog:

Teodo said...

Congratulations to Tanya and a hug to you for the nice suspence you gave us.
ciao ciao

Rose Marie said...

Oh what fun you've had! 200 posts. I was away and missed it, but what fun to read all about it and lucky for Tanya to win. Cheers to many more posts!

picperfic said...

what a lovely thing to do! Congratulations on your 100th post. Sorry i missed it. I love DD's summer bag and I am really starting to sew blocks and bags with a passion! I'm so glad you post in english...sometimes I can tell you struggle a bit but on the whole, your english is amazing, I mean...I only speak a tiny bit of french and you csn converse with me so well!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Lovely blog. congratulations to Tanya. You are very generous.

Shelina said...

Happy Blogiversary. I really enjoy reading your blog too, and see what fun things you have to show us for the day. Your bag is gorgeous. Congrats to Tanya for winning the gift. I am thinking about doing a drawing like that too, but want to make the package ready before I do, because otherwise the winner will have to wait way too long!

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