Sunday, June 10, 2007

My 200 th post !

I am writing my 200th post right now, and I'm inviting you over for a glass of white wine and strawberries. Doesn't it look yummy!!!!

I had no idea when I started blogging in august last year that it would develope like this. My first post where i presented myself both in norwegian and english. I inteded to write both in english and norwegian, but after a short while I realiced that was not executable. I choose to write only in english. The first two who commented on my blog was Bente and Hanne. Then I got to know a lot of foreign bloggers. From USA, Belgium, Australia, Japan, Netherland, Sweden, Finland, England aso. I did not know there was such a big world of quilt bloggers. And still I discover new blogs I haven't visited before. What a lovely place blogland is!!!! I am so thrilled that I've met you all.

My DD told me today that her friends thought I was a cool mom. And when I asked why they thought so she told me it was cause of my blogging. Also want to mention that when she arrived at the beach yesterday with her new bag even one of the boys thougt it was nice. And the girls wanted to know where she bought it. "My mom made it for me" she told them. "Oh...that's so cool" some of them said.

The sun is still shining hot hot hot. But today there is a little breeze in the air. So it is lovely to sit on the porch. I'm sewing on Leannes House BOM. Will show you in my next post. But my fingers is sticky and it is difficult to get nice stitches. I am also reading a good book. And have a big glass of cold water besides me. Which I sometimes just want to pour onto my head to chill off a bit.

A give away to celebrate my 200th blogiversary.

I will draw one of you who comment on this post. And I think I will make a little drawstring bag with a little stitchery on for the winner. My DD will pick a winner tomorrow evening and I'll post the winner on tuesday. I have already started the stitchery.
And please make sure that I'm able to answer back on your comments . Still too many bloggers come up with no reply.

Saying for today:
Do not say a little in many words
but a great deal in a few


Julia said...

Hi, I love your blog!!! This is the first time that I have left a comment, but I would love to have your little bag. You do such beautiful work.

heather said...

I'm a first time visitor. Congratulations on your anniversary!

Silverthimble said...

Congratulations on your 200th post! Isn't it wonderful that your daughter appreciated her bag--and such a bonus that her friends think you are cool!

Luísa Silva said...

Cheers Abby. Congratulations for the good work and your generosity. You have been sharing your knowledge and good humour in these 200 posts. I have learned so much with your tips and technics. Thanks.

Unknown said...

congratulations on your 200th post - the strawberries look luscious - here in the UK ours are very early and lots are rotting before they can be picked because the usual workforce for picking (students in their holidays) are still at college - what a waste! I love them fresh but also like them stewed with rhubarb - delicious!

dot said...

Happy 200th. I enjoy reading your blog and love it when you and Hanne get togeather. Enjoy the day and keep blogging.

Darlene said...

Well, you already know that I believe you are incredibly talented. I wish it were possible for me to visit you, so we could sew together and just enjoy!

I'm really glad that you decided to start blogging, my friend!

(I must finish packing - I'm leaving for a few days)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BLOG ANNIVERSARY, May Britt !..... and many, many more posts !
It's such a pleisure to read you, and see the beautiful things you make !
Yes, Blogland is wonderful...

Keep posting, dear !

Biiig hugs & smiles,

Carole said...

Alright, what time do you want me over the the strawberries and wine? Oh, wait, I can't drink yet because of meds! Well, I'll have your share of stawberries and you can have my wine! LOL I will agree with you, blogging is amazing. I have made such wonderful friends! The inspiration is phenomenal! Thanks for the celebration!

Kim West said...

Happy 200th post!!

I love reading your blog and all your eye candy!!

Hanne said...

Happy 200th post May Britt :-)
Here it is to hot to even think straight today, but when it cools down I will take some more stitches. I did some stitchery early in the morning, on a class project for the autumn.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 200th post! I have to admit that I have been popping in from time to time to find a little inspiration! Believe me, I have found a lot!
Thank you,
from Michigan/USA

Doodlebug Gail said...

200 posts! Congratulations. So glad you're considered to be a "cool Mom" and how wonderful that your daughter (and her friends) love her bag.

Pam said...

200th post congratulations!

I am sitting here near the beach in Oregon, USA celebrating with you...too early for a glass of wine right now but will have one later this evening in your honor!

Pam @

Quilts And Pieces said...

May Britt - Happy 200! It is a gorgeous day out here again today and when I saw your white wine and strawberry picture, I thought - wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all just sit outside and visit in real life! I"m so glad you started blogging!

Cathi said...

May Britt-
Don't forget you have a friend in Ireland, who is still grateful for the package you sent me for helping with the banner design!

I love seeing all your different projects and hope to do some more stitchery before the end of the year!

Cathi in Ireland!

Barbara C said...

Cheers on your blogiversary! I enjoy reading your blog regularly. May you post for many years to come.

Joyce said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary. I am not surprised that your daughter's friends loved the bag.

Anne Ida said...

Happy blogiversary!!! Love to share some strawberries and white wine with you:o) Thank you for being such an inspiration! And wow; 200 posts! I'm impressed! Hope to be still going strong for my 200 :o) Take care!

Proverbs3122 said...

I just found your blog from nikki's ventures blog and moseyed on over to see your cube tutorial. I, too, like to piece and quilt by hand. People don't quite get it, but it IS relaxing.

Granny said...

Congratulations on the 200th post. I'm so glad you're blogging and so glad you're a part of the Stash Quilters blog ring!

The strawberries and wine look yummy and refreshing!

Carolyn said...

Congratulations on your 200th post! I've been blogging for almost two years and haven't gotten there yet! Your posts are always inspiring and I enjoy your blog.

Joolz said...

hej maybritt,
i don't know how to change my settings to show my email address!! maybe you can mail me and explain! my address is
i am so impressed with the fact that your daughter loves your/her bag and that she's proud of your work - what an honour, eh!? :) congratulations on your 200th blog, may you keep blogging for many years!
all the very best from a very hot corner of sweden.

Gerry said...

Congrats, May. You have a lovely blog. CHEERS!

Brechtje said...

Hello May Britt,

Congratulations on your 200th post! Enjoy reading your blog. Greetings from Cairo, Egypt.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Congrats on 200 posts!and here's to 200 more!

Deb Sews Quilts said...

Congratulations on your 200th post. I read your blog regularly and enjoy it. The bag that your daughter got is absolutely beautiful. You do great work!

Anonymous said...

Happy 200th post May Britt. Isn't blogging so much fun, plus there's the added bonus of all the wonderful friendships that are made and the inspiration we recieve from other bloggers. May you have another happy 200 post.

Teodo said...

congratulations for your 200th post.
I'm happy to have found your blog and you.

I like all the photos, the tutorials and the suggestions that you showed us and I enjoed very much reading the words that you use at the end of each post every day.

Yes blogland is wonderful and when I see a comment is as I was near to the blogfriend, it seems to me to speak to her looking eyes in the eyes.
cin cin and ciao ciao from Italy.

Bea said...

Congratulations to your 200th post! What a great day. Connie leaves her 100th post, you with the 200th post and me next time also with the 100th post - just see and wait!!! Love your stichery and your blog and found manys of inspirations. Thank you! Happy quilting.

CONNIE W said...

May, If you are including comments from other countries, please enter my name into the drawing also. Congrats on the 200th. Definitely it deserves champagne and strawberries!

hortenzita said...

Happy blogiversary on the 200th post!
Strawberry and champagne: wonderful combination!

Leah Spencer said...

Yummy strawberries! Congrats on 200, just hit that number myself. :)

Melanie said...

Congrats on your 200th posting... And you are a COOL mom....

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Congratulations on 200... Skål!

Among everything else, I always enjoy your Saying for Today!

Judith said...

Happy 200th post and I just love strawberries. You can leave the white wine for yourself.

Chookyblue...... said...

HI Well done May Britt, 200 posts... so many comments lucky you....I have a long way to go to get to is only breaky now is Australia when I am writing this so won't get out the champagne just yet but will have a little scotch and dry for you this arvo. take care....

Anonymous said...

congrats on your 200th post
I love to read your blog it is always so nice to see what you are doing
please enyer me in your draw I would love to have the little bag you are doing
kindest regards Beth AU

meggie said...

Hi May Britt, I began blogging about the same time you did, & yours was one of the first blogs I found. Who would have guessed we would find such great friendship all over the world! Hooray for Blogging.

Jeanne said...

Congratulations on your 200th post in blogland! I agree with everything you said about blogging. You are responsible for me starting my blog. I am so grateful for the gentle push.

Anonymous said...

Your readers think you're cool too!

Pam said...

Congratulations on your 200th Post. It is so amazing how many wonderful people we have met in the past year or so on the internet!

Tanya said...

Wow! Look at all the comments!
I had no idea that you're a fairly new blogger. Your blog is so well thought out and easy to read that I thought you'd been doing it much longer. Congratulations on the 200th post!
Doesn't it feel great when someone you love appreciates your work? Give your daughter a big hug!

Wendy said...

I love reading your blog, you have so many wonderful projects that are incredibly inspiring. I always love to read your "saying for today". Congrats on the 200th post! Keep them coming!

Tazzie said...

Congratulations on your 200th post, I look forward to reading your blog for the next 200 and many more. How neat that your daughter's friends think you're cool ... I think you are too!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 200th post. I am seriously thinking of beginning to blog just because I have been reading yours and many more blogs. I love all the things that you have done and thank you for showing them to us. I would have loved to come over and have some strawberries. Best regards from Iceland (

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I've had too many blogs to count but none made it to the 200th post.

Jenni said...

Congratulations May Britt. I think I missed my 100th post blogiversary, so maybe I will wait til my 200th too.

tami said...

Congratulations on your 200th post. You sure know how to get a lot of comments.
I love your stitchery drawstring bags. You do great work.

Jenny said...

Your blog has been very inspiring to me. I hope you'll continue with it and I know it makes me a better quilter to strive to quilt as well as you do.

AJ said...

Thanks for visitng my blog...I love getting your comments!! Happy 200th Post!!

Angela said...

Congratulations on your blog post. That represents so many projects and outings. Thank you for sharing.

Quilterin said...

May Britt, congratulations on your 200th post!
Ít is wonderful to take part every time at the quilt(and)life of other bloggers.
I`m looking forward to the next 200!!

Kim said...

I agree with you that there's a whole world of nice bloggers out there. And isn't that nice that your daughter and her friends think you are a cool mom! That's the best! Congrats on your blogiversary!

Leanne said...

Congratulation on your 200th blog. Keep it up I love reading about what you are making.

Anita said...

Gratulerer med 200 meldingen :-D
Jeg skal ha hvitvin og jordbær klar når til du kommer nedover. Klem fra hun i sør ...

Helen said...

Wow, May, congratulations on 200 posts. It is great getting toknow people through blogging.

Vicky said...

Congrats on 200! Isn't blogging wonderful? I've so enjoyed "meeting" you!

I just received my Leanne's House patterns. I must go back through your blog and look for your postings on that quilt. Please post more pictures of it!!


Toni said...

Happy 200th...Cheers...I read your post everyday and love your stitching...Heres to 200 more posts..Toni

Hedgehog said...

Holy Moly!! I can't believe how many comments you've had on this post! Was in Sweden on the weekend - we're having gorgeous weather here, too. Maybe not quite as hot, though! Congrats on your 200th post and I love the bag you made your daughter!!

Ila K. said...

Congratulations on being declared a "cool mom"! Something every mother of teenagers aspires to be. Also, congratulations on your blogging milestone. I enjoy your pictures, it's like a journey from my comfy chair!

Still trying to figure out the "no reply" thing... Ila in South Dakota

Anonymous said...

Hurra for 200!! I, too, enjoy your blog very much and thank you for English!

Libby said...

Congrats on you bloggivesary milestone *s* It's always such fun to pop in and see what you are up to . . . an you have delightful refreshments, too.

Cynthia said...

Congratulations on your 200th post May Britt!!! I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing what you have been working on. I'm keeping a check on my blog as i will be reaching my 200th post very soon.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 200th post. I really like the bag that you made, and admire you tremendously for publishing in a language that isn't your own. Thank you for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the e-mail. I did it, started my own blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Aby,
I am a secret-lover of your blog which I login time to time in order to be inspired:)
Me? I am Nihal. I come from the Crossroads of the World: a " bridge" between Europe, Asia, Middle-East, Africa and Black Sea countries. Istanbul (TURKEY). Yet I do not have my own blog but involved into p/w for over 7 urs long such an enless passion for me. Soon I think to create my blog.
Cheers! Wish you more and more happiest 200 postings to you.


Little Penpen said...

Congratulations on your 200th blog! I recently stumbled upon it and I LOVE it.... you are my quilting idol! Your daughter must be proud to have you for her mom!

Fiona said...

Congratulations on your 200th post, doesn't time fly? I always like to read your saying of the day.

Elaine Adair said...

Wow - I'm the 70th Commenter! See, we all really admire your stitchery skills, and WANT whatever you come up with - you are gifted with those items! Congratul on your 200th post. You started in August, and so did I, but I'm only at less than 100 - wow, I have a lot of blogging to do!

Thanks for all your wonderful posts and photos.

Elaine Adair said...

(Whoops - some of that is peculiar ???
try again .... )

Wow - I'm the 70th Commenter! See, we all really admire your stitchery skills, and WANT whatever you come up with - you are gifted with those items! Congratulations on number 200!!!

Leigh said...

Congratulations. I love your sayings for each post and the beautiful work that you do.

Anonymous said...

Hi, congratulations on your 200th blog entry. I enjoy reading your blog and admire your creativity!
Kind regards,


Patti said...

I am too late for the contest - that's what happens when one gets behind on blog reading - but I still want to tell you how very much I enjoy your blog. You do such beautiful work - stitching and quilting - and you truly are an inspiration to many. You've got me excited about stitching again - something I've not done in several years. You enrich the blogging world in so many ways - thank you for sharing your life and your creations with all of us.

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