Monday, June 04, 2007

A great day!

I was expecting a visit from Hanne today and early today I cleaned the porch on both sides from all the yellow flowerdust. And as soon the quiltshop opened I was there waiting for her. Of course she had to visit our quiltshop and we had decided to start with that. Did she buy anything????? LOL Check out her blog and see. I guess she will tell you tomorrow. I will not gossip LOL

The sun was shining very hot and we stayed outside all day. First on the sun porch. But when it got too hot there we had to evacuate to the other side. I will not complain over the sun and the warmth because I enjoy it. But we wanted to sew and enjoy our coffee, so on to the other side with shadow. I love this side of the house. It's small, but I got my two chairs and my little table.

It's always nice to meet Hanne. She is a very dear friend with a lot of laughter and smiles. And we share the same passion..........stitchery. And guess what, I made her register for one of Leanne Beasleys classes when she comes to Norway to teach in october. Leanne is giving classes just one hour driving from where I live. If you look closely on the right side of Hanne you can see a big pile of patterns. (You don't see the other big pile down on the floor LOL) She looked through all my stitchery patterns and we agreed that this is a great hobby. I have started this BOM "Angel's sewing basket". And I got a lot done of my second block today. I have chosen to use fabrics from my newest purchases of japaneese fabrics. I decided to use them NOW, not later when they are outdated.
This is the first block I finished some days ago.
This has been a great day. Sun, warmth, coffee, strawberry and icecream, visit from a good friend, stitching and laughter.


Hanne said...

I am still smiling ear to ear after a lovely day May Britt :-)
I am so much looking forward to spend time with you again, and in the mean time I have some stitchery on my to do list, right ? ;-)
First thing in the morning my new Japanese fabrics will be washed and then.... I think I have to piece block # 1 as soon as I can, so I can enjoy the stitchery outdoors while the warm weather lasts.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time with Hanne, and your stitcheries are adorable.

Gerry said...

How nice to have such good friends close to visit with. I'm glad you both had a wonderful time!

Doodlebug Gail said...

What a wonderful time the two of you had! You can't beat the combination of good company, good conversation and quilting. I'm so happy for you both.

Ms. Jan said...

Isn't it fun to get together with a quilting pal? I enjoyed your report and show and tell!

Sweet P said...

What a wonderful day. And how lucky you are to take a class with Leanne. I wish she would come to the US.

Your newest stitcheries are adorable.

Jeanne said...

May, how fun to have a dear friend to stitch with on a perfect day! Your stitcheries are wonderful, too. Thanks for sharing.

Libby said...

Spending the day with a good friend, chatting and doing what you enjoy . . . they are the best of times *s*

dot said...

Looks like a good time was had. We should all be so lucky to have such good friends. I feel as I missed out on something here but so glad you shared the fun over blog land.

atet said...

It sounds like a great day. A good friend, a shared passion for stitchery, and good food and fabric. What more could you ask for?

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful day, indeed ! You look so happy together !
You are right : stitching is sooo nice to do ! I think I'm going to make more and more stitchery quilts, as time goes by...

Biiig hugs & smiles !

Anne Ida said...


Looks like you two had a great day! How much fun sitting outside together and enjoy the summer that (finally) has arrived :o)

Your stitchery blocks are sooo cute, look forward to seeing this quilt in further progress :o)

Take care! And remember to rest your shoulder.


PS! Is there anyplace I can sign up for Leanne Beasley's class???

Unknown said...

Love those stitchery designs - you do such lovely work

QuiltingFitzy said...

A great time with a great friend, what's not to love?

Glad you had a perfect day.

Laurie Ann said...

That does sound like a perfect day!!

Darlene said...

The two of you look so content and happy - enjoying each other and sewing with a happy heart.

It's because of you and Hanne that I've come to enjoy embroidery more and more. You make such delightful projects.

Judith said...

Sounds like a great day.

McIrish Annie said...

May, I love your new BOM is that something we can get in the US???

Vicky said...

What a fabulous day you two had!!! I'm smiling just think about it!

Patti said...

How wonderful you two were able to get together. Sitting and stitching with friends is absolutely the best way to spend time - I think all of us stitchers would agree!

Gail said...

How excited I was to visit your blog and see that you are stitching my BOM! I think it looks gorgeous in those colours and look forward to seeing the finished quilt!

Little Penpen said...

What a wonderful friend you are and you have great friends too! I envy your life and wish I were there with you to stitch. I love your blog and enjoy seeing all your projects.

Kairle Oaks said...

I'm always so impressed with your stitchery. You do such nice work. Glad to hear that you has such a great day!

Joolz said...

hej maybritt,
i love to read your blog and admire your beautiful work. i've recently moved into the stitcheries world - it's very addictive isn't it?! i'm very curious about leanne beasly coming over to scandinavia!! is she only going to norway or will she be visiting other countries as well? whereabouts in norway will she be giving a class? i live in småland in sweden and would just love to get to one of her classes :) i've been onto her website and there's no mention of her overseas classes. hope you have more information on this subject :)
keep up the blogging, it's such an inspiration to many of us :)

Susan said...

How wonderful to spend the day with a stitchery friend......

Susan said...

How exciting to visit with another stitcher! Hanne always strikes me as a lovely person who would be easy to spend time with. I looked up Oslo, because I don't know exactly where you live, and saw that it is in the low 80s and high 70s, but with lots of humidity. That's much warmer than we were today, but we'll be up there on Saturday!

CONNIE W said...

You are celebrating wonderful. Both of your faces are showing the joy you are sharing while sitting and stitching on your lovely little porch.

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