Sunday, April 20, 2008

Back from the cabin

I guess I'm not the only one packing everything and too much when we are going to a quilt retreat. Like this weekend when I was going to our annual spring trip to the cabin.
The car was loaded both in the back..............

........... and in the backseat. We were only two people in this car. And still we had forgotten something.
It is a small cabin so we had to use every space to work on. Rotarycutting and ironing at the kitchen bench........
and at the table in front of the fireplace.
And sewing at the dining-table. Five sewingmachines, five ladies and one teenager was having fun all weekend. Laughing, stitching, plenty of good food and good friendship.
The sun was shining all weekend. Although it was a cold wind blowing we found a spot in the sun and could relax a little bit from the sewing. You can see the there is still a little bit snow left behind the house.
We had sewing bags as a project this weekend. And here is five of the bags. One bag was already packed down in the car so I did not get a photo of that one. Mine is the one at the back left. It's from a pattern designed by Bente Nysæther Malm. It's a great pattern, so easy to follow, perhaps one of the best pattern I ever have used making a bag. I almost finished the bag before leaving the cabin. So I finished it when I came home, adding the handles, and now it's ready to be used at work tomorrow.
I could not manage to sit by the sewingmachine all weekend so I also did a little bit stitching. You remember one of the projects on my "to do" list. I have now stitched all 12 small stitcheries for the adventcalendar and have started to stitch on the last one.
Saying for today:
Friends are like fabric,
you can never have enough!


Lappestua said...

OY! For en hærlig helg dere har hatt! En anelse misunnelig...

jacquie said...

What a wonderful weekend! You all look pretty cute and relaxed out there in the sun!!!

Chookyblue...... said...

oh a lovely weekend sewing and relaxing with special

Leanne said...

Looks like you all had a great weekend. I love the photo of you all out in the sun, it brought a big smile to my face.

Vicki W said...

What a treat! That looks like it was a perfect weekend!

Diana said...

It looks like you all had a wonderful (and productive) time. I love those bags!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

It looks like your weekend was fantastic....great bags and your stitcheries are so cute...

Elin said...

You have had a wonderful weekend, I can see that. And what a production! Lucky you...

Nancy in Norway said...

Looks like you had a relaxing spring retreat to the cabin. So many beautifull bags.

trelly said...

The weekend was incredible, it's the weekend that I'd always dreamt

Beth said...

Your bags are wonderful. I just love weekends like that, what could be better?

May Kristin said...

Oh, this is one of my fun!

Wendy said...

Those bags are lovely, looks like you had a fun weekend. I love your advent stitcheries, very cute!

Carin said...

Great bags!! Looks like you had a blast!

Helen said...

Hello Aby, Sound like you had a great weekend. I would love to know where you can get the pattern voor the advent stitcheries. They look wonderful.
Wish you luck with unpacking the car :)

sammyjo said...

its sound like a lot of fun! the bags look great

sammyjo said...

Tag your it!, you have just been tagged sorry if you've had to do this before!

Susan said...

Seems as though a good time was had by all.

Stina Blomgren said...

Oh these quiltweekends is sooo good for us...just to do what you like the best...have FUN!!And you all did wonderful bags...and had time to sit in the sun...seems to me you had a perfect weekend!!

Nanette Merrill said...

What a wonderful time. Its always so energizing to spend time with friends creating.

Libby said...

What a fun time . . . it's wonderful to get away with your quilt friends *s*

Thimbleanna said...

Haha -- did you take the kitchen sink too??? It looks like you had a wonderful time. And look at those lovely bags!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely weekend, sewing, laughing, and relaxing in the sun ! LOVE the bags, too :>)
Wish I could have been there with you all....

Bente said...

Hei May Britt.
For en flott helg dere må ha hatt :-))
Vesken din ble kjempefin. Kjekt at du likte mønsteret.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you ladies had heaps of fun!! Love the bags.

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

For en herlig rekreasjons-helg dere må ha hatt! Det er i slike stunder jeg blir nesten misunnelig for ikke å ha ei hytte å "stikke av til" :-)
Jeg pleier å sende mann og barn hos mine svigerforeldre for å kose meg alene noen dager. Da er mor så glad og blid når de kommer tilbake:-)
Arti å se hva dere har laget:-)
Stoor lappeklem

Lise in Norway said...

Wow that car was full. A weekend like this is the best. You have worked hard Thanks for sharing

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

weekend looked absolutely do the bags and care!!! Tracey

Anonymous said...

That things so beautiful!!! It was these squares embroidered!!! You are going to be a marvel!!!

Carole said...

Looks like a lovely weekend to me! Love the project you were all working on! Thanks for sharing!

Di~ said...

Hi May Britt
You all are so ambitious!!! I need to get going...Nancy and I are wondering if you have received your package from us yet???

Teresa said...

It looks like a great retreat to me and of course your car is packed. Sometimes I feel like converting our camper trailer into a mobile sewing room so I can just get in and go, and not have to pack.

I am curious about your stichery, which is so cute. Did you do the stitching right through the batting? I have not seen that done before but am going to have to try it. Sure gives dimension to your work.

Beertje Zonn said...

What a wonderful weekend!
Kind regards

Beertje Zonn

Yvonne said...

What a wonderful weekend...your bags look great!

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