I was administrating the shop area and had great fun seeing how they arranged their stalls. I asked every shopowner if I could take a photo of their stall and put in on my blog. And everyone said: Of course, it's advertising for our shop. I did not manage to take a photo of all 22 shops, but here are the one I got.
Below two photos from Lappemakeriet.
Anne Heidi with her shop Lappemor
Below two photos from Northern Quilts.
And look....Hanne is shopping!!! Btw.....I got mail from Hanne yesterday....
she is safe in Chicago and on her way to the DJ gathering.
Below photo from Merethes Atelier.
Some photos from Jordbærstedet.
Hanne is shopping here too......LOL
And then Katrines Quiltestue.
And then photo from Quiltegården. This shop got the visitors prize for
One box, eight patterns, five fabrics to make new tablemats, easy threader, two other fabrics and a big roll with 20 red and white fat quarters.
And on the lottery saturday evening I won this lovely roll with 20 romantic fat quarters. Guess who was smiling from ear to ear.
Two Sayings for today:
A fat quarter has fewer calories than chocolate!
Shopping is a woman thing. It's a contact sport like football.
Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds,
the danger of being trampled to death,
and the ecstasy of the purchase.
~Erma Bombeck
Wow!! Such lovely shops all in one place! You did a great job administrating the vendors. I was vendor chairman for my guild's quilt show last fall and I know what a job it is.
Those shops look wonderful, wish I could have been there. Looks like I could have had a REALLY good time!
You did a great job! I did not have time to visit all the shops, but now I can have a peek in your blog. Smile
Thanks for a lovely recap of Saturday's shopping experience! It was so great to have so many shops in one place and be able to browse and pick :o)
Great goodies you bought! And I see you couldn't resist that roll of FQ's from Kathrine's - I had a feeling you would come back for that one *lol*
You must have thought you had died and gone to heaven.
Such a wonderful event! The shops look AMAZING! I wish we had something like this in South Carolina.
Endelig noen som legger ut bildene av butikkene. Slik at vi som ikke kunne komme, fikk se hva vi gikk glipp av. LOL!!
Flotte bilder og flott blogg!!
Tusen takk for titten! Skulle gjerne vært der, men får komme sterkere tilbake. Oppdaget en kunde fra vårt quiltelag, regner med hun informerer oss etterhvert...
Eg likte Leanne sin kommentar, og tek den til inntekt for meg sjølv og! OMG for eit eventyr! Gjett kvar eg skal reise til neste år? Men MED pengar, rikeleg med pengar. Kjekt å sjå frå utstillinga av nåleputer. Kunne du legge ut eit bilete av boka du refererer til?
Godt å høyre at Hanne er trygt framme i junaiten.
What fun is this! I'm so jealous! Thank you for taking the time to bring us along with you. I especially enjoyed seeing Leanne's "Butterfly Garden" in blues.
Wow, it sure looks like it was fun! There are some wonderful quilts in those pictures.
Oh my goodness, what wonderful eye candy. How fun! Congrats on your win. The fabrics are lovely!!!!
HEAVENLY! How wonderful it would be to have all this in the same place. I could do some serious money damage. You got some real treasures. Great job! I know it must have been loads of work.
All those shops...All those beautiful goodies...Heavenly Bliss! I wish I could have been there...lol!
Thanks for the lovely shop tour. The light, spring colors are very inspiring.
that must have been terrific, so many beautiful shops with so many beautiful things to "tickle" your wallet, lol
What a lovely assortment of shops - looks like something for everyone.
What a great weekend you had. Thansk for showing us tye pictures and you bought was lovley..
Take care!
Takke takk for at vi som var hjemme fikk ein liten bit av butikkene :-)
Smil fra monika
ps. korleis dreserte du katten :-)
All I can say...is WOW!!! Thank goodness I wasn´t there...without any money to buy for...;D I would have gone nuts!!
Thankyou for sharing...
What wonderful shops! I love your purchases and the FQ's you won are yummy!
Oh, what wonderful shops. You must have done a huge load of work & organizing. It turned out fabulous. And congratulations on your prize. You deserve a nice reward.
Hi May, You can be very proud of yourself you did an amazing job of organising such a large event.
Thanks for sharing all the lovely photos.
By the way a cute comment from Kaffe about your kitty approving the quilt. What a guy!!
Kind regards from Liz
OMG! So many nice quilt shops, i felt like i was "screen shopping" in each picture- if i was there i would have gone home with a very empty wallet. Looks like it was a great day!
Tusen takk for titten. Så morro med så mange buikker på et sted!!
Håper jeg og får anledning til å dra på årsmøtet neste år :o)
Kari Anne
Lovely photo from a lovely weekend :-)
Congratulations to Siw for winning the best shop price!
Virkelig flotte bilder du har tatt, og for en innsats. Gjett hvem som kommer til neste år, da. Ha ei riktig fin helg.
How many shops with all of these pretty things!!! We had hot something like this in Sitges 2008 in Barcelona. Your buyings are wonderful, lot of stitches!!
Så flott å endelig få se noen bilder fra den store begivenheten.
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Regards and a lot of kisses.
Oh my gosh where to start...so many wonderful shops to see. You must have been over joyed. Thanks for the lovely tour. You came home with some great stuff.
Lucky You - looks likeyou had a wonderful, inspiring time. Congrats on your fabric win!
Lamento no saber inglés, espero que tú sepas algo de castellano... me encanta "pasearme" todos los dias por tu blog, tengo en proyecto un quilt para mi hijo y he sacado ideas de uno que muestras en una entrada antigua.
¡Felicidades por tener un blog tan atractivo!
All I can say is WOWIE!
Wow! What a wonderful post. I am still drooling. It was obviously a fantastic event. I am amazed at how big the stalls were and how much they vendors were able to display. The stands at Australian shows are tiny in comparison. You got some lovely purchases - must have been very hard to choose. Hope you get time for some stitching soon. Take care.
Loved the photos. Looks like you had such fun.
Thanks for sharing so much quilting goodness. How wonderful to see all the booth’s! They all look so fresh and cheerful and all those wonderful quilts and fabrics. You must feel refreshed after such a day!
Just gorgeous!! What a great link that would be for touring quilt shops over here! You did very well just buying what you did, they all look si inviting! Love the prize you won as well, very nice,.
Really enjoyed seeing all the pincushions form the last post as well, you know just what we like, Tracey
What a wonderful event! I wish I could have been there.
Såååå mye å få kjøpt!! Flotte bilder og veldig hyggelig blogg. Jeg syns det er ekstra morro å se fra Quiltemøtene siden jeg kjenner flere fra min tid i området.Og jeg er imponert over alt du får gjort!!!
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