I've published 366 posts.
I've had over 300 000 visitors (OMG)
I've some bloggers on my conscience, like Laila, Nancy, Gudrun and some more (can't remember right now, so if you're one of my consciense let me know LOL)
I've found a lot of new friends all over the world in blogland. The Quilters Blogland is a great place to be. There is so much inspiration, so many beautiful projects and so many nice words to read.
There have been so many fun happenings like the Blogging sleepover started by Fiona. And the Secret Santa Christmas Swap organized by Donna. She is starting another swap real soon and guess who joins that one too. And Linda who organized the pincushionswap and now are doing a bag/bucket swap (I'm in there too LOL)
I've met several bloggers in person. Like in january when Nadine came over from Belgium to visit me. And last october when I met Leanne Beasley and we had a great time in Trysil at her workshop. Same workshop where I met Stina and Marica. And of course all the norwegian bloggers that I meet now and then (see the list on my sidebar)
I am so proud to have been asked by Helen Stubbings to be one of the designers in her Stitchers Angels. I'm soon finished my project and I know my week to publish my pattern.
I could go on and on about happy things in blogland and my life, but I guess you all agree that quilting friends are the best friends. I'm so glad you're my friend.
To celebrate my 2 years blogiversary I want to have a giveaway. You all know I'm crazy about stitchery. To combine stitching together with patchwork is one of my favorite. I draw some lines myself (like the one you are getting in the Stitchers Angel project from me), and I love stitchery from other designers. I want to share my passion for this with you and want to give away a booklet from one of my favorite designers.
If you want to be in the draw for this book please leave a comment on this post and tell me what's your favorite tecnique in quilting.
And monday 4th august I will draw one lucky winner that receives the booklet. Since I'm celebrating my two years anniversary I'll also have a secret prize for a second person in the draw (that means I really don't know what it will be right now, but it will be something made by me)
If you post about this giveaway on your blog I'll give you an xtra chance in the drawing.
Saying for today:
A friend
is laughter and going places
and doing new things
and having the best time ever
1 – 200 of 320 Newer› Newest»Congratulations to you!!!! I'm so happy that you decided to blog too. I agree with everything you said....it's been a great experience for me too. And you were the very first to leave a comment for me. :)
Hi! Love your blog. Congradulations on two years blogging! Wow that is along time and a lot of blogs. My favorite tecnique in quilting is hand applique'. I have posted on my blog about your giveaway.
I found your blog a few months ago and since then, cannot avoid visiting you almost every day..So many information, ideas, beautiful projects...Congratulations May for these two years blogging and thank you for sharing your quilting life with all of us.
Favourite quilting technique? I love them ALLLLL.
I am posting your giveaway in my blog.
Hugs from Costa del Sol, Spain
I have been enjoying your blog now for about 2 months...checking it daily. I find it interesting to see what other people are doing around the world and the different fabric choices that they make. It is all so unique. I love doing hand work, and that combination with the patchwork just makes the quilt so much more interesting. I enjoy your thought for the day as well.
I've enjoyed reading your blog too! Happy Blogiversary!!!!
I suppose I would have to choose handquilting as my favorite technique. I love the way a quilt feels after it's been hand quilted and wrinkled from the wash! Reminds me of my Granny's quilts....such sweet memories for me.
I'd love to be entered in your drawing. Thanks so much!
Happy Bloganniversary!
I love stitchery and quilting too!
I don't leave comments, but I follow your everyday progress with feeds, anjoy them so much!
Congratulations May!
It is because of you that I have taken up hand embroidery again, I have become obsessed with Australian designers and have ordered several patterns. Your work is gorgeous; you have inspired me!
Hi May-Britt,
happy blogiversary!!!!
I'm happy to find your wonderful blog, it's so interesting and beautiful!
I love the combination from patchwork and stitching, but I don't like handsewing so much.
Best regards from Germany
Happy blog anniversary May Britt !!
It has been a true pleasure to spend time with you online and offline!
My favourite patchwork technique ?
Machine piecing!
Combine in with stitchery and I will be the happiest camper - forever :-)
You are one of the reasins for also taking a blog only in Dutch...
And I am also a fan of stiticheries.
Please go futher with your blog because I do like it and read it every time.
Congratulations from Spain! I daily read you blog and I'm Happy for your birthday. I like hand aplliqué.
Congratulations on your Blogiversary! I enjoy reading your blog every day. You are so talented!
Oh May Britt, congratulations for your blog
and technique, hmmmm, like all of them, but especially hand applique and hand quilting and recently I discoved hand piecing, great too, once you've cut your fabric
Your cake is beautiful. I will have a small piece please. Congratulations on your 2nd Blogiversary. I enjoy reading each of your posts. I enjoy hand applique and stitcheries.
I’ve been reading your blog for over a year now, and I know I’m not the best commenter out there, but I love your blog! I am pretty new to quilting, and what you do just makes me want to be better :)
My favorite technique for quilting… well, my favorite part of quilting, is choosing the fabrics I am going to use, it’s like getting the right color of paint for your masterpiece! :)
Congratulations, I like your blog and has taken to my favorite.
I have to say thank you for your interesting postings. I enjoy sewing by hand as my favorite technique.
Hugs from Germany,
Congratulations! My favorite quilting technique has to be wool applique. :o) Would love to be entered in your drawing.
Hi, and congratulastions. I like your blog very much. I like machine pieceing, and lately I have tried stitchery. I found that I like that too. I would love it if you pick my name.
Happy anniversary May Britt, I'm so glad you decided to take that step and start blogging. I'm with you I just adore stitchery combined with quilting and of course applique. Have done a post about your giveaway.
Congratulations MAY BRITT!!!!
I´m so glad I got to know you...first in Trysil...even if it was to little time then...we have to do it another time...right??? And then on the blog...you are a fantastic lady!! And Ofcourse I share with you what I like best...and for me it´s the stitcheries and patchwork...just putting it together ...choosing colours...that is what I like best...and look at patterns and dream myself away..*LOL*
Congratulations May on your anniversary. My favorite technique is the actual sewing. Please enter me inyour drawing. I enjoy your blog.
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary . . . two years sure goes by fast!
Happy Blogiversary! I'm a fairly new reader to your blog but I check in often. My most favorite quilting technique is machine piecing. I'll be posting about your giveaway on my blog tomorrow.
Congratulations! Yours was the first blog I ever read and you were the very first to leave a comment on mine. I enjoy your blog and am so pleased that I have come to know you through blogging. I will of course leave a link on my blog to yours.
Gratulerer så mye med jubileet. Jeg blir alltid inspirert av det du gjør, skulle bare ønske at det var litt mer tid.
Jeg er etterhvert blitt veldig glad i stitchery kombinert med lappeteknikk. Jeg er også veldig glad i applikering, men da helst på maskin. Håper jeg blir en av de heldige i din giveaway. Fortsatt fint jubileum, og tusen takk for kaffe og kake.
Congratulations to you, I read every post from you here in germany. Your english seems to be absolutely perfect to me and I am so happy you make all in that language. You are such a creative person!
My favourite technique is doing all the quilting by hand. A patchwork top is so quick sewing together by machine so I enjoy the slow handquilting very much. Another favourite is to add the binding. I am always happy to finish an ufo :-)
Many greetings!
Gratulerer så mye med "blogiversary"! Du har en veldig inspirerende blogg :o)
Har linket innlegget på bloggen min. (det lærte jeg meg i går, juhu!!)
Har blitt bitt av stitchebasillen jeg også.
Sommerhilsen fra Kari Anne
Congratulations on your blogiversary ..... my favourite technique if piecing by machine, however, stitchery runs a close second because it's portable and it makes me slow down.
I've been reading your blog since the beginning .... I'm sure I found you through Hanne.
Yeeha! Congratulations with the 2yrs aniversary!! I hope you'll count me in too:-)
My favourite technique in quilting, is the freemotion quilting. Feathers, circles.... you know:-)
By the way: there's an award waiting for you in my blog:-)
Thanks for the inspiration!
Happy sewing!
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!! How exciting that you have now reached 2 years. I love blogging and looking at the amazing things. Keep up the GREAT blog!!! I love the giveaways - bloggers are soooo giving!
Congrats! My favorite tecnique is not to be messy! haha! that is the truth,I swear.
Dear May,
Happy blogiversary!!! I always love to read your posts, be inspired by your crafts...
Have a really nice day!
Hugs from Hungary, Europe
Gratulerer med 2-års dagen!
Du er utrolig flink med dine broderier og engler! - bloggen din er virkelig inspirerende! Selv liker jeg best å sy på maskin, men har jo prøvd å brodere, da.
Congratulations ! What a nice idea this giveaway. Actually you deserve a present for this blogiversery !!
I will definatily keep reading your blog and -if you do not mind- put a link on my blog.
I haven't yet found my favorite technique because I have little experience so far. Recently I used the paperpiecing technique and I very much liked that. Maybe next is stitchery ??!!
Happy Blogaversary to you, May! I agree about all of the wonderful friends and swaps and ideas found in Blogland. You were the person who encouraged me to start my blog. You had posted some DJ siggie squares and I emailed you to say one was mine. My favorite part of quilting is hand applique, but since blogging, I am also loving the stitcheries. Red Brolly is my favorite and always brings a smile to my face when I see a project someone has made from her, especially the Polka Dot Girls. I hope you have many more years of blogging!
Congratulations May!!! Has it only been 2 years? And I think I've been following your blog since then or close to it.
I love this book and Bronwyn's work. I love the relaxation of stitcheries, much easier then cross-stitch which I used to be hooked on. So at the moment it is my favourite.
Happy blogiversary! Do I have to pick just one favorite technique? I haven't met a quilting technique I didn't like. OK, my favorite technique is stitcheries.
Congratulations on your anniversary! What a wonderful site to visit each day with all the happy thoughts and accomplishments. My favorite technique seems to be anything involving handwork. The last three quilts all have redwork, applique and hand quilting. There is something soothing about doing handwork each evening!
Keep the wonderful project coming! Thanks again
Congratulations on your blogiversary!!!
And my favorite technique is just finishing one :). I am so new at quilting that I consider it a triumph just to get one done. I am in awe of all you talented ladies.
I just love visiting your blog, it is always so fun and interesting to read.
I think my favorite technique right now is paper piecing. I am doing both the Love Letters and the Civil War Diary quilt all doing paper piecing and I love it. Please add me to your drawing.
Happy Blogaversry. I enjoy your sayings and reading what you get up to. I love regular piecing and hand applique as well as paper-piecing.
Keep on blogging!
Congrats on two years, that is such an accomplishment to be proud of. I can't even get myself started on my own blog.
I have so many favorite quiting techniques, I like to try everything, and love the whole process. I just finished a hand sewn cathedral window quilt, took almost 3 years! So I will pick hand piecing. I am almost done with hand piecing all the Civil War Diary blocks.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
This is a big occation, congratulations to you! I agree so much with what you are saying about blogging, it has brought so much inspiration into my life also. I'm a great admirer of your blog and of your products. I hope to meet you in person some day. Best wishes from Elin.
Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary!!! I just hope I'm still around in 2 years to do the same. Your blog is always interesting, great info and little snippets. My favourite technique is stitchery with quilting, love it! I have posted on my blog about your giveaway. Well done again.
Cheers Julz
Happy blogiversary!
Two year alreday and you had a great blog. The blogingworld is just so amazing and you could meet so many pepole who had same interest as you self..
Take care!
Happy, Happy Blogiversary to You!!! My favorite part of quilting is hand quilting and oddly enough, it's the part that I do the least LOL!
Congrats on the blogiversary. I certainly have enjoyed your blog. I hope to read many more posts.
Dear May Britt
- happy 2nd blogoversary!!! It's so great that Hanne convinced you to start blogging - it's always fun to read what's going on in far away Norway and while reading your entertaining posts it feels like you're just around the corner. Keep on blogging and creating such wonderful work!
About my faourite technique: since I'm just a beginner I think it's probably too early to tell, but I think hand applqué and stitching could be my favourite...I'd love to say it's piecing, but I'm way too often disappointed because of my poor results ;o).
Thanks for sharing your stories with us,
Congratulations what a mile stone....I will be over soon if we are having some of that cake .....I agree blogland is a great place.
Grattis med to år, håper det blir mange år til. Er alltid innom bloggen ved oppdatering og blir alltid veldig inspirert. Nå syr jeg på julekalender fra Jordbærstedet, så stitchery er en av mine favoritter, samt blokksying. Ha en flott uke fortsatt.
Jeg syns du er imponerende flink, effektiv og får gjort så masse fint!
Lykke til videre! Jeg er mest glad i håndsøm og applikasjon, men rekker ikke halvparten av alt jeg drømmer om..
Klem og fortsatt god sommer!
Oi May!!!! Meu nome é Águida e sou do Brasil.
Parabéns pelos 2 anos na blogland
Sou viciada no seu blog. Sempre que entro na net, não deixo de dar uma olhadinha nos seus trabalhos. Acho tudo lindo e maravilhoso. Sou iniciante na arte do patchwork, e também adoro stichery, que não é muito comum aqui no Brasil. Ainda bem que encontrei seu blog.
Congratulations! I found you from another quilter's blog. I am taking my time and reading your past post. I am linking your giveaway on my little blog. I just started blogging. I have many favorite techniques in quilting but today my mood says paper-piecing!
One more thing, you know I'm crazy about blocks and antique quilts, but I'm also very fond of stichery. I have now made a post on your giveaway.
Congratulations on your second birthday May Britt - your English is wonderful and it's always lovely to see what's happening in Norway
Happy 2nd bloganniversery!!!
I love to see what you are working on and the way you end every post with a saying. Look forward to reading more from you and being inspired!
Congrats......wow can't believe it is 2 years......think I have read nearly all of those posts.....always love reading your blog and seeing what's happening in your part of the world............so pleased you were part of the SSCS last year and I am sure you will be there again this year.........
Hello. Congrats on your blogiversary!
And thanks for all your help with my blog.
As you know so well I like to try everything about quilting, but just now I love to do stitchery.;-)
Oh...just have to ask...what happend with you first blocks???? Did they make a quilt. LOL
Congratulations on your 2 year blogversary!! My favourite technique is applique!
May Britt, "Congratulations" on your 2nd year of blogging. I'm so glad I found your site when I got started.
I have to say I really like putting embroidery with my quilting. Sometimes I cheat and put machine emb. instead of hand, but I like them both. Gives everything a little bit of personalty.
I will post on my blog about your giveaway.
congrats on 2 years blogging
I love to read your blog and am so very glad I found it
I love stitchery as well
big hugs Beth
Happy 2nd Blog day year xoxo
Instead of my favourite quilty thing l'd like to discuss my least favourite, as my aim is to practice until it becomes my favourite. I am having trouble with needle turn applicate, having not done much and being turned off by any project that has it. I realised I was missing out on doing some great projects so i am determined to work it out so that it will one day be on my favourites list.
Happy Stitching, happy blogging.
Congratulations! Blogging truly opens another world doesn't it! I enjoyed reading about what blogging has brought to your life.
I also enjoy seeing your projects, oh so very nice!
Bec xxx
Happy Blogiversary, May Britt.
G'day from Australia!
Your blog is wonderful and I enjoy reading it.
I would like to enter your draw.
My favourite technique would be combining stitchery with quilting.
Happy Stitching
Congratulations!!!! I have your blog in my feeds and i love your works. Sorry but my english is note very well
Congratulations and Happy Blogiversary....I really enjoy reading your blog and you have been very inspiring, I enjoy reading you little quote each post...and by the amount of visitors you have had May Britt I am no the only one who enjoys your blog...I look forward to reading the next two years worth...three cheers...
Congratulations! I enjoy your blog and I have had a great deal of fun with mine which I started over the Easter weekend this year.....well done on two years of blogging.....!! I am a stitchery fanatic too!!!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! That is a lot of blog posting! I enjoy visiting your blog and to see what you and your stitching friends are up to.
Hand stitching is one of my favorite things these days - I have 3 projects on the go!
Well done on reaching 2 years on your blog, I look forward to reading many more.
I enjoy the whole process of quilting, if only there where more hours in the day tho!
Stitchery is also my favorite I use it in quilts, cushions, bags they just add somethings extra to a project.
Love your blog I read it every day.
Sylvia :)
Congratulations! I feel that I know you even though you are sooooo many miles away. Thank you for all that you share...I appreciate our "blog friendship!"
My favorite technique has come from you...stitchery mixed with quilting.
You have so many friends near and far that follow your blog....me included!
Thank you for your bright and happy blog that is always an inspiration of quilting possibilities!
Happy Blogaversry. I enjoy your sayings or quotes. I love reading your blog. It is so uplifting and inspirational. Congratulations on 2 years. My favorite technigue is machine piecing and my favorite thing to do is binding. I feel such an accomplishment when I'm putting the final finishes on a quilt. Keep on blogging and I will put your info on my blog. Hugs, Linda
I love your blog. I really like your little quilty country figures on your sidebar. Congrat on 2 yrs. I just started my blog last month and I have really enjoyed writing it and reading what others are doing. I will be back to check you out again. I am adding you to my fav blog list. Come visit me at
Karen in IN
Congratulations May! 2 years of blogging, I wish I'd known about blogging 2 years ago. It has changed my life, made me a much happier person and I'm loveing all the new friends I've made around the world.
Congratulations on your 2nd year of blogging! I really need to start one of my own. My favorite lately is quilting with stitchery. I just started and I'm lovin it.
Congratulations on your 2nd blog-iversary May Britt.
My favourite technique has to be needle turn appliqué especially when combined with stitchery.
Congratulations on the 2 years! I enjoy your blog very much. My new favorite method is paper-piecing. However, I do a lot of hand work which I find very relaxing.
I've been watching your creativity for several months now & just love the things you come up with! Here's to 2 more years! I too love stitchery combined with quilting & actually I haven't had much time to camp in front of my machine lately so I've been dabbling in embroidery. My fav is not really a technique but I love sewing the binding on. Or it could be that I love to actually finish things!
Congratulations! I enjoy your blog! I would have to say that my favorite quilting technique is paper piecing. I like the accuracy that it provides.
Way to go!! BTW, I would love to come to Norway for a cup of tea! I think my favorite techniques are English paper piecing and sticheries! You have been an inspiration! Keep it up. I love your angels.
Hallo Aby !! I love your blog !!
Congratulations !! I read it every time , and found there many ideas . thanks for be there .Hugs from Chile , Vero
Congrats on your 2nd anniversary! Please enter me in your giveaway - I posted about it on my blog too. I enjoy your blog very much - you do beautiful work and always are so upbeat!
Happy Blogavesary!!!! My favorite technique is not really a technique, but I love making quilt tops. Now that I have found a really good quilter, I am having a blast making top after top....
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I'd say my favorite part of quilting is a technique really...I love the handsewing part of adding the binding. It's so satifying...I guess because it means the quilt is done!! :)
Congrats on your 2nd Anniversay my fav tech is Applique I love to add it to my pieced backgrounds I do Needlturn Applique not machined, thanks for the chance of a great giveaway.
congratulations I have just started in blog land. i love needle turn, i used to hateit but rosalee quinnlan taught me how to do it a few months ago.
bye from Australia
Congratulation on you anniversary. That cake looks good enough to eat! Lol.
Please enter me in the draw for your giveaway. Many thanks, Jodie
Congrats to you on your anniversary!!! Blogging is so much fun.
Oopps!! forgot, my favourite technique, probably piecing the top, followed by handsewing down the binding.
That is one cool cake!Congratulations on your blogiversary. Sounds like you have had a great 2 years.
Happy Blog Anniversary!
Congratulations on 2 years of blogging :)
My favorite part of quilting is the piecing.
Wow, 2 years you go Girl. Congratulations. I have enjoyed reading about your life and fun travels. Tell Freda I say hello.
Congratulations, May! I just realized we share the two year anniversary. Mine will be August 8. I may not always comment, but I read your blog often. I can't say which quilting technique I enjoy the most because I am enthralled with it all! Continued happy blogging!
oh my 97 comments already, I see you are well read! Congats on 2 years. Can't wait to see your project for the Angel Stitchers.
Congratulations!I have visited you many times!!!! Thank´s for all the inspiration you share with us!
For the moment I do a lot of stitchery but I enjoy every step of a quilt beeing made :)
Happy blog anniversary May Britt !!
I've visited your site many times. Your blog has been an inspiration. Keep up the good work.
99 people have left a comment hoping to win the give-away. Please, please let it be me. The 100th visitor :)
Patchwork is what I am learning right now!
California, USA
Congratulations with your 2 year blog . I only discoverd it a few months ago and it's always a pleasure to read it . I love reading quilting blogs , i don't do mutch quilting anymore for some healtreasons but i like more and more stitchery . After my vacation i will start with it .
Congratulations. I enjoy really much your wonderful projects but I have never done quilting. I would love to learn
Wow congratulations on your blogaversary. Well done. I love to see what you stitch on your blog, such an inspiration and that is my favourtie thing too. I love to stitch redwork and add to my quilts just like you. Happy Stitching
Happy blogiversary! And may the posts keep coming. ;)
Hello from Australia, Congratulations May on your two years of blogging.I was a lurker, and created my own blog a couple of months ago.I agree with what you said about the Quilting World. My favourite part of quilting, is once I have found a design,is finding the right colours for the quilt. Also, I have a deep love of Stitchery. Warmest Regards Lyn http://bluebirdquilts-lyn.blogspot.com
How wonderful! Two years,wow, I have a long way to go. I agree with you though, I have met the nicest people ever out there in blogland, and hope to meet more! My favorite technique has been learning how to McTavish with my longarm. It is so fun when it turns out well! I will put you in my next post! Diane
Gratulerer med 2 års jubileum. Alltid hyggelig og ikke minst inspirerende å lese bloggen din. Min favoritt teknikk er nok å sy på maskin, men et lite stitchery gjør også susen.
Congradulations on two years blogs. My favorite tecnique in quilting is hand applique.
Best regards. Anna Björg Iceland
Det tok visst to år før jeg fant bloggen din, men nå har jeg tenkt å kose meg med den en morgenstund, og abonnere på feed-en.
Congrats for your 2 years blogging.
I also like stitchery and traditional patchwork by hand.
congrats! my favorite technique is handpiecing
Congratulatins on your blogging journey. I love checking out your blog and enjoy your uplifting posts. My favorite thing in quilting??? hmmm...I think learning new techniques is the best. Hope you continue on in sharing your fun messages to the blog world.
Dear May:
I love your blog, those angels patch/stichery works are wonderful.Congratulations for your second blog anniversary.To decide what technique I prefer best is very difficult, that´s why I love so much samplers, so I can use all I want to. Anyway I´m working now in a mix of patchwork and stichery, this is new to me and I love it. I guess you know "Fairyland" by Natalie Bird; it´s a very desirable book.
Kisses from Spain. Pelu.
Really first time I Visit your blog. It is marvellous. How many pretty things. Hope to be the winner!!!. I also like stitchery but have not done to many. I will visit you often. Regards from Spain.
Sorry forgot to say that I like nearly all techniques of patchwork but not quilting.
Gosh - look how many comments you've got already. Happy blogiversary May Britt. You were one blogger who inspired me to have a go at stitchery and I love it.
I've only just discovered you! I'm a quilter in France and always interested to 'meet' other stitchers.
I'd love to be entered for your giveaway, please.
Happy Blogiversary! At present I like machine piecing but I'm keen to learn some hand piecing.
I've added a link in my blog. Hope I'm lucky.
Congratulations on 2 yrs blogging!
I'm in love with the buttonhole stitch, so appliqué is it for me!
Hi MayBritt congratulations on your two yrs anniversary I think yours was one of the first blogs I read regularly before I had my own computer, I love all types of quilting but I think that applique is my fav closely followed by stitcheries ( I've nearly finished the redwork that you sent me)..sorry I was absent from my own sleepover Im so embarrassed I invite everyone over then I'm not even there!!!I had computer trouble which resulted in no internet till tonight so I am going to be in my pjs again this sat night.....fingers very firmly crossed...
I'm not sure what my favourite quilting technique is, I enjoyed making a log cabin quilt recently and loved a kaleidoscope experience too. I'm presently thoroughly enjoying including stitchery in my projects.
Happy Anniversary !!
grattis med 2 ar blogg
du har ein utrolig fine blogg / som eg liker godt
og selfolgelig sa er Stitching noe av favorittene
og slik som du / koser eg meg med nal og trad
og her i bulgaria mangler det vist mange bokstaver ;)
Smil fra monika
Congrats on your second blogiversary! Blogging is wonderful and there are just so many lovely bloggers out there. I don't have a favourite quilting technique as I'm too new to quilting, currently plodding along with my first quilt and fighting my sewing machine along the way - and it's only a mini quilt too! Look forward to seeing your Stitchers Angel project.
Wow and fabulous! PICK ME PIck me : ) I look forward to seeing your design with the Angel Swap with Helen
I love your blog. My favorite technique is applique. Your stickeries have inspired me. I love how you use them in bags!
Janet in Florida
Congratulations to you!!!! I love your blog and I spedd that you are hear a long time.
Two years - woohoo! It's been a real pleasure getting to know you, May Britt and visiting your blog. You are a true inspiration to quilters all over the world. :-)
Happy Blogiversary!
I so enjoy reading your blog and admiring all you get done. You put me to shame for sure. But you have also inspired me to get into a stitchery BOM from one of your favorite designers...Leanne and the butterfly garden!Happy Anniversary! Oh and my favorite technique is hand applique.
Congratulations on your anniversary!!! I favorite technique is hand applique. It is my passion. I am new to your blog but look forward to reading more.
Congratulations from me, too! Your blog is wonderful :)
My favorite technique is appliqué by hand.
Keep on blogging!
Dagmar from Germany
2 years of inspiring us - as they say here in Boston, MA - wicked cool!
My favorite techniques? hand sewing and stitchery. You are so inspiring to us all-your work is always beautiful. I can't wait to see your Angel project!
Congratulation with the anniversary! I have just discovered your blog and it's wonderful! My favourite technique at the moment is Stitchery.
What fun! Put my name in the hat, please!!!
You have a fun blog and I love to stop by!
Congratulations for your 2 years blogiversary.
Pili from Spain
Congratulationas! I am happy to found your blog, because here are so many things they inspire me! Your works are so wonderful! I have my blog for not soo long time, and stitchery is also my new hobby!
Greetings from Vienna,
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I visit you almost everyday... It means I like a lot to read what you have to tell us...
I've only tried a few techniques, but I like to combine quilt and stitchery.
Happy Blogaversary! I am still a newbie to blogging compared to your two years and I am happy you are still at it. Here to many more blog posts (as I raise my coffee cup).
I've been visiting your blog since quite sometime, although I'm not one who leaves comments frequently ('cause my english is quite bad), so I asked my son to help me out to write this comment specially for you.
Congratulations on your two year blogiversary and I'm really looking forward to see more stuff from you, 'cause to be honest, I'm a fan of your designs and work, so it's not a coincidence that you were chosen design a pattern for 'stitchers angels' (where I'm participating aswell!).
Well, to keep on the 'giveaway' spirit and in the best intentions to participate on it, my favourite technique is applique and redwork stitchery.
Regards from Chile,
Congratulations! I enjoyed reading your blog.
My favourite technique is free motion quilting, although I am still new at it. It's a lot of fun.
But the best thing about quilting, is watching it all come together, piece by piece - enjoying the colours and patterns of the fabric, cutting and deciding what to do next (my quilts tend to evolve - I never know how they will finish up) and then finally, sitting down with it on my lap and hand stitching the binding down.
I will post a link on my blog.
congrats to you!!!
thanks for throwing such an awesome giveaway. i came across your blog today, but i'll kepp coming back.
great reading.
you are on my blog 'are you feeling lucky???'
Congratulations May and you're right-quilting friends are the best. My favorite technique in quilting is actually applique. I find it very relaxing to sit and run the needle through the fabric. I have never tried the stitchery and quilting like you love but since I love applique I would probably love that too. Count me in for the giveaway.
A very happy blogiversary to you!!! Boy that cakes looks yummmy....anywho (I am easily distracted by cakte), I love piecing the quilt tops. The harder the better even though I complain all the way, but when it's done it is very rewarding.
2 años es mucho tiempo y mucho trabajo. Muchas felicidades y que puedas cumplir muchos años mas !!!
Felicidades...!!!, congratulations May, you have a wonderful blog I love it. I like stitchery and crazy patchwork.
Te visito a menudo y obtengo hermosas ideas para hacer, gracias por compartir tu trabajo y tu vida con nosotras.
Un gran abrazo
Muchas felicidades, me encanta tu blog. Besos. Chari. (España)
Enjoy visiting your Blog very much May Britt... Happy Blogoversary & when I learn how to Hand Quilt that will be my favoured technique adore how it looks... Posting Too !
I see I come at an inconvenient time: all those visitors here. I think we met each other on the blog of Sue Daley or Lynette Anderson. I think you got an award. Correct me if I'm wrong. You have a really nice blog! You'll see me back. By the way: I see you have a celebration: congratulations.
I see I come at a very inconvenient time: so many visitors on your blog. I think we met on the blog of Sue Daley: Was it you who got an award? Correct me if I'm wrong. You have a very nice blog. You'll see me back. And you have a celebration: congratulations.
Wow! So many comments!!
Happy Blogiversary!! I hope that you have many more :)
My favorite thing is hand piecing and hand quilting at the moment, but am finally about to start my angel story quilt (bought lots of taupes, woo hoo!) so stitchery is a favorite thing too!
Congratulations, May.
Congrats on 2 years.
Count me in for your draw.
I'm not sure I have a favourite technique. I like regular piecing and paper peicing.
I will put you info on my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win
Congratulations on reaching this milestone - what an achievement! And that's an astounding number of visitors! I'd love to win your giveaway - I'm heading over to my blog right now to post about it.
Congratulations on your 2 years blogiversary! I am new to blogging and really enjoy it! I love quilting and stitching as well!
beautiful blog to visit and read, Wow you have a lot to celebrate I will keep on visiting your blog. Good luck and keep blogging. My favority method is hand applique and also stichery...Lise (Canada)
Happy Blogiversary!
Congradulations on two years blogging!
Best regards from Sapin...
Bss, Agus
Hi I just found you and I'm sure you'll be added to my favorites. I'm also going to comment about you in my blog...dianniashouse@blogspot.com. I'm new to quilting (just had my 1 yr anniversary in July) so I'm still learning new tecniques. I'm enjoying Redwork (and Bluework) for my hand projects and just started learning hand applique (1st project is looking kind of rustic which is ok since it's a kitchen wallhanging quilt and rustic looking).
Hi May and Congrats! My favorite quilting method is needleturn applique.Love your blog and I am new to blogland, just started and love it.
Congratulation on your blogversary! I also love patchwork with embroidery, but my favorite technique is crazy quilting. It's the best way for the "glitzy girl" tucked deep inside of me to surface for a few hours!
Congratulations...we've been doing this about the same amount of time. It sure has been a fun 2 years.
wow your give away is popular.Congratulations to you ! Your blog is one of the best and of course I name you in my blog so I can have to chances LOL
Congrats! I found you a few months ago. I love reading your blog. Stitching and hand applique .... so hand work is my favorite. I just love curling up on the couch listening to some Jazz doing hand work.
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd, that's what we say in the Netherlands.
My favorite technique is patchwork with roses fabrics and a little bit of stitchery. I love your blog, I hope you go on whit it for many years
The Netherlands
Wow lots of posts already! My favorite technique is needle turn applique.
I will put a link to your giveaway on my blog
Congrats on passing a milestone and please do enter me in the fun. I will post about your giveaway on my blog. Not sure how many will jump from me to you but I'll help add to the fun.
Becky in SC - USA
HI! I love reading your blog! It takes a lot of effort to keep it going! I started blogging so I can share pictures of my quilts and life with my family in Bulgaaria. I live in US now. Congrats!
Zlatka from Bulgaria
Congratulations!!My favorite technique is slow handquilting.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Happy sewing!
I love to machine piece and embroider. Thanks for the giveaway! Here's hoping to win in Idaho!
Congrats on your anniversary - I read every post you make.
My favorite thing in quilting is embroidery and hand quilting - though I do like all of it. I like to incorporate different styles in one quilt.
I'd love to be in your drawing - so many have already entered - I was surprised.
I'm off to post about your give-away and anniversary on my blog. Thanks for the fun.
Gratulerer med 2 år med blogging. Jeg leser alltid bloggen din, og den har gitt meg mye inspirasjon. Og det er jeg sikker på at den kommer til å gjøre i fremtiden også ;)
Gosh, well I'm one of the many, but happy blogiversary! And my favorite quilting method is hand quilting (but only because that is what I have don't the most of), I'm not that experienced.
Hi May,
sorry, must write it again because I forgot to write about my favourite technique.
I love your blog and say Congratulation on the two years blogging. Your angels are so wonderful, that the angles in heaven are quite envious.....
My favourite technique in quilting is to combine both, stitchery and patchwork and I like hand applique,too.
I have posted on my blog that you have a giveaway.
Best wishes,
May Britt, I've truly enjoyed reading your blog. Happy blogiversary to you!! Thank you for sharing your quilting, stitching and life in Norway with all of us. It is always interesting to read about quilters from other parts of the world than my own. As for my favorite technique, I have to say that hand applique is tops on my list (getting lots of practice with my Baltimore Album blocks...lol). Here's to many more years of blogging!
I will post your giveaway on my blog!
Best wishes to you,
Alice I. in Maryland, USA
Happy Blogiversary, May Britt.
G'day from down under...Australia!
we first met on the chain of hearts, I have one of your hearts
Your blog is wonderful and I enjoy reading it.
At the moment, my favouroite quilting tecnique is American piecing by hand.
best wishes for many more blogging years..
Hugs julia
Happy Blogaversary! Hand applique is a technique I enjoy, and respect, though I am not advanced enough to try it myself!!
Congratulations! It is wonderful that you have shared your love of quiliting with the blogging community. My favorite quilting technique is machine piecing quilt tops. I just love sewing by machine.
Hi May Britt
Congrats on your 2year blogversary.
May there be many, many more years to come. Cheers, raised glass.
I love all types of patchwork/quilting but I really enjoy stitchery and putting it together with patchwork
Oh I would love to enter. I'm going to list this on my blog for you also.
Happy blogiversary!
Congrats on 2 years! I would love to win your booklet and enjoy reading your blog.
Congratulations! I've just found you but can tell I will find tons of inspiration here :) I've been on the hunt for more embroidery to work into quilts. . .
WOOOOOOWHOOOOO! Party time! Congratulations to you! I'm with you on blogging, it's been wonderful! I love hand embroidery and hum..hum.... I have you to blame for my addiction! lol Here's to many more years! Hugs!
Congratulations, May Britt, on your second Blogiversary! I am so happy you decided to blog since I have really enjoyed reading it and looking at the photos. I visited Oslo and Bergen 38 years ago and really enjoyed my time in Norway. I would love to return some day. I came across your blog via Anne Ida's blog and am so glad I checked it out. Mostly I enjoy piecing by machine especially SBS blocks.
Happy stitching wishes from Canada!
Karen H
Congratulations for your bloganniversary! I found your blog in January during your ufo's challenge and I enjoy reading it. I love all techniques of patchwork, but my favorite is the appliqué. Hugs from Chile.
Probably my very favorite is crazy quilting, but it sure is hard to choose,
Congratulations on your lovely work.
Happy Blog Birthday May!!
I love coming and reading your blog - especially because I love doing stitchery too. I think my favourite technique for quilting is adding stitchery to a quilt or bag or wall hanging!
I added a link to your giveaway and blog birthday on my blog. :0)
Congratulations for your anniversari!! A kiss from Spain.
Happy blog anniversary! You are such a great blogger. Just look at all the comments.
Thank you for the great time I have spent here! I love to visit yout blog!
I have spent some extra time here readying posts from the first year since you announced the anniversary. Well, I like the blog even better now. :) And the sayings of the day... they are all so cute and warm!
how exciting! I think my favourite technique in quilt making is the choosing of the fabrics and colours! How is your shoulder doing? Mine is fine now but the other one has started playing up!
Congratulations by their second fulfill blog. I do not know to quilt, I make way, but she enchants to me to mix the embroidering and fabrics.
Many congratulations by his blog, is an enchantment. I hope to have luck with you.
Thanks and Greetings
Happy Bloganniversary! I've been following your blog for a long time. Love your stitcheries.
My favorite technique is applique.
Caron in Michigan
Happy Blogiversary. May you have many more.
Wow, congrats! I really enjoy making quilts that have some embroidery on them and some patchwork.
-Cindy Keery
Congrats and Happy Blog Birthday. I enjoy reading your blog everyday and seeing all the wonderful work you do.
Gratulerer med 2 års blogging! Jeg er på begynnerstadiet med å kombinere stitchery med lappeteknikk, det vil si jeg har prosjekter som skal påbegynnes så snart det blir mer tid for innehobby igjen. Jeg vil gjerne være med i trekningen av dette heftet!
Congrats on 2 year of blogging. Your blog is one I always enjoy reading. You have such fun projects and I love seeing how your life in Norway is going and your home life. I'm in Virgina (US) so some things are similar and many different. But the best thing is that you are a quilter. Such a friendly bunch.
My favorite quilting technique is probably blanket stitching applique with machine-easy but love stitcheries and the book you are giving away has been calling my name. I'd be way too excited if you picked my name.
I'll post on my blog about your giveaway too.
Way to go!!
I love stitchery combined
with simple quilting.
Hugs Vibeke
Congratulations to you!!!
Thanks for the sharing, you have a great blog!
I love to machine piece and to handquilt.
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