Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I love secrets !!

Today I got a mail from Claire telling me that the pincushion I made for her in Linda's pincushionswap had arrived safely to australia. I made her a pincushion with a threadbin and I also added a stitchery for her to make. If you visit Claires blog you can see a happy smile so I think she liked it :) I had to borrow a photo from Claires blog because I forgot to take a photo of what I posted to her.

And now I'm waiting for the pincushion from my swap partner............wonder who it is ??? I got a mail telling me it was going to be posted one of these days.

Some days ago a surprise was in the mail for me. It was from Mary Ann in Denmark. She knows I'm collecting pincushions, and she knows I LOVE this kind of marzipan. And look at that cute little flower she also had made for me. Thank you Mary Ann............hope we can meet some day. It is not so far from Norway to Denmark.
I said in the title: I love secrets. And now I'm working on another secret. Just showing you a little glimpse of it. I can't reveal it before august...........so come back and see what it is. You can all be involved in this LOL................am I making you curious now. Wait and see.

I love secrets :)

Don't you????

This is a drawing of me. Found it on the net and it is what I'm going to do now. Put a bag over my head while browsing through quilt shops on net. Because I get so tempted looking at all the books and patterns. Is there any way to block the links to quiltshops LOL
I have decided (for God knows which time) not to buy anything more. Start reducing my stash and make from the patterns and books I already have. Heard this before LOL LOL

I know when I'm back from my summer holiday some packages will wait for me at the doorstep. I ordered the Rosalies book Gift loooooooooong time ago, so that doesn't count. I've ordered batting together with Hanne, she did it for us, so that doesn't count either LOL

Saying for today:
A friend is someone you can trade
secrets with and never worry


Monika said...

Hehe - ja den posen er det vel flere som skulle ha hatt over hodet :-)

Eg prøver heile tiden å bruke litt meir enn eg kjøper - men ikkje lett i disse friste tider -

Eg har også begynt på disse englene dere har sydd - artige
OG skal berre bruke rester - trur eg da
Smil fra monika

Anonymous said...

Claire sure does look happy, love the pic with the bag over the head. Let me know how that works for you....lol....

Lise in Norway said...

Oh yes A bag over the head is that for the shops on your way to Grimstad too?LOL it will not work I know! have a nice trip and see you soon

Stina Blomgren said...

Please let me know if that bag thing works!!! :o)
And I have seen Claires happy smile!! No wonder!
And the SECRET...now you got me curious!!!!

Andrea said...

I love secrets but can never wait for the reveal. You've got us all curious now-lol. Did the pattern arrive ok ?

Yvonne said...

It sure is hard not to buy anything when we have good friends to tempt us with goodies all the time. I'm trying to be good too.....so far so good. I haven't bought anything recently. Oops I take that back....I did buy the Angel book...LOL I guess I'm not that "good" after all!

SG said...

Last time I ordered fabric on-line from US (where it is cheapper...) I had a very unpleasent surprise: I had to pay a lot of taxes! So, when I get tempted, I remember that and don't do it... As for the quilt shops, saddly, the only one in my country is about 300Km away... I'm safe, but very sad :(

~Kristie said...

What beautiful gifts for Claire! I just LOVE the threadbin... Which pattern did you use? Good luck with the paper bag idea! LOL

Nanette Merrill said...

Secrets and surprises are so fabulous. I love to be surprised.

Hanne said...

I love the good secrets of life :-)

Maybe I could use a bag on my head as well, or maybe not........ :-)

Unknown said...

I don´t like secrets I am so curious I can´t stand them *VBG* I can see it will be something lovely. You really sent nice things to Claire.

Leanne said...

You have put it in writing so we will all keep you to that Ha Ha. I looked through my patterns the other day there are soooo many that I haven't made. Love the swap pressies

Peddlecar Quilts said...

Oh my gosh, LOVE that bag over her head!! LOL I know just how you feel. I think I need a bag too. Maybe we can start a bag party. You are too cute!

Mary Ann said...

Oh, May Britt, I look SO forward to seeing your "secret" project!!! And you're very welcome for the little package I sent...chocolate is always good food for the soul!! And yes, Denmark is not so far from Norway!! Knus, Mary Ann

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