We've had a beautiful weather this weekend. I visited my boyfriend in Oslo and today we went for a long walk by the Oslofjord.

And when I came home a surprise in my mailbox. The books I had ordered from Amazoon had arrived very quickly. So now I have all the rest of the Elm Creek books.

I look forward to read them. I want to wait reading them so I can have them for my summerholiday, but................... perhaps I just start and read veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slow on The Christmas Quilt.
I've finished the secret project and it's nicely wrapped and on it's way to the receiver. But you have all to wait until next weekend to see it.
Progress are done on my Butterfly garden block two. Number three has arrived and I read on Honeysucklecottage web that number four is being sendt this coming week. Better hurry.......
Saying for today:
We all grow best in sunshine and love
Look forward to The Circle of Quilters, I'm reading that one now, and I laugh and cry and enjoy it very much! Have a nice week!
You got a lot of good books infront of you...a lot of lovely hours...;D
Waiting for Quilters Homecoming...(have waited almost one year for that one!!!)
Looks like you had a great day! We really have seen the beginning of summer :o)
You have many hours of reading pleasure ahead of you! The Quilter's Homecoming and The Christmas Quilt are connected - so you might like to read them in that order... And I loved The Winding Ways Quilt!!! Enjoy! :o)
Lovely photos of Oslofjord it looks like a very peaceful place. Amazon are amazingly quick with their book happy reading.
Such beautiful photos. My father was Norweigan so Norway holds a special place in my heart. Enjoy your books.
What beautiful scenery, sounds like you had a lovely relaxing weekend.
Beatiful pictures!!I love blue and the ocean, it is so peaceful.
I wish you a nice time reading all these great books!
Have a nice week!
PS: I love your sayings!
They are great books - I don't quite have them all - missing one I think. I did what you did - just tried reading one very slowly - lol ! Of course I could not put them down and stayed up far too late. Enjoy !
It's Autumn in Australia, I love the colours and the crisp air, very refreshing. Enjoy your summer with all that reading. (Must start reading those books myself, have only ever heard good reviews)
Looks like a beautiful day - the waters are such a lovely shade of blue *S*
heei!!! ja d e nok meg! så artig å treffe på deg her inne! ska legge deg t i lista mi, å komme flere ganga på bsøk hit ;O)
What a great post. I need more of both!
What a beautiful coastline!
Hi May Britt
what wonderful scenery. please post more photos,
I haven't read any of the elm creek books, maybe will have to find some and read.
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