Today I stitched the block 2 and #3 on
Lynette Anderssons little BOM Noas Ark. They were so fun to make out on the porch in lovely spring sun (or should I say it's summer weather, because we had + 18 by 20:00 this evening).

My little dove block #2

And these cute cows block #3
Haven't you started this miniature BOM's never to late :)
Saying for today:
A kind word is never wasted
Hi May Britt,
its a lovely frosty morning here, the sun is shining beautifully, but no rain, unfortunately.
Love your Noah's Ark blocks, Lynette is lovely for doing this for us bloggers, I am nearly ready to start mine, have several commitments over the next few days and then here we go.
Very sweet little blocks.
stitcheries are looking good......
Nice colors on your blocks. I´ll start with block 3 this weekend.
I wounder, do you get my letter for a couple a week?
have a nice weekend!
I love you little stitchery blocks. I have downloaded the patterns but haven't begun stitching yet.
They look great May Britt. I need to download block three and get started on that. Nice fabric too!
Aww, those are turning out so cute! Love the fabric you're using for the edges.
This is so beautiful! A wonderful quilt!
Lovely blocks, dear ! :>)
I'll start my block nr3 this weekend...
I've got the patterns - does that count?
Fine blokker du har sydd. Jeg har kun kommet så langt at jeg har skrevet ut tegningene. ha ei fin helg.
I love the bright colors you are using! What a cute quilt piece. When you say the weather is +18... how warm is that exactly? Sounds cold to me!
Love them May Britt...very fresh in 30´s fabric...
Sunny and warm in the north of Sweden as well...and I love it!!
Very nice! I'll make my cows tonight, I think.
So nice of you to say that it's never too late. I've printed off all the patterns, but haven't done one yet. I do want to and yours are so inspiring.
OK. Love Lynettes desinges. Have go get started on those blocks too. Looks so cute and and are small (read. easy to finish). I'll print out and prepare for this long weekend.
love your blocks. can't wait to see more. sew~amy
Your Noah's Ark blocks are gorgeous. Love the happy fabrics.
Is this white backing what you use when you do the stitchery?
What cute blocks. I did not realize it had been so long since I had been by your site - one of the first I ever visited when I started blogging. Your stitched blocks are just so cute!
The blocks are lovely.
Kind regards,
Sonnja, from the Netherlands
Beertje Zonn
What fun projects you have been working on -- and for someone who says they have no time to sew, you have done more than I have in the past month and I haven't been working full time! I've missed reading your blog and I'm so glad to be back and catching up on what you've been doing!
So pretty! I have traced the third block but it is not stitched yet.
c'est mignon tout plein , je ne sais si je vais avoir le temps d le faire mais j'aime beaucoup
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