Will start preparing it tomorrow, today I have to clean up the house a little bit. My DD is coming back home from school and I want everything to be ready so we can have some quality time together this weekend.

FIU = Finish It Up
HSY = Haven’t Started Yet
OBW = one-block wonder
PIGS = projects in grocery sacks
PIPS = projects in process
SABLE = Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy
SEX = Stash Enhancement EXperience (or Expedition)
UFO = UnFinished Object
USO = UnStarted Object
VIP = Very Important Project
WHIMM = Works Hidden In My Mind
WIP = Work in Progress
WIWMI = Wish It Would Make Itself
WOMBAT = Waste of Money, Batting, and Time
WWIT = What Was I Thinking
I want to add some extra words I've made up some time ago:
WISP = Work In Slow Progress
WIVSP= Work In Very Slow Progress
Do you know about other acronyms that is not listed here??
Saying for today:

LOL!!! These are great. Thanks for posting them.
So good to be kept up to date on those shorts. Keep up the good work May Britt! Smile
Å denne var flott:-)
Er det lov å låne den?
Ha en kreativ dag:-)
You know, I never knew I knew so many acronyms had heard of all of them but one (one that you WIVSP)..
I love the background fabric you have chosen, its lovely.. what range is it from? Might have to get me some! LOL
Gorgeous fabrics.
Brilliant acromyms....
My favorite
IIWII=It is what it is!!!
Great fabrics - this adven calendar is going to be great - and good for you for using from your stash!!!
Cool with so many acronyms - think I had only seen half of them before...
Dear May, I copied this list to my blog, I hope it is not problem. It's really helpful!!!
I have another one, but not just for quilting: PIF, Pay It Forward. Many of us use this contraction.
ps.: I love your work, come always when I see a new post at you:))
KicsiKató from Hungary, Europe
fantastic...I needed a giggle! Thanks so much, love the humor!
That adventcalender of your are going to be wonderful...love your choices... And thanks for the acronyms...a lot of AHA´s at my place...and laughter...;D
I've always wanted to make an advent calendar. I can't wait until I see yours all finished! Love the fabric.
Advent? Oh May Britt -- you must slow down -- I'm still in February LOL!
Great fabrics!!! Love the acronyms, especially the WOMBAT!!!
Hello :)
thank you for these list, i only know a few of them.
The red fabrics are very beautiful.
Great acronyms... We are always learning something from you!
Beautiful fabrics!
Good work
WIVVSOOP= Work In Very Very Sloow Progress!!!!
how my works :)
I love your works!!!
I always wondered what some of the acronyms stood for! I must go on a FART soon. lol! Actually, no, I'm trying to UMS (use my stash).
Funny ! Have you heard of a PHD - project half done ?
I couldn´t comment on your Oslofjord pictures, they are so lovely, beautiful weather. These acronyms are so funny.
Just found this going thru some of your older posts... LOVE it!! I have a few more for you to consider..
QFAH = Quilt For An Hour
SRP = Stash Reduction Project
SOB = Sew On Binding
LAQ = Long Arm Quilter
LQS = Local Quilt Store (or Shop)
FMP = Flagged Magazine Project
Great blog!!
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