Ohio quilter has a giveaway where one of the rules are: If you were given $50,000.00 to spend on yourself Plus your very bestest friend ( only one) . You have to spend all of it on yourself & bestest friend Only!!!! Because your family, kids, pets ect have everything in the world they could possible need/want. It could be anything you would do /buy, plus include at least ONE quilt related thing in there. Sky is the limit, well atleast $50,000.00 worth.

I would have ordered a ticket on the plane for me and my friend.
We would go to USA and to Australia.

And there we would have gone to several quiltshows,

shopped in wonderful quiltshops

and we would also have joined several workshops.

we would have visited a lot of YOU wonderful blogfriends

and we would have talked about our wonderful hobby.
And we had eaten at exclusive restaurants, no cooking on this trip.
and of course relaxed with some stitching at the beach.
And then we would have come back home with a lot of wonderful memories,
and if there was some money left I would bought a longarm quiltingmachine.
Saying for today:
Why does work interfere
with my crafting time

oh I love what you wrote and how, cool~~~ thanks for sharing
Ja det var da en pragtfuld måde at bruge så mange penge på, hvis bare man havde dem, men drømme er gode at have.
He, he...nøyaktig det samme som jeg ville ha gjort...det vil si: jeg hadde nøyd meg med USA - Pennsylvania ;-)
Koselig blog du har!
Good thougths
You make me smile and laugh
Hugs from Chile , Vero
That sounds great!! I'd do the same..visit my blogging friends around the world, buy some antique quilts, enhance my stash a bit, go the show in Houston, Paducah and probably Quilt Tokyo....I could definitely spend that $50,oooo. no problem!!
Sounds like a perfect way of spending the money. A nice post with many fine drawings - I liked it!
I'm with you..........this is exactly what I would do..........
That is exactly what I would do too! We are all the same us quilty bloggers LOL
lamento no conocer el idioma, pero a pesar de ello veo tu blog casi todos los dias... thank you por enseñar tus labores son preciosas
Its fun to dream - hubby and I play that game with the "when we win the lottery we will..." all the time.
Who wouldn´t like to be your friend if you had those $50.000? Just let me know when you are leaving.
Take me, take me!!! Sounds great. Jo
When you get to Australia it is only a hop, skip and a jump over to New Zealand! I am sure you would have enough money to include us on your wish trip :-)
I have just been catching up on all your lovely posts, May Britt.
I love your thoughts for spending the 50,000.00. I would like to do much the same!
Sounds lovely! I would love to travel to Europe and Australia! That would be my must do! You've been busy as always! New projects are always fun and inspirational. Keep well!
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