I'm so thrilled about all the lovely comments I received on my 2 years blogiversary. I knew I had many blogfriends all over the world, but never did I think I would get over 300 comments. Many of you were new bloggers to me.
I have read all comments and replyed on everyone where it was possible. But several (too many) of you where on no reply and it did not show up a blog either. So if you did not get an answer from me, that's a sign that you should check your profil and maybe change it so that your email adress shows. If you don't know how to do this please check Chookeyblues blog here where she shows you
How to change from no reply.
I guess you are curious now
who will be the winners

I promised to pick the winners yesterday, but my day was so busy. A friend came over for a visit and I had a lot of paperwork to do. And then it was time to go to bed.
So this morning I brought the bag with all your comments to work. Just imagine, this bag was filled with 343 comments. I had to delete the one that came twice and tripple. And add and extra lottery ticket for those who blogged about my giveaway...........and yes I checked that you had done it LOL
And then I got one of the girls at work to draw two comments.
And the winners are............................
wait a moment, just have to remind you of the prizes.
One prize is this wonderful booklet filled with stitcheries from the designer Bronwyn Hayes.
She is one of my favorite designers.
and the second prize is this little stitchery I've made. I also love cats you know.
And then.......
The winners are

sorry, but it's so fun to tease you
And the winners are:

First comment that was pulled out of the bag was
STINA (Kviltstina). And the second comment that was pulled out of the bag was from LORRAIN (Granny Loz).
I've decided that the first winner is to choose what she wants as a prize. The book or the stitchery. And then the other one gets what left :)
So please Stina emaile me your wish. And Lorraine please email me your adress so I can send you your prize.
And to all of you others, sorry I don't have a prize for you all. But know that we are all together in the Quiltblogging world, sharing ideas, happy thoughts, fun, laughter, inspiration, photos and friendship. And that's perhaps the biggest prize.
Saying for today:
The best way to cheer yourself up
is to try to cheer somebody else up

Me ... out of 343...never thought that... A happy day indeed... :0)
And I choose the book...cause you all know how much I love to stitch and make patchwork...
TACK.....TACK!!!! unbelieveable...:o)
Congratulations to Stina and Lorrain. ¡How lucky you are...! And also congratulations for you Aby for sooooooo many comments...
I love your stitchery, and as I have no won the price... I´ll find some book to start.
A lot of kisses from Granada.
Teresa Sako.
You really made it exciting! The prizes are wonderful! Congratulations to the lucky winners, they have now something very special!
Congrats on your giveaway....so generous of you...they are lucky winners!!!
Congrats to the lucky ladies and to you May for your wonderful blog!
Congratulations Stina and Lorraine! Thanks again May for sponsoring a great give-a-way.
Congrats to those 2 lucky girls.
May Britt... I had as much fun reading your post on the drawing of the Giveaway as the girls who won I'm Sure... Lots of Chuckles Here!!! Congratulations Girls !
Congratulations to Stina and Lorrain! Enjoy reading about the winner and again Happy 2 Years of Blogging.
Congratulations to Stina and Lorraine. Yes that was a big tease, but fun.
Congratulations to the winners!
Oh, congratulations to Stina and Lorraine! WooHoo!!!!
Congratulation Stina and Lorrain. It's so much fun to be picked SMILE I know from experience.
Congrats ladies; you are a lucky winner!!!
Congrats May, for your blog and for your post, really funny,... sure..
Thanks, May Britt, for that fun and congrats to the lucky winners!
Just caught up with all the action and would like to wish you a belated Happy 2 Year Blogiversary!!! Lovely giveaways for the lucky ones-have a fun day:)
Congratulations to the winners, very nice prizes...
Best regards to the winners. Its exciting to see how much participation you had!
I agree, we all get our prizes everyday by being a part of the blogging world of quilters.
Congratulations to you May for having a great giveaway for your 2 years of blogging and second to Stina and Lorrain for being the winners.
Keep Stitchen'
Congrats to the winners, and congrats to yoy, too for a great giveaway.
It was nice finding your blog and adding it to my list.
Gratulere til Stina og Lorrain -
morgensmil fra monika
You are a tease-it is great!!
Well done on the 2 year anniversary! You must be feeling very popular with all those comments.Here's to many more years, tracey
Congrats to Stina and Lorrain! What fun this was to be a part of.
Becky in SC-USA
well, I'm jealous or Stina and Lorrain - just a bit. But your blog is so much fun and so inspiring - after all 343 comments! Wow! Please continue showing us your wonderful work and telling us about your quilty friends. Looking forward to another great 100 visits! Suzk
Congratulations to the winners, they are soooo lucky, I love redwork and especially B Hayes. Thanks for sharing your wonderful work and look forward to heaps more posts. Happy Stitching
Congratulations to Stina and Lorraine!
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