Thursday, April 05, 2007


Finally some days home from work. Relaxing, sleeping, eating and sewing. The sun is still shining, but the wind is blowing to rough so I do not want to go out. Instead I have been sitting in my sewingroom preparing a model for a class I am giving in a couple of weeks. A sewing bag with stitchery/redwork on. I have permission from Bronwyn Hayes to use her patterns from magazines in my classes. And this is one of her drawings, but with norwegian text. And the text says: My bsket is filled with joy of life. The fist evening they will learn how to do stitchery and the next they will sew the bag.
My cat Frida loves to sleep in my sewingroom. And when I cleaned it some days ago I found a catbasket for her. She would not use it earlier. Perhaps because some years ago this was the basket for one of my other cats. And I think she did not dare to use it because it was his basket and he always chased her . But now she is THE BOSS in the house and she does whatever she wants. So she occupied this basket at once and now she loves to sleep in it.
So now back to sewing. Next project is to finish the binding on my tulip table runner.

I noticed that some of my links in the sidebar to blogs I love to visit was not working. Now I have done a update on them and also added some new ones.
Saying for today:
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift


Anonymous said...

I love the basket and the verse. You would you mind emailing me the Norwegian text? I think I have copied it right but want to be sure. My DD and her partner spent 3 weeks on vacation in Norway lat summer and they would love a stitchery like that. Is there a pattern I can order somewhere? Thanks so much..and I'm glad your getting time back sew! Hapy Easter!

Rose Johnston said...

I love the so tempted to add one to our ur stitchery, is that a Brownwyn Hayes??? looks like hers....Happy Easter!!!

Darlene said...

That sewing bag is adorable! What a fun class to attend. You are so talented, May Britt!

Frida looks content sleeping in her basket.

Darlene said...

Oh, Happy Easter and I hope you enjoy your days at home.

Anonymous said...

Lovely sewing bag, Bronwyn's designs are always cute, and your cat looks very content in her basket. Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

Anne Ida said...

That bag is soo cute! I bet there will be many happy ladies with red work mania after your class! And seeing the stitchery I can hardly wait for my Bronwyn Hayes BOM starts :o)

Frida the cat looks just like my aunt's cat - whose mother's name is Frida the cat :o) My next door neighbour used to have a terrier called Frida, and my Great Aunt was called Frida... Nice name!

Happy Easter!!!

Libby said...

We all need a cozy little 'basket' to rest in *s*

sewprimitive karen said...

Oh, your cat Frida looks happy and snug.

Deb Sews Quilts said...

Is Frida a black persian? I have a furbaby that looks like her. The bag is great. Where can I buy the pattern? I see your redwork and love it but can't seem to find anything as wonderful as your work.

meggie said...

I agree with the saying!
Lovely bag, how nice to use your language.
And I loved seeing your cat all cosy.

Susan said...

You are really getting into all the teaching! It is great to share that way. I love the stitchery and the bag.

Cynthia said...

the Bronwyn Hayes bag is lovely May Britt. Have a lovely Easter.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

I love Bronwn Hayes and it seems strange seeing her words in Norwegian! Great colour choice for the bag, Happy Easter, Tracey

Susan said...

Such a delightful bag you will be teaching...... Glad you have a few days off to recharge your creative batteries.

Doesn't a cat improve any room? I really liked the tulips on your window sill. Isn't that the porch you were sitting in the sun on earlier this week?

Have a wonderful Easter

Anita said...

Pompaduren ble kjempeflott - hadde ikke regnet med noe annet når det gjelder deg ;-D Gi Frida en god påskeklem fra meg :-)))

Patti said...

Just a heads up May - in case it matters to you - the link in your sidebar to my blog takes one to last year's blog, not my new blog.

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