Monday, April 09, 2007


I wake up this morning to..........THIS :(

It started to snow last night, but I thought it would go away. But it kept snowing and snowing and today................ grpmh :( After having such beautiful (but windy) days I was ready for spring and summer. Not this. But I hope it will melt during the day. And I have already changed to summer tires on my car!!!!
After finishing the bindings of my ufo's earlier this easter I started on this spring project. I bought the pattern when I was on our annual quilt meeting in march and I wanted to do this now. So yesterday I finished the stitchery on the three spring flowers. Blåveis (lieverlief), snøklokker (snowdrops) and krokus (crocus). The photo is not good, but my camera would not cooperate. So now I will enter my sewing room and see if I find some fabric suitable for these flowers. I want something in light green, turquoise and yellow. Spring colours.

One day left of my holiday. Tomorrow it's work again. And I know there is a lot of work waiting for me to be done. It has been a good holiday. A lot of relaxing, sewing, visiting my mother and visitors. I needed these days off from work now.

So I will make use of this day as best as I can.

Saying for today:

A friend is that one word "hello" over the phone
that can make you feel better than 10 minutes
of conversation with anyone else.


Leigh said...

Your stitcheries are just gorgeous. I shouldn't laugh but the pot plants covered in snow look hilarious :-D

Pilar Ramos said...

Although Nevada is a disadvantage, always is reason for joy because it makes think you about leaving to play. Your new project I like much.

Juliann in WA said...

love your little stitcheries - must be in the air because I have been wanting to do some embroidery too.

Shelina said...

Yes, seeing snow in April is hard, especially after beautiful weather that makes you think it is spring. Those stitcheries are beautiful, and at least you can have spring inside even if you can't outside.

Libby said...

Living where it never snows - I think it looks great no matter the time of year *s*

Darlene said...

The "blanket" of new snow is beautiful. Just enjoy staying inside and stitching away.

Our weather keeps me inside, too. Not the snow - the HOT sun. LOL

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh those stitcheries look so springy! Are they colored inside the lines of the stitchery! I know you said your camera was not behaving. But I love those colors. Very pretty.

Anonymous said...

May Britt your embroidery is lovely, and you've used colour tinting with it, terrific. I think your blanket of snow looks wonderful.

Anita said...

My spring stichery is finished - now I am waiting to see yous :-D

Tina said...

Ja snø fikk vi også her helt sør i landet i går. Heldigvis så forsvant den fort. Gleder meg til å se det ferdige vår broderiet du holder på med. Du syr veldig mye fint May Britt :-D

Julie said...

I love your stitcheries. They are really pretty.

Jeanne said...

May, you had even more snow than we did this past week-end! I think a light blanket of snow is beautiful, too - in December! Not April! ;-D
Love your stitcheries, as always.

Sigrun said...

Your embrodery "Vårbroderusk" is so wonderful. I have just started on mine. I have been "training" on anohter you now before I started. Thank you helping me.

Susan said...

And there is your poor little daffodil lying there all cold and frozen. You could share one of those gorgeous quilts to keep it warm.

You give me such inspiration with your beautiful quilts.

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