Friday, April 27, 2007

YOOOOOHOOOOOO - a mailbox surprise

On wednesday this big envelope was in my mailbox. What a surprise. I knew Darlene had posted something to me, but to have such a big......and heavy envelope......WOW I rushed inside and opened it and tripple WOW.....look at this. Look what Darlene have sendt me. I am speachless.
A Best of Quilt sampler magazine. I have not seen this in Norway....yet.... we always get our magazines in the kiosk very late :) It is a wonderful magazine full of beautiful patterns. The fun part is that one of the patterns in it is one of my favorites, and I made that quilt several years ago. I blog it later this weekend when I find it in my pile of quilts LOL

Darlene had also spoiled me with three packs of beautiful Moda charms. How did she know I love Moda fabrics. And those two packs of Seaside Rose charms.........wonderful. My DD was so excited when she saw these. So I think she has to have one of them. I see a romantic quilt made of these charms. With light light fabrics combined together with the charms. I think I am getting in a romantic mood now.

I would have blogged all this on wednesday when I got it, but I had to wait. You know Nadine was also expecting a surprise from Darlene. The mailman was on her door on wednesday too, but she was not home, so she just got a message the envelope was to be delivered on friday. So I would not spoil her surprise if she got the same.

So I have been teasing her these days. She calls me a CT. Do you know what that means. a Cruel Teaser ROFL We have had such fun these late days. Me teasing and she getting teased. I'm starting to know Nadine very well (even though we have never met) and I would not have teased her like this if I didn't know whe could deal with it. Sorry Nadine, but I have had such great fun.

But now it's friday and she got her surprise so NOW I finally can post what I got

Thank you so much dear Darlene for this beautiful surprise. You have spoiled me. You are a great friend.

Saying for today:

Friends are gift that heaven sends.


Anonymous said...

I'm sooo glad for you, too, dear ! You deserve it.... and you're a favourite "CT" ! LOL LOL

(thanks for having waited to post)

QuiltingFitzy said...

That is just terrific! A great friend appreciating another great friend.

We would all be so lonesome without the 'net!!!

Libby said...

Mailbox surprises are so wonderful - enjoy.

Darlene said...

You've made me laugh, May Britt. I'm glad that you teased Nadine. LOL

As I said when you received your treasures "from my heart to your hands". Enjoy my friend and please post a picture of the quilt you spoke about.


Angie said...

How wonderful, May Britt! As quilting fitzy said, we would all be so lonesome without our 'net' friends!! :D Enjoy!

Carole said...

Wooohoooo! Lucky girl! I love surprises! Don't they just make your day! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful, that friendships are not limited by distance. Lovely parcel contents, you lucky girl, enjoy and we look forward to seeing the what you create with these.

Susan said...

Darlene is a special friend to send such wonderful surprises. You are special and deserve them.

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