Saturday I spent almost all the day drawing and cutting pieces for my cube quilt . I thought I had saved the fabrics for this quilt in a box, but when I looked through it I noticed that I had been in that box before and some of the fabrics were gone. So I had to look through my stash and luckily I fond most of the "old" fabric. It was fun to see the fabrics again. My taste have changed a bit during the years, but I think I will be satisfied with this quilt when it is finished. It is a lot of memories in all the old fabrics (can I call it old fabric when it is over six years old???).Making the pieces take such long time. But I think I have made enough pieces for the whole quilt now. I have a favorite tool I use when I draw pieces. A little plate covered with fine sandpaper. It makes the fabric lay still when I draw around the templates.

I pieced together a lot of cubes and started to play with them. When I found the right place for the cubes I started to add the dark triangles. Do you notice that it looks like the cubes are surrounded by a star :)

And voila.... a new row of cubes is ready to be stitched to the quilt.

I do it all by handpiecing. It is so relaxing to play with the colours making cubes and then stitch them together. I have not been doing this kind of sewing for a while and I realised now how much I have missed it. I have done so much applique and stitchery lately so it was fun to handpiece again. Next monday I am starting a basic class in handpiecing again, and I look forward to teach the six ladies who is joining my class how to do this.
Have you joined the Siggie swap yet? If you want to know more about it take a look at Cynthias blog
here. She is explaining the rules and a little tutoril how to make the blocks we are swapping.
Quilt saying for today:
Our lives are like quilts - bits and pieces,
joy and sorrow, stitched with love
That looks fantastic may Britt and I think you may be just what I need!! I started basting my diamonds for a lone star last night and even though I found instructions on the net I am still struggling. I may email you or you may even like to share a few more of your techniques on this for those of us who are just trying it-especially the little trick with the sandpaper-sounds useful. LOL tracey-I probably need to come to your class!!
Oh, what a striking quilt! It's so perfect for displaying a collection of fabrics. Are you using the English paper piecing method on this or the method that involves drawing around a template and then handstitching along the pencil line. Both methods would work I think. It will be fun watching your progress. I'm amazed you could recognize the fabrics if you'd mixed them in with the rest of your stash.
Oh this looks hard!!! But what a beauty!!!
The quilt looks lovely. I was hand piecing a tumbling blocks quilt but ran into problems joining the blocks.
I've joined the siggie swap. I'm excited. I haven't done a swap in a while and I'm ready for one.
Such a lot of hand piecing but the results are fantastic.
I love this quilt - I rarely hand piece but this quilt would be worth it!
Your "cubes" are beautiful. I do see the stars! I'll bet you are truly enjoying this bit of handpiecing. You are so talented - I need to come take a class or two from you! :-)
I love your quilt so far, it is beautiful. It's one of my favorite designs, so fun to look at. :D
Waow!!!!! I LOVE this quilt with this dark background. It will be a beauty, really....
I love the look of the tumbling blocks...I used to not like the pattern, but it is really growing on me, especially with the black background... I always have a hand piecing project since my Dear Jane obsession, lol, and after my applecore quilt, I can see this being next!! Too many quilts, so little time!
lovely quilt May Britt. So many pieces.
That is beautiful MayBritt I absolutely love it :) I cant wait to see the finished. Thanks for showing that! xoxo melzie
I've been wanting to make one of these. Yours is VERY NICE. But what a lot of work!
What a wonderful quilt - I love how the star points form. I hope to learn handpiecing (instead of e.p.p.) one day. It seems so relaxing.
Those cubes are really amazing! Quite the optical illusion. Neato!
Your cubes are stunning! enjoy the memories from the "old" fabric!
That is going to be one wonderful quilt........... Those hand done projects are so relaxing.
I like your style very much, May Britt, also your choice of fabrics and colours. I'm an active reader of your blog since approx. 3 months and I enjoy it - especaially your quilt sayings. They are exactly on the point! Thank you for your beautiful,interesting and instructive blog!! P.s. I'm in the siggi-swap, too.
Britt, your cubes are gorgeous! I`m looking forward to the finished quilt.
And you are right. Handsewing and handquilting is wonderful. For years I stitched only by hand. Since this summer I have a sewing maschine and I love her. But relaxed handquilting in the evening, TV is running, DH is sitting besides me.............that`s the best!
I have a never ending grand mother's flower garden WIP. Sometimes when I feel tired or stressed I turn to this handpieced project. Your quilt looks very nice with a three dimensional efect. Some browns and blues together work beautiful.
Our lives sure are like quilts !
that cube quilt is amazing. SO much work , my goodness !
It is just beautiful ! BEAUTIFUL !
BEAUTIFUL!!! I love making quilts....but I love buying fabric even more....perhaps that explains the closet FULL of unused fabric....oh dear....I have confessed one of my many obsessions!
Come and vist me!
Totally crazy! And so beautiful.
Wow that looks gorgeous! I love it!
welcome to the Stash Ring, but you really aren't a stranger :) I love your cubes, it's going to be a beautiful quilt when done. I love how the addition of the black creates the stars!
Kubeteppet ditt blir vakkert! Du er tålmodig som håndsyr!
Men skjærer du ikke remser i bredden av delene og så skråskjærer ved hjelp av mal? *nyskjerrig*
Your blocks are so adorable. I love the dark points that make everything stand out. Nice job. (It looks hard).
Your "cubes" are beautiful. I do see the stars!
A great quilt to hand stitch during get togethers with quilting friends.
I may start one with my scraps, I see that light, mediun and dark fabrics are needed.
May Britt do you have basic instructions on how to do the cubes on your blog..
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