I guess you all have seen Melanies beautiful Buggy Barn heart quilt in her blog
"Covered porches and wooden Screen doors". I had mentioned for her that I wanted to try to make this and look.....she sendt me her pattern.........and this beautiful valentine card. Thank you so very much Melanie, quilters are the greatest friends!!!!
I will try this pattern as soon as I get som more free time. Just now I am so busy with preparing the registration for our annual quilt meeting in the Norwegian Quilt Association in march. I am going to Grimstad (a citiy in the south of Norway) this weekend and we are going to have a working weekend. I promise I will bring my camera and show some photos of this beautiful city.

And Jeanne Meddaugh from Saginaw, Michigan mailed me and told she had recognized her siggie block in my quilt. How fun. Below is her block in my quilt.
It will be fun to see your version of the heart quilt. That Melanie is a sweetie *s*
That is a really cute heart pattern. I have never read that blog, thanks for the link -- so many blogs - so little time!! Instead I should be quilting.
Good to hear that Hanne's doing well.
May, I have seen you comment on my blog and have now found yours and will add you to my list!!
love the valentine that melanie sent. she is a doll! and i love your quilting quotes
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