The participans on these hearts are Synnøve who tell me that she is soooo happy joining this RR because when she was looking for something to "sign" the RR with she looked in som boxes and found her diamond ring which have been lost for several years. She has made the spiderweb in the left corner (if there is a corner on a heart LOL). And the spider looks so real. Spiders give luck and it did. She has also made that beautiful spiderwebrose for me.
Next one on the RR was Hanne. She made the beautiful birdhouses to the right. I know she loves to embroider and she makes beautiful work.
Gun Torild has continued on Hannes Flowergarden and made som more flowers using some old (antique?) buttons. I wanted the colours to be in cream/brown but she has added som green pearls and pink embroidery and I love it!!!!! It was perfect for my heart.
Nina was the next one. She has embellished with a lot of beeds in the bottom of the heart. And the bead butterfly in the right "corner" is beautiful made. I very nice idea. And then she made flowers with beeds to the right. I love these flowers.
Siw made the tree on the left top. All those french knots. WOW. I love it. You have made a beautiful tree with shadows made in gold embroidery.
The last one on my RR was Kari. She has added the lovely embellished lace on the right top, and the featherstithch with black pearls.
Thank you all for joining my Crazy RR and making my hearts soooooo beautiful.
Most of the ladies had never done any crazy quilting before. I did not know what I started when I started this RR. But I know we all have learned a lot on this road. And I know I am going to do CQ between my sane quilting. I enjoyed working with all the emellishment. And this have brouhte me furhter on to other lists and other CQfriends all over the world. I am happy that I started this crazy RR. I know I want to either start another one or joining a new crazy RR. This time perhaps with friends frow all over the world. Do I start it or is there any upcomming CQRR now??
Most of the ladies had never done any crazy quilting before. I did not know what I started when I started this RR. But I know we all have learned a lot on this road. And I know I am going to do CQ between my sane quilting. I enjoyed working with all the emellishment. And this have brouhte me furhter on to other lists and other CQfriends all over the world. I am happy that I started this crazy RR. I know I want to either start another one or joining a new crazy RR. This time perhaps with friends frow all over the world. Do I start it or is there any upcomming CQRR now??
This became a long "letter" from me early in the morning wednesday. Wanted to post this yesterday but the blog did not allow me to upload any pictures. I got a big warning that it was unstabel until this morning. First time I have got this warning. And no idea publish it without photos. But now .......take a look at my hearts and the beautiful embellishment these ladies have done.

It's truly beautiful and what a wonderful keepsake from your friends. Cherish it always.
It's very beautiful. They will look good together
How lovely your hearts turned out May Britt :-)
You can still make stuffed hearts if you want, even if the embellishments are a little close to the edge. You can sew the backing to the heart by hand. You can for example make a cardboard template and sew the parts together by whip stitches. You can also reverse applique the hearts if you want to make a pillow.
I guess I have to blog my finished piece soon :-)
May Britt, The hearts are so lovely.
I have a tutorial on my blog for turning the hearts ready to applique...look in my sidebar for "turning hearts for applique"
I did it this way for my hearts. email me if you have any trouble. Hugs
May Britt you are so lucky to have such beautiful hearts.
Perhaps you could do what Hanne suggested and make stuffed hearts and add a tassell to the bottom and some pretty cord on the top. I have one like it with roses on it. I hang it on the doorhandle of the loung room door.
May Britt , your hearts are beautiful, you and your friends did a great job.
If you want to start an internationa RR, count me in!
What beautiful keepsake. I have no suggestions for you what to do with them. I'm sure whatever you do it will be gorgeous.
Your hearts are just wonderful, if you start another Round Robin, I'd love to join also!
Hei! Så nydelige hjerter du har på bloggen din, og blokken med engelen var skjønn! Jeg syr også en del, og ekseperimenterer med forskjellige ting. :)
Do you attach/baste the crazy block to batting and binding first & then add the embellishments?
I would love to play, but I am a complete novice....
I meant batting and backing, not binding.... Sorry.
(I always though that it was a crazy piecedd block that was embellished and then you add the batting anf backing....)
I love the beautiful work you ladies do.It all looks so dainty and perfect!
Very beautiful detail work! How nice that you had a good experience with your RR.
WOW. They are so beautiful. Very inspirational for me.
Beautiful, May Britt, the heart was almost too little for all the nice embroidery.
You have a very skilled group.
Really lovely May, the ladies all did a wonderful job on your hearts and whatever project you decide on - will look beautiful!
Gosh, the hearts are just lovely. I have never done any crazy quilting, so I can't give you any suggestions about what to do with them, but I will really look forward to seeing the end result!
Can't wait to visit your blog again!
These are wonderful, May Britt. Sounds like Hanne had some good suggestions for you to take it to the next step.
Hi Mary Britt,
Try this site I think you will find what you need here. If not, just enjoy tthis treasure.
Good health and cheer to you and your family
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